The International Conference of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria and Biocontrol Meeting was held at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA. This was the first time that ICPPB was combined with Biocontrol, needless to say, it was highly successful and allowed delegates to enjoy discussions on plant pathogenic bacteria interactions while also able to attend talks on various biocontrol approaches. It was striking to see translation of microbiome studies into application towards disease control. At the conference, FABIan Prof. Lucy Moleleki gave a keynote address ‘Insights into Pectobacterium spp versatile virulence tool box’ and Prof. Carolee Bull (Extraordinary Professor at FABI) hosted her mentorship workshop and participated on a panel discussion on switching careers industry and government. Two FABI PhD graduates, Dr Carrie Brady (Senior Lecturer University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol) and Dr Stephen Taerum (Postdoctoral Scientist, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station in New Haven) each gave a key note address ‘Taxonomy, identification and microbial interactions of woodland/forest bacteria’ and ‘Exploring the impact of protist microbiomes on plant health’, respectively.