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Pest/Pathogen of the Month: September

Scientific name:  Spongospora subterranea f. sp.subterranea (Sss)

Common names: Powdery scab of potato

Powdery scab, caused by the obligate plant pathogen Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea (Sss), is an unsightly blemish disease on potatoes and is a major problem in the potato industry worldwide. Powdery scab is identified by purple-brown pimple-like lesions that rupture the tuber periderm, creating powdery filled lesions. The powdery mass consists of masses of sporosori (collections of resting spores). These resting spores are highly resistant to unfavourable environmental conditions, allowing the pathogen to survive in the soil for over 50 years. The presence of these lesions reduces quality and marketability of seed tubers or tubers intended for consumption, causing major yield losses in potato production. This plant pathogen is also responsible for causing two other diseases, namely root infection and root galling, which also lead to yield reductions. Powdery scab disease is most severe in fields when the soil temperature is cool (9-17 °C) and has a high water content. Although infection occurs under cool and wet conditions, diseases have been recorded in hot and dry climates too, especially where irrigation is applied. The host range of Sss is broad as it infects plant species belonging to at least 26 families. Many weeds and commercial crop species have been confirmed to be alternative hosts of Sss. Powdery scab is difficult to successfully control due to the pathogen’s ability to form resting spores and the scarcity of resistant cultivars. No single control method can completely control Sss, however, an integrated management approach is advised for management of Sss.


New Publications

Lin L, Fan XL, Groenewald JZ, Jami F, Wingfield MJ, Voglmayer H, Jaklitsch W, Castlebury LA, Tian CM, Crous PW. (2024) Cytospora: an important genus of canker pathogens. Studies in Mycology 109:323-401. PDF
Cortina-Escribano M, Veteli P, Wingfield MJ, Wingfield BD, Coetzee MPA, Vanhanen H, Linnakoski R. (2024) Phylogenetic analysis and morphological characteristics of lactate Ganoderma specimens in Finland. Mycologia 10.1080/00275514.2024.2381424
van der Nest MA, Steenkamp ET, De Vos L, Wienk R, Swart V, van den Berg N. (2024) Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the white root rot pathogen Dematophora necatrix (Xylariaceae: Xylariales). Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resoures 9(9):1207-1212. 10.1080/23802359.2024.2403411
Nkomo T, Bose T, Wingfield BD, Knoppersen R, Mbhele O, Nemesio‐Gorriz M, Rodas CA, Paetz C, Cilliers CT, Ferreira MA, Hammerbacher A. (2024) Geographic location shapes fungal communities associated with Epidendrum roots. Mycological Progress 23:54. 10.1007/s11557-024-01990-0
Visagie CM, Houbraken J, Yilmaz N. (2024) The re-identification of Penicillium and Talaromyces (Eurotiales) catalogued in South African culture collections. Persoonia 53:29–61. 10.3767/persoonia.2024.53.02
Maduke N, Slippers B, Van der Linde E, Wingfield M, Fourie G. (2024) Botryosphaeriaceae species associated with branch dieback and decline of macadamia trees in South Africa. Australasian Plant Pathology :1-16. 10.1007/s13313-024-00992-6
Ribeiro MF, Cavallini G, Solce GN, Favoreto AL, Passos JRDS, Hurley BP, Wilcken CF. (2024) Polyandry contributes to Gonipterus platensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) rearing. PeerJ 12:e17929. 10.7717/peerj.17929
Basson RJ, Roets F, Wingfield MJ, Aylward J. (2024) Bark beetles and their associated fungi infesting native Widdringtonia species in the Western Cape province of South Africa. African Entomology 32(e18505) 10.17159/2254-8854/2024/a18505
van Heerden A, Pham NQ, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Wilken PM. (2024) Six type-I PKS classes and highly conserved melanin and elsinochrome gene clusters found in diverse Elsinoë species. Research Square 10.21203/rs.3.rs-4788746/v1
Solís M, Naidoo S, Wingfield MJ, Joubert J, Hammerbacher A. (2024) First line of defence: Eucalyptus leaf waxes influence infection by an aggressive fungal leaf pathogen. Plant Biology 10.1111/plb.13707
Nsibo DL, Barnes I, Berger DK. (2024) Recent advances in the population biology and management of maize foliar fungal pathogens Exserohilum turcicum, Cercospora zeina and Bipolaris maydis in Africa. Frontiers in Plant Science 15:1-23. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2024.1404483
Lynn KMT, Wingfield MJ, Hammerbacher A, Barnes I. (2024) High-resolution melting curve analysis: A detection assay for Ceratocystis eucalypticola and C. manginecans in infected Eucalyptus. Fungal Biology 10.1016/j.funbio.2024.07.011 PDF
Yurkov A, Visagie CM, Crous PW, Hashimoto A, Baschien C, Begerow D, Kemler M, Schoutteten N, Stadler M, Wijayawardene NN, Hyde KD, Zhang N, Boekhout T, Group IYW, May TW, Thines M, Hawksworth DL. (2024) Cultures as types and the utility of viable specimens for fungal nomenclature. IMA Fungus 15:20. 10.1186/s43008-024-00155-8
Twiddy D, Fouché A, Akinsanmi OA, Fourie G. (2024) Biology and pathogenicity of fungi causing husk rot of macadamia in South Africa. European Journal of Plant Pathology :1-18. 10.1007/s10658-024-02915-z
Liu QL, Wingfield MJ, Duong TA, Wingfield BD, Chen SF. (2024) Diversity of Calonectria species from leaves and soils in diseased southern China Eucalyptus plantation. Fungal Biology 128:2007-2021. 10.1016/j.funbio.2024.07.007
Visagie CM, Yilmaz N, Allison JD, Barreto RW, Boekhout T, Boers J, Delgado MA, Dewing C, Fitza KNE, Furtado ECA, Gaya E, Hill R, Hobden A, Hu DM, Hülsewig T, Khonsanit A, Luangsa-Ard JJ, Mthembu A, Pereira CM, Price J-L, Pringle A, Qikani N, Sandoval-Denis M, Shumacher RK, Seifert KA, Slippers B, Tennakoon DS, Thanakitpipattana D, vanVuuren N, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2024) New and Interesting Fungi. 7.. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 13:441–494. 10.3114/fuse.2024.13.12 PDF
Bhunjun C, Chen Y, Phukhamsakda C, Boekhout T, Groenewald J, McKenzie E, Francisco E, Frisvad J, Groenewald M, Hurdeal V, Luangsa-ard J, Perrone G, Visagie C, Bai F, Błaszkowski J, Braun U, D Souza F, De Q, Dutta A, Gonkhom D, Goto B, Guarnaccia V, Hagen F, Houbraken J, Lachance M, Li J, Luo K, Magurno F, Mongkolsamrit S, Robert V, Roy N, Tibpromma S, Wanasinghe D, Wang D, Wei D, Zhao C, Aiphuk W, Ajayi-Oyetunde O, Arantes T, Araujo J, Begerow D, Bakhshi M, Barbosa R, Behrens F, Bensch K, Bezerra J, Bilański P, Bradley C, Bubner B, Burgess T, Buyck B, Čadež N, Cai L, Calaça F, Campbell L, Chaverri P, Chen Y, Chethana K, Coetzee B, Costa M, Chen Q, Custódio F, Dai Y, Damm U, De Azevedo-Santiago A, De Miccolis-Angelini R, Dijksterhuis J, Dissanayake A, Doilom M, Dong W, Alvarez-Duarte E, Fischer M, Gajanayake A, Gené J, Gomdola D, Gomes A, Hausner G, He M, Hou L, Iturrieta-González I, Jami F, Jankowiak R, Jayawardena R, Kandemir H, Kiss L, Kobmoo N, Kowalski T, Landi L, Lin C, Liu J, Liu X, Loizides M, Luangharn T, Maharachchikumbura S, Makhathini Mkhwanazi G, Manawasinghe I, Marin-Felix Y, McTaggart A, Moreau P, Morozova O, Mostert L, Osiewacz H, Pem D, Phookamsak R, Pollastro S, Pordel A, Poyntner C, Phillips A, Phonemany M, Promputtha I, Rathnayaka A, Rodrigues A, Romanazzi G, Rothmann L, Salgado-Salazar C, Sandoval-Denis M, Saupe S, Scholler M, Scott P, Shivas R, Silar P, Souza-Motta C, Silva-Filho A, Spies C, Stchigel A, Sterflinger K, Summerbell R, Svetasheva T, Takamatsu S, Theelen B, Theodoro R, Thines M, Thongklang N, Torres R, Turchetti B, Van den Brule T, Wang X, Wartchow F, Welti S, Wijesinghe S, Wu F, Xu R, Yang Z, Yilmaz N, Yurkov A, Zhao L, Zhao R, Zhou N, Hyde K, Crous P. (2024) What are the 100 most cited fungal genera?. Studies in Mycology 108:1-411. 10.3114/sim.2024.108.01
Coutinho TA, Carstensen G, Venter SN, Chen SF, Tarigan M, Wingfield MJ. (2024) Bacterial community in apparently healthy and asymptomatic Eucalyptus trees and those with symptoms of bacterial wilt. Journal of Plant Pathology 10.1007/s42161-024-01697-x
van Vuuren N, Yilmaz N, Wingfield MJ, Visagie CM. (2024) Five novel Curvularia species (Pleosporaceae, Pleosporales) isolated from fairy circles in the Namib desert. Mycological Progress 23:39. 10.1007/s11557-024-01977-x
Visagie CM, Cruywagen EM, Duong TA. (2024) A new Paecilomyces from wooden utility poles in South Africa. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 13:163–181. 10.3114/fuse.2024.13.10