The RGE-FABI Tree Health Programme (RGE-FABI THP) was established in 2018 as a collaborative venture between the Indonesian-based Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) Group and the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) at the University of Pretoria. This partnership addresses challenges posed by pests and diseases to RGE’s forestry operations in Indonesia and Brazil. The initiative involves FABI researchers working in partnership with RGE’s divisions: Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings Limited (APRIL) and Brazil based Bracell Limited.

Insect pests and diseases are emerging as one of the most important threats to plantation forestry globally. This situation presents significant challenges for all forestry companies. The RGE-FABI THP recognises FABI’s capacity as the largest single group of scientists working on tree health globally. The research conducted by the FABI tree health team is broad including trees in natural ecosystems and planted forests. But its core focus is on reducing the impact of insect pests and pathogens in plantations of mainly non-native trees such as species of Eucalyptus, Acacia and Pinus. And it is in this domain that RGE and FABI will collaborate.

Professor Mike Wingfield who has the responsibility of coordinating the RGE-FABI THP is passionate regarding global collaboration. In this regard, his philosophy is that collaboration between forestry companies globally is essential to resolving insect pest and pathogen problems in plantation forestry. Agents of plantation destruction are moving increasingly rapidly across continents. Consequently, knowledge of problems before they arise in new areas provides forestry companies with opportunities to plan ahead and to reduce losses. Likewise, collaboration in dealing with insect pests via biological control requires global partnerships and strategies that stretch beyond country borders. In this way the RGE-THP is valuable not only to the specific partners involved in the project but also to a broader international forestry community who must benefit from increased knowledge regarding pest problems in plantations globally.

The RGE-FABI THP is one of the most important and exciting global partnerships to focused on tree health to have emerged recently. It will closely link the significant research programmes of RGE and FABI. And it will fund postgraduate students and postdoctoral Fellows from different parts of the world to study priority disease and pest problems across international boundaries. It will place the RGE forestry divisions at the forefront of pest and disease problems affecting particularly Eucalyptus and Acacia. And in doing so, it will also expand the research opportunities, education and experiences of young researchers with an interest in tree health and global collaborative ventures.

Contact us

Contact Prof. Mike Wingfield
Telephone +27 12 4203937
Fax +27 12 4203939
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Postal address 74 Lunnon Street,
University of Pretoria




New Publications

Tarigan M, Wingfield MJ, Jami F, Oliveira LSS, Saha MA, Durán A, Pham NQ. (2025) Pathogenicity of Pythium myriotylum on Acacia crassicarpa and Acacia mangium × Acacia auriculiformis clones in Indonesia. Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 87:1–5. 10.2989/20702620.2024.2432863
Wondafrash M, Wingfield MJ, Hurley BP, Slippers B, Mutitu EK, Jenya H, Paap T. (2025) DNA sequence data confirms the presence of two closely related cypress-feeding aphid species on African cypress (Widdringtonia spp.) in South Africa. Southern Forests 86:278-285. 10.2989/20702620.2024.2390863 PDF
Pham NQ, Wingfield BD, Barnes I, Gazis R, Wingfield MJ. (2025) Elsinoe species: The rise of scab diseases. Plant Pathology 10.1111/ppa.14015
Martin G, Canavan K, Chikowore G, Bugan R, De Lange W, du Toit B, Harding G, Heath R, Hill M, Hurley BP, Ivey P, Muir D, Musedeli J, Richardson DM, Slippers B, Stafford L, Turner A, Watson K, van Wilgen BW. (2025) Managing wilding pines in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa: Progress and prospects. South African Journal of Botany 177:377-391. 10.1016/j.sajb.2024.12.011 PDF
Hurley BP, Lawson S, Slippers B. 2025. Biological Control of Insect Pests in Plantation Forests. Springer: Switzerland.
Goundar P, Slippers B, Hurley BP, Lawson SA. 2025. Classical biological control of bark and wood borers in Pinus plantations. In: Biological Control of Insect Pests in Plantation Forests. Hurley BP, Lawson SA, Slippers B. (eds). Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp 321-338.
Hurley BP, Slippers B, Lawson SA. 2025. Biological control in plantation forests: trends and opportunities. In: Biological Control of Insect Pests in Plantation Forests. Hurley BP, Lawson SA, Slippers B. (eds). Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp 3-18.
Slippers B, Fitza KNE, Garnas JR. 2025. Genetic diversity should be considered in biological control programmes in plantation forestry. In: Biological Control of Insect Pests in Plantation Forests. Hurley BP, Lawson SA, Slippers B. (eds). Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp 71-94.
Wondafrash M, Slippers B, Hurley BP. 2025. Accidental introductions of natural enemies in plantation forests. In: Biological Control of Insect Pests in Plantation Forests. Hurley BP, Lawson SA, Slippers B. (eds). Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp 161-190.
van Heerden A, Pham NQ, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Wilken PM. (2024) Six type-I PKS classes and highly conserved melanin and elsinochrome gene clusters found in diverse Elsinoë species. BMC Genomics 25:990. 10.1186/s12864-024-10920-z
Lynn KMT, Wingfield MJ, Hammerbacher A, Barnes I. (2024) High-resolution melting curve analysis: A detection assay for Ceratocystis eucalypticola and C. manginecans in infected Eucalyptus. Fungal Biology 10.1016/j.funbio.2024.07.011 PDF
Visagie CM, Yilmaz N, Allison JD, Barreto RW, Boekhout T, Boers J, Delgado MA, Dewing C, Fitza KNE, Furtado ECA, Gaya E, Hill R, Hobden A, Hu DM, Hülsewig T, Khonsanit A, Luangsa-Ard JJ, Mthembu A, Pereira CM, Price J-L, Pringle A, Qikani N, Sandoval-Denis M, Shumacher RK, Seifert KA, Slippers B, Tennakoon DS, Thanakitpipattana D, vanVuuren N, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2024) New and Interesting Fungi. 7.. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 13:441–494. 10.3114/fuse.2024.13.12 PDF
van Heerden A, Pham NQ, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Muro Abad JI, Durán A, Wilken PM. (2024) LAMP assay to detect Elsinoë necatrix; an important Eucalyptus shoot and leaf pathogen. Plant Disease 10.1094/PDIS-01-24-0086-RE
Hiroyuki S, Marincowitz S, Roux J, Paap T, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2024) A new genus and species of Cryphonectriaceae causing stem cankers on plantation eucalypts in South Africa. Plant Pathology :1-14. 10.1111/ppa.13883 PDF
Tarigan M, Wingfield MJ, Jami F, Marpaung YMAN, Duran A, Pham NQ. (2024) Pathogenicity of Chrysoporthe deuterocubensis on eucalypts in Indonesia. Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 10.2989/20702620.2023.2279054 PDF
Pham NQ, Suzuki H, Duong TA, Wingfield BD, Barnes I, Duran A, Wingfield MJ. (2024) Cryptic sexual reproduction in an emerging Eucalyptus shoot and foliar pathogen. Plant Pathology 10.1111/ppa.13876
Pham NQ, Wingfield MJ, Marincowitz S, Tanga AA, Tiki KR, Kassie WB, Hurley BP, Germishuizen I, Lawson SA, Healey MA, Wondafrash M. (2024) First report of the wattle rust pathogen, Uromycladium acaciae (Raveneliaceae, Pucciniales) in Ethiopia. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research :1–8. 10.1093/forestry/cpad040 PDF
Barnes I, Wingfield MJ. 2024. Diseases of plantation forest trees in the tropics and Southern Hemisphere. In: Agrios' Plant Pathology (Sixth Edition). Academic Press, pp 727-732.
Wingfield MJ, Marincowitz S, Barnes I, Tarigan M, Solís M, Duran A, Pham NQ. (2023) First report of phyllode rust on Acacia crassicarpa outside its native range. Forest Pathology 10.1111/efp.12839
Pham NQ, Duong TA, Wingfield BD, Barnes I, Duran A, Wingfield MJ. (2023) Characterisation of the mating-type loci in species of Elsinoe causing scab diseases. Fungal Biology 127:1484–1490. 10.1016/j.funbio.2023.11.003
Granados GM, Rodas CA, Vivas M, Wingfield MJ, Barnes I. (2023) Patterns of Dothistroma septosporum conidial dispersal in Colombian Pinus tecunumanii plantations. Forest Pathology (00):e12834. 10.1111/efp.12834
Tarigan M, Wingfield MJ, Marpaung YMAN, Duran A, Pham NQ. (2023) Quambalaria eucalypti found on Eucalyptus in Indonesia. Forest Pathology 53:e12829. 10.1111/efp.12829 PDF
Oliveira LS, Saha MA, Jami F, Asfa R, Maretha MV, Sipayung J, Tarigan M, Duran A. (2023) Identification, pathogenicity and control of powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe elevata on Eucalyptus pellita in Sumatra, Indonesia. . Forest Pathology 53(5):e12825. 10.1111/efp.12825
Marincowitz S, Pham NQ, Wingfield BD, Roets F, Wingfield MJ. (2023) Microfungi associated with dying Euphorbia mauritanica in South Africa and their relative pathogenicity. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 12:59-71. 10.3114/fuse.2023.12.04 PDF
Katumanyane A, Slippers B, Wondafrash M, Malan AP, Hurley BP. (2023) Mechanisms behind differential white grub host susceptibility to entomopathogenic nematodes. Nematology 10.1163/15685411-bja10253
Suzuki H, Marincowitz S, Rodas CA, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2023) First report of two Chrysoporthe species, Chrysoporthe doradensis and Chrysoporthe colombiana sp. nov. from Henriettea seemannii pathogenic to Eucalyptus in Colombia. Mycological Progress 22(44) 10.1007/s11557-023-01891-8
Solís M, Hammerbacher A, Wingfield MJ, Naidoo S. (2023) A robust disease scoring method to screen Eucalyptus for resistance against the aggressive leaf blight pathogen, Teratosphaeria destructans. Plant Disease:1418 - 1424. 10.1094/PDIS-06-22-1347-RE PDF
Pal E, Allison JD, Hurley BP, Slippers B, Fourie G. (2023) Life History Traits of the Pentatomidae (Hemiptera) for the Development of Pest Management Tools. Forests 14(5) 10.3390/ f14050861 PDF
Tarigan M, Pham NQ, Jami F, Oliveira LSS, Saha MA, Duran A, Wingfield MJ. (2023) Calonectria species diversity on eucalypts in Indonesia. Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 10.2989/20702620.2023.2179441 PDF
Katumanyane A, Slippers B, Wondafrash M, Malan AP, Hurley BP. (2023) Susceptibility of white grubs from forestry and sugarcane plantations in South Africa to entomopathogenic nematodes. BioControl 10.1007/s10526-023-10185-7
Luki-Marie Scheepers, Jeremy D. Allison, Bernard Slippers, Egmont R. Rohwer, Patrick M. Mc Millan, Jan E. Bello. (2023) Pine Emperor moths from KwaZulu-Natal use the same pheromone component previously isolated from Nudaurelia cytherea (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) from the Western Cape. African Entomology 31((2023)):1-9. 10.17159/2254-8854/2023/a13231
Suzuki H, Marincowitz S, Roux J, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2023) First report of canker caused by Chrysoporthe austroafricana on the plantation-grown eucalypt Corymbia henryi in South Africa. Forestry :1-9. 10.1093/forestry/cpac054
Bose T, Dovey S, Brachmann A, Witfeld F, Begerow D, Kemler M, Roux J, Slippers B, Vivas M, Wingfield MJ. (2023) Retention of post-harvest residues enhances soil fungal biodiversity in Eucalyptus plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 532:120806. 10.1016/j.foreco.2023.120806
Hurley BP, Barnes I, Wingfield MJ. 2023. Diseases and Insect Pests of Australian Acacia Species. In: Wattles: Australian Acacia Species Around the World. Richardson DM, Le Roux JJ, Marchante E. (eds). CAB International, Oxfordshire, pp 312-326.
Pham NQ, Marincowitz S, Chen SF, Rodas CA, Wingfield MJ. (2022) Soil-borne Calonectria (Hypocreales, Nectriaceae) associated with Eucalyptus plantations in Colombia. MycoKeys 94:17-35. 10.3897/mycokeys.94.96301
Wingfield BD, Berger DK, Coetzee MPA, Duong TA, Martin A, Pham NQ, Van den Berg N, Wilken PM, Arun-Chinnappa KS, Barnes I, Buthelezi S, Dahanayaka BA, Durán A, Engelbrecht J, Feurtey A, Fourie A, Fourie G, Hartley J, Kabwe ENK, Maphosa M, Narh Mensah DL, Nsibo DL, Potgieter L, Poudel B, Stukenbrock EH, Thomas C, Vaghefi N, Welgemoed T, Wingfield MJ. (2022) IMA genome‑F17 Draft genome sequences of an Armillaria species from Zimbabwe, Ceratocystis colombiana, Elsinoë necatrix, Rosellinia necatrix, two genomes of Sclerotinia minor, short‑read genome assemblies and annotations of four Pyrenophora teres isolates from barley grass, and a long-read genome assembly of Cercospora zeina. 13:19. 10.1186/s43008-022-00104-3
Suzuki H, Marincowitz S, Winfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2022) Genetic diversity and population structure of Chrysoporthe deuterocubensis isolates from Melastoma and Eucalyptus in Malaysia and Indonesia. Forest Pathology 10.1111/efp.12762
Crous PW, Aylward J, Marincowitz S, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, et al.. (2022) Fungal Planet description sheets: 1383–1435. Persoonia 48:261. 10.3767/persoonia.2022.48.08 PDF
Solís M, Wingfield MJ, Hammerbacher A, Naidoo S. (2022) Comparison of the infection biology of Teratosphaeria destructans and Teratosphaeria epicoccoides on Eucalyptus. Plant Disease 10.1094/PDIS-09-21-1877-RE PDF
Chen Q, Suzuki H, Marincowitz S, Chen SF, Wingfield MJ, Winfield BD, et al. (2022) Genera of phytopathogenic fungi: GOPHY 4. Studies in Mycology 101:417-564. 10.3114/sim.2022.101.06
Jami F, Marincowitz S, Durán A, Slippers B, Abad JIM, Chen S, Wingfield MJ. (2022) Botryosphaeriaceae diversity on Eucalyptus clones in different climate zones of Indonesia. Forest Pathology :1-14. 10.1111/efp.12737
Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Barnes I, Chen SF. (2022) Calonectria in the age of genes and genomes: Towards understanding an important but relatively unknown group of pathogens. Molecular Plant Pathology 10.1111/mpp.13209 PDF
Solís M, Wingfield MJ, Greyling I, Pham NQ. (2022) A serious shoot and leaf disease caused by Colletotrichum theobromicola discovered on eucalypts in South Africa. Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 84(1):01–13. 10.2989/20702620.2021.2005454 PDF
Pham NQ, Marincowitz S, Chen SF, Yaparudin J, Wingfield MJ. (2022) Calonectria species, including four novel taxa, associated with Eucalyptus in Malaysia. Mycological Progress 21:181-197. 10.1007/s11557-021-01768-8 PDF
Wingfield BD, De Vos L, Wilson AM, Duong AT, Vaghefi N, Botes A, Kharwar RN, Chand R, Poudel B, Aliyu H, Barbetti MJ, Chen S, de Maayer P, Liu F, Navathe S, Sinha S, Steenkamp ET, Suzuki H, Tshisekedi KA, van der Nest MA, Wingfield MJ. (2022) Draft genome assemblies of Fusarium marasasianum, Huntiella abstrusa, two Immersiporthe knoxdaviesiana isolates, Macrophomina pseudophaseolina, Macrophomina phaseolina, Naganishia randhawae, and Pseudocercospora cruenta. IMA Fungus 13(1):3. 10.1186/s43008-022-00089-z
Barnes I, van der Nest A, Granados GM, Wingfield MJ. 2022. Dothistroma needle blight. In: Forest Microbiology. Asiegbu F, Kovalchuk A. (eds). Elsevier, pp 179 - 199.
Guignard Q, Allison JD, Slippers B. (2022) The evolution of insect visual opsin genes with specific consideration of the influence of ocelli and life history traits. 22:2. 10.1186/s12862-022-01960-8
Dittrich-Schröder G, Garnas JR, Arriagades-Cares D, Ahumada R, Hurley BP, Lawson SA, Slippers B. (2021) Diversity and Introduction History of Glycaspis brimblecombei Reflects a History of Bridgeheads and Distinct Invasions. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4:1-11. 10.3389/ffgc.2021.783603
Wondafrash M, Slippers B, Asfaw BA, Makowe IA, Jenya H, Bush S, Kayumba I, Nambazimana A, van der Lingen S, Hurley BP. (2021) Tracing the distribution of natural enemies of non-native invasive eucalypt insect pests in sub- Saharan Africa. Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 83(3):1-10. 10.2989/20702620.2021.1960218
Gevers CR, Slippers B, Germishuizen I, Dittrich-Schröder G, Hurley BP. (2021) The distribution and diversity of Leptocybe invasa (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and its gall associates in South Africa. Southern Forests 10.2989/20702620.2021.1944395