Microscopy course for beginners in FABI 2014-08-20
The second beginners microscopy course for 2014 was hosted on 15 August in the FABI microscope room. The course is offered by Dr Seonju Marincowitz, curator of the FABI culture collection, and Angelica Marsberg-De Villiers, to all new FABI students as well as to those students who required a refresher course. All students that attended the course received a manual and were instructed on the appropriate use of the different microscopes in FABI. The differences between brightfield, phase contrast and differential interference contrast microscopy were demonstrated in detail. The students were also shown how to take images using the Zeiss Axiovision software. After the introduction, the students were allowed to work on the different microscopes and to take images. Students that attend the beginners’ microscopy courses are also encouraged to attend the advanced courses. The advanced course is more hands on and the students use their own samples in order to practice their newly learned skills. The next advanced course will be held on 10 October 2014. For enquiries, please contact Angelica Marsberg-De Villiers (Angelica.Marsberg@fabi.up.ac.za).