New Publications
Harikrishnan K, Rajeshkumar KC, Patil PM, Jeewon R, Visagie CM. (2025) Aspergillus dhakephalkarii and A. patriciawiltshireae spp. nov., two new species in Aspergillus sect. Nigri ser. Japonici (Eurotiales, Aspergillaceae) from India. Phytotaxa 695:57–79.
Dewing C, Visagie CM, Steenkamp ET, Wingfield BD, Yilmaz N. (2025) Three new species of Fusarium (Nectriaceae, Hypocreales) isolated from Eastern Cape dairy pastures in South Africa. MycoKeys 115:241–271.

van der Merwe E, Slippers B, Dittrich-Schröder G. (2025) Exploring artificial diets for the laboratory rearing of Sirex noctilio late-instar larvae: a qualitative study. Zenodo
Brasier CM, Grünwald NJ, Bourret TB, Govers F, Scanu B, Cooke DEL, Bose T, Hawksworth DL, Abad ZG, Albarracin MV, Alsultan W, Altamirano-Junqueria AE, Arifin AR, Arnet MJ, Aumentado HDR, Bakonyi J, Belisle WH, Benigno A, Bienapfl JC, Bilodeau GJ, Blair JE, Botella L, Brandano A, Cacciola SO, Carbone I, Castroagudin VL, Chaendaekattu N, Consford JD, Corcobado T, Covey PA, Daniels HA, Deidda A, Dorrance AE, Dort EN, Drenth A, Drizou F, Evangelisti E, Fajardo SN, Fang Y, Ference CM, Frankel SJ, Goss EM, Guest DI, Hardy GESJ, Harris ARH, Hawku MD, Heungens K, Hong C, Horner IJ, Horta Jung M, Iyanda OJ, Jamieson B, Jeffers SN, Judelson HS, Junaid M, Kalogeropoulou E, Kamoun S, Kang S, Kasuga T, Kudláček T, LeBoldus J, Lee CA, Li D, Llanos AK, Lopez-Nicora HD, Machado H, Di San Lio GM, Maia C, Mandal K, Manosalva P, Martin FN, Matson MEH, McDougal RL, McDowell JM, Michelmore RW, Milenković I, Moricca S, Mostowfizadeh-Ghalamfarsa R, Nagy Z, Nikolaeva EV, Ortega-López P, Paap T, Parada-Rojas CH, Peduto Hand F, Perez-Sierra A, Pettersson M, Prasad P, Puig AS, Raco M, Rajput NA, Ristaino JB, Rooney-Latham S, Seidl MF, Shamoun SF, Solla A, Spies CFJ, Sudermann MA, Swiecki TJ, Tian M, Tripathy S, Uematsu S, Van Poucke K, Vichou AE, Walter M, Webber JF, Williams NM, Wingfield MJ, Yadav D, Yang X, Jung T. (2025) Preserving the Biologically Coherent Generic Concept of Phytophthora, ‘Plant Destroyer’. Phytopathology
Stazione L, Corley JC, Allison JD, Hurley BP, Lawson SA, Lantschner MV. (2025) Novel associations among insect herbivores and trees: Patterns of occurrence and damage on pines and eucalypts. Ecological Applications 35:e70018.
Townsend G, Hill M, Hurley BP, Roets F. (2025) Escalating threat: increasing impact of the polyphagous shot hole borer beetle, Euwallacea fornicatus, in nearly all major South African forest types. Biological Invasions 27

Makunde PT, Slippers B, Bush S, Hurley BP. (2025) Host specificity and host stage preference of Psyllaephagus species (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) towards invasive eucalypt psyllids (Hemiptera: Aphalaridae). Agricultural and Forest Entomology :1-13.
Tarigan M, Wingfield MJ, Jami F, Oliveira LSS, Saha MA, Durán A, Pham NQ. (2025) Pathogenicity of Pythium myriotylum on Acacia crassicarpa and Acacia mangium × Acacia auriculiformis clones in Indonesia. Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 87:1–5.
D’Angelo D, Hu H, Lahoz E, Risteski J, Steenkamp E T, Viscardi M, van der Nest M A, Wu Y, Yu H, Zhou J, Karandeni Dewage C S, Kotta-Loizou L I, Stotz H U, Fitt B D L, Huang Y, Hu Y, Kiss L, Sorrentino R, Nkomo T, Zhou X, Vaghefi N, Sonnekus B, Bose T, Cerrato D, Cozzolino L, Creux N, D’Agostino N, Fourie G, Fusco G, Hammerbacher A, Idnurm A, Wingfield BD. (2025) IMA GENOME - F20 A draft genome assembly of Agroathelia rolfsii, Ceratobasidium papillatum, Pyrenopeziza brassicae, Neopestalotiopsis macadamiae, Sphaerellopsis filum and genomic resources for Colletotrichum spaethianum and Colletotrichum fructicola. IMA Fungus 16:e141732.
Muema EK, van Lill M, Venter SN, Claassens R, Steenkamp ET. (2025) Mesorhizobium salmacidum sp. nov. and Mesorhizobium argentiipisi sp. nov. are symbionts of the dry-land forage legumes Lessertia diffusa and Calobota sericea. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 19(3):1-20.
Motaung TE, Ratsoma FM, Kunene S, Santana QC, Steenkamp ET, Wingfield BD. (2025) Harnessing exogenous membrane vesicles for studying Fusarium circinatum and its biofilm communities. Microbial Pathogenesis
van Dijk A, Wilson AM, Marx B, Hough B, Swalarsk-Parry BS, De Vos L, Wingfield MJ, Wingfield BD, Steenkamp ET. (2025) CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing reveals that the Pgs gene of Fusarium circinatum is involved in pathogenicity, growth and sporulation.. Fungal Genetics and Biology
Balocchi F, Wingfield MJ, Paap T. (2025) First record of the white root rot fungus Dematophora necatrix on indigenous South African trees. Journal of Plant Pathology

Coelho MA, David-Palma M, Aylward J, Pham NQ, Visagie CM, Fuchs T, Yilmaz N, Roets F, Sun S, Taylor JT, Wingfield BD, Fisher MC, Wingfield MJ, Heitman J. (2025) Decoding Cryptococcus: From African biodiversity to worldwide prevalence. PLOS Pathogens 21:e1012876.
Solís M, Hammerbacher A, Wingfield M.J, Naidoo S. (2025) Enhancing plantation forest sustainability: A review of Eucalyptus defence mechanisms to foliar fungal pathogens. Current Forestry Reports
Ratsoma MF, Santana QC, Wingfield BD, Steenkamp ET, Motaung TE. (2025) Understanding cargo sorting and interactive effects of membrane vesicles in fungal phytopathogens: Current knowledge and research gaps. Fungal Biology Reviews 51
Harvey A, van den Berg N, Swart V. (2025) In silico characterisation of the avocado WAK/WAKL gene family with a focus on genes involved in defence against Phytophthora cinnamomi. Frontiers in Plant Science 15:1474781.

Botes J, Ma X, Chang J, Van de Peer Y, Berger DK. (2025) Flavonoids and anthocyanins in seagrasses: implications for climate change adaptation and resilience. Frontiers in Plant Science 15(1520474):1-17.
Wondafrash M, Wingfield MJ, Hurley BP, Slippers B, Mutitu EK, Jenya H, Paap T. (2025) DNA sequence data confirms the presence of two closely related cypress-feeding aphid species on African cypress (Widdringtonia spp.) in South Africa. Southern Forests 86:278-285.

Mangani R, Mazarura J, Matlou S, Marquart A, Archer E, Creux N. (2025) The impact of past and current district-level climatic shifts on maize production and the implications for South African farmers. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 156:109.
Möller H, Slippers B, van den Berg N. (2025) Branch canker battles: understanding and managing the Botryosphaeriaceae in avocado. Phytoparasitica 53(17)
Pham NQ, Wingfield BD, Barnes I, Gazis R, Wingfield MJ. (2025) Elsinoe species: The rise of scab diseases. Plant Pathology
Theron E, van Niekerk JM, van der Waals JE. (2025) A review of the use of phosphonates in the management of Phytophthora nicotianae in citrus in South Africa. Phytoparasitica 53(11)

Aylward J, Atkins S, Roets F, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2025) Several Seiridium species (Sporocadaceae: Xylariales) cause cypress canker in South Africa. Fungal Biology 129:101528.
Martin G, Canavan K, Chikowore G, Bugan R, De Lange W, du Toit B, Harding G, Heath R, Hill M, Hurley BP, Ivey P, Muir D, Musedeli J, Richardson DM, Slippers B, Stafford L, Turner A, Watson K, van Wilgen BW. (2025) Managing wilding pines in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa: Progress and prospects. South African Journal of Botany 177:377-391.

Wingfield MJ, Slippers B, Barnes I, Duong AT, Wingfield BD. (2025) The Pine pathogen Diplodia sapinea: Expanding frontiers. Current Forestry Reports 11(2)
Hurley BP, Lawson S, Slippers B. 2025. Biological Control of Insect Pests in Plantation Forests. Springer: Switzerland.
Mangani R, Archer E, Engelbrecht C, Bellochi G, Mukiibi A, Creux N. 2025. The Impact of Climate Change on Crop Production and Food Security: A South African Perspective. In: Climate Change, Food Security, and Land Management. Leal Filho W, Matandirotya N, Yayeh Ayal D, Luetz JM, Borsari B. (eds). Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp 1-12.
Goundar P, Slippers B, Hurley BP, Lawson SA. 2025. Classical biological control of bark and wood borers in Pinus plantations. In: Biological Control of Insect Pests in Plantation Forests. Hurley BP, Lawson SA, Slippers B. (eds). Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp 321-338.
Hurley BP, Slippers B, Lawson SA. 2025. Biological control in plantation forests: trends and opportunities. In: Biological Control of Insect Pests in Plantation Forests. Hurley BP, Lawson SA, Slippers B. (eds). Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp 3-18.
Slippers B, Fitza KNE, Garnas JR. 2025. Genetic diversity should be considered in biological control programmes in plantation forestry. In: Biological Control of Insect Pests in Plantation Forests. Hurley BP, Lawson SA, Slippers B. (eds). Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp 71-94.
Wondafrash M, Slippers B, Hurley BP. 2025. Accidental introductions of natural enemies in plantation forests. In: Biological Control of Insect Pests in Plantation Forests. Hurley BP, Lawson SA, Slippers B. (eds). Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp 161-190.
Ashmore JS, Slippers B, Duong TA, Dittrich-Schröder G. (2024) Understanding the genetics of sex determination in insects and its relevance to genetic pest management. Insect Molecular Biology
Oostlander AG, Elfstrand M, Oliva J, Stenlid J, Well L, Grober C, Klawonn F, Brandt U, Becker Y, Slippers B, von Bargen M, Brodde L, Fleißner A. (2024) Development of a molecular genetics and cell biology toolbox for the filamentous fungus Diplodia sapinea. PLoS ONE 19:e0308794.
Balocchi F, Sanfuentes E. (2024) Fungal pathogens on Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) and French broom (Genista monspessulana) from Chile. Forest Pathology 54
Knoppersen R, Hammerbacher A, Bose T. (2024) Fungal Planet description sheets: 1697–1780 (Description of Sporisorium enterogonipteri). Fungal Systematics and Evolution 14:325–577.
Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2024) Gene transfer between fungal species triggers repeated coffee wilt disease outbreaks. PLOS Biology
Teshome DT, Zharare GE, Ployet R, Naidoo S. (2024) Molecular mechanisms underlying tree host-pathogen interactions under drought stress and subsequent rewatering in Eucalyptus grandis. Plant Stress
Cho SE, Seo ST, Nam Y, Wingfield MJ, Lee DY. (2024) Chalaropsis pruni sp. nov. (Ceratocystidaceae), a new species from Prunus serrulata var. pubescens in South Korea. Phytotaxa 671(2):191-197.
Harvey A, van den Berg N, Swart V. (2024) Describing and characterizing the WAK/WAKL gene family across plant species: a systematic review. Frontiers in Plant Science 15:1467148.

Balocchi F, Wingfield MJ, Paap T. (2024) First Report of Fusarium Wilt and Pink Rot of Phoenix canariensis in South Africa. Forest Pathology

Makunde PT, Slippers B, Hurley BP. (2024) Exploring the diversity of leafrollers (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) associated with eucalypts in South African forestry nurseries and plantations, with a new report of Strepsicrates sp.. Southern Forests 86(4):1-8.
Fuchs T, Visagie CM, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2024) Sporothrix and Sporotrichosis: A South African perspective on a growing global health threat. Mycoses 67(10):e13806.
van Heerden A, Pham NQ, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Wilken PM. (2024) Six type-I PKS classes and highly conserved melanin and elsinochrome gene clusters found in diverse Elsinoë species. BMC Genomics 25:990.
Makunde PT, Slippers B, Hurley BP. (2024) First report of the giant conifer aphid, Cinara pinivora (Wilson) and the Monterey pine aphid, Essigella californica (Essig) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in South Africa. Southern Forests 86:1-5.
Tembo M, Mahlangu JNN, Berger DK, Chimutingiza H, Chikoti PC, Prasanna BM, Suresh LM, Nsibo DL. (2024) First report of Bipolaris yamadae and Exserohilum rostrum associated with leaf spots of maize (Zea maydis) in Zambia. Plant Disease 108(9):2931.
Vilanova L, Caballol M, Zhang K, Olson Å, Barnes I, Wingfield MJ, Oliva J. (2024) New simple sequence repeat markers reveal undetected diversity in Spanish and Californian Diplodia sapinea populations. Fungal Genetics and Biology 175:103937.

Bose T, Mahomed TG, Mbatha KC, Joubert JC, Hammerbacher A. (2024) Tissue ontogeny and chemical composition influence bacterial biodiversity in the wood and shoot tip of Populus nigra. Plant Biology :1-11.
Aylward J, Marincowitz S, Basson RJ, Rippon W, Wingfield MJ, Roets F. (2024) Four new Geosmithia species from bark beetles infesting indigenous South African trees. Fungal Biology