IUFRO Forest Health Webinar Series

During October, November, and December, five webinars will be hosted, every two weeks, by various working parties of IUFRO Division 7, including one webinar co-organised by a working party in Division 2. The webinar series provides a platform for scientific exchange focussed on a wide variety of topics that are all relevant to forest health. Speakers presenting in the webinars include established scientists as well as graduate students and early-career researchers and there will be an opportunity for discussion following the presentations.  The start time for each webinar differs to accommodate the organisers and speakers from different countries. All webinars will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube for later viewing. All researchers are encouraged to participate in the webinar series and registration is required to access the Zoom Link. Further information on timing, topics, and speakers is provided below. We look forward to engaging with you on this platform.

For more information on IUFRO Division 7- Forest Health: (https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-7/)

Please contact Irene Barnes (irene.barnes@fabi.up.ac.za) if you have any questions.


Webinar 1: Tree resistance to diseases and pests – Interaction with and facilitation by the microbiome

Date: 13th October 2021

Time: 16:00 Johannesburg (14:00 UTC)

Format: 90 minutes with 3 speakers (20 min each) and 30 mins of a final panel discussion


  1. Kathrin Blumenstein (University of Göttingen, Germany): Diplodia Tip Blight outbreak in Scots pine - influences of the mycobiome and abiotic factors.
  2. George Newcombe (University of Idaho, USA): Pathogens in the trillion-tree era.
  3. Steve Wakelin (Scion, New Zealand): Pinus radiata: a model tree-microbiome system for a rapidly changing world.
  4. General discussion (30 min)

Organizers: WP 7.03.11 and WP 2.02.15; Caterina Villari (University of Georgia, US), Richard Sniezko (USDA FS, USA) and Dana Nelson (USDA FS, USA). 

Contact: Caterina Villari (cvillari@uga.edu) and Richard Sniezko (richard.sniezko@usda.gov)

YouTube link for Webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEjnvqpxk8g 


Webinar 2: Forest Health in Southern Hemisphere commercial plantations

Date: 27th October, 2021

Time: 12:00 noon Johannesburg (10:00 UTC)

Format: 75 minutes with 4 speakers (12 min each) and 20 mins of a final panel discussion


  1. Angus Carnegie (NSW DPI, Australia): Impact of bushfires on pine plantations and subsequent salvage operations.
  2. Brett Hurley (FABI, South Africa): Development of a coordinated forest pest surveillance strategy in South Africa.
  3. Marthin Tarigan (APRIL, Indonesia): Management of insects and pathogens in the large Acacia (Fabaceae) and Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) commercial nurseries in Sumatra, Indonesia.
  4. Rafaela Pavani (IBA, Brazil): One health for a changing world.
  5. General discussion (20 min)

Organizers:  WP 7.02.13 Stuart Fraser (Scion, NZ), Angus Carnegie (NSW DPI, Australia), Carlos Perez (Universidad de la Republica Uruguay, Uruguay), Rodrigo Ahumada (Arauco, Chile) 

Contact: Stuart Fraser (Stuart.Fraser@scionresearch.com)

YouTube link for Webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfHT2P5POBY


Webinar 3: Molecular tools for the advancement of research on Vascular Wilt Pathogens

Date: 10th November 2021

Time: 16:00 Johannesburg (14:00 UTC)

Format: 90 minutes with 4 speakers and 20 mins of a final panel discussion


  1. Welcome and general introduction to session: Irene Barnes (FABI, South Africa) 
  2. Nicola Luchi (CNR, Italy): Advanced methods for diagnosis of invasive forest pathogens with a particular focus on Ceratocystis platani. 
  3. Frances Lane (FABI, South Africa): Transformation systems for the Ceratocystidaceae. 
  4. Thais Campos de Oliveira (Laval University, Canada): Functional analyses Elm-Ophiostoma interactions.
  5. Marc Hughes (University of Hawaii): Diagnosing and managing Rapid Ohia Death, an emerging threat to native Metrosideros sp. of the Pacific. 
  6. General discussion 

Organizers:  WP 7.02.03 Alberto Santini (IPSP, CNR, Italy), Irene Barnes (FABI, South Africa), Louis Bernier (Laval University, Canada)

Contact: Irene Barnes (Irene.barnes@fabi.up.ac.za)

YouTube link for Webinar:https://youtu.be/UdVqZt8zWjc


Webinar 4: Collaborative approaches to global tree health challenges

Date:  24 November 2021

Time: 10:00 Johannesburg (08:00 UTC)

Format: 70 minutes with 3 speakers  and discussion


  1. Welcome and general introduction to the session: Mariella Marzano (FR, UK)
  2. Alice Goodenough (CCRI, UK): The Future of UK Treescapes research programme: interdisciplinary approaches for resilience.
  3. Melanie Mark-Shadbolt (Te Tira Whakamātaki): Oranga (wellbeing): an Indigenous forest health research programme utilising mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge).
  4. Peter Crow (FR, UK): Sustainable citizen science engagement: Lessons learned after eight years of the Observatree project.
  5. General discussion

Organisers: WP 7.03.15 Mariella Marzano (Forest Research, UK), Robert Haight (USFS, USA), Tom Holmes (USFS, USA), E. Carina H. Keskitalo (Umea University, Sweden), Julie Urquhart (CCRI, UK)

Contact: Mariella Marzano (mariella.marzano@forestresearch.gov.uk)

YouTube link for Webinar:https://youtu.be/xQ48y9UryxQ


Webinar 5: Updating information on forest diseases and insect pests in the tropics

Date: 8th December 2021

Time: 08:00 Johannesburg (06:00 UTC, 02:00 EDT)

Format: 90 minutes with 4 speakers (15 min each)


  1. Welcome and general introduction to session: Sri Rahayu (Fac. Of Forestry Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia).  
  2. Carlos A Rodas (Colombia): Forest pest and disease information update in Colombia. 
  3. Abdul Ghafur and Noor Farikhah Haneda: Forest pest and disease information update in Indonesia.
  4. Pham Quang Thu (Vietnam): Forest pest and disease information update in Vietnam.
  5. Arthur Chung and Farid Ahmad (Malaysia): Forest pest and disease information update in Malaysia.  
  6. General discussion 

Organizers: WP 7.02.07 Sri Rahayu (Gadja Mada University, Indonesia), Paul Bosu (CSIR, Ghana), Carlos Rodas (Smurfit Kappa, Columbia)

Contact: Sri Rahayu (sri.rahayu2013@ugm.ac.id)

YouTube link for Webinar: https://youtu.be/VbIeOo5A7kI

Registration information

Please fill in the registration form below should you wish to attend the IUFRO Division 7 Webinar Series. You will be provided with information regarding the seminar for each month via email, thus please ensure to give the correct email address.