Science Olympiads battle it out at FAME Club seminars 2016-08-19
True to its focus on trending issues, this week’s FAME Club seminars in FABI paid homage to the 2016 Rio Olympic Games currently on in Brazil. Five FABIans battled to scoop gold – music vouchers and a bottle of champagne – by presenting their respective research papers in just three minutes. As diverse as the sporting codes in competition at the Olympics, the topics ranged from relevant and serious to the slightly irreverent.
Catherine Tatham’s presentation on research on long-term contraceptive solutions, titled “Do bonking bunnies hold the answer to the future of contraception” was delivered in less than three minutes and was voted the best by the audience. Darryl Herron walked away with a silver medal for his presentation, “Culturing the ‘unculturable’: These guys have guts!” on bacterial gut communities. Arista Fourie bagged a bronze medal for exploring the ethics of the use of CRISPR/Cas9 on human embryos. Apart from being a fun event, the FAME Club strives to expand the intellectual horizons of FABIans and the meetings are always an exercise in lateral thinking.