FABI welcomes IFSS delegates 2017-07-20
Delegates participating in the International Forestry Students Symposium (IFSS) 2017 visited FABI on Sunday 16 July. The group of approximately 121 students hail from 30 nations from across the globe. The students were welcomed by FABI Director Prof. Wingfield, who spoke about the Institute’s proud history and achievements. They were then shown around FABI’s facilities on the University of Pretoria’s Hatfield Campus followed by a tour of the FABI Biocontrol Facility at the nearby Research Precinct. The students ended their Symposium at FABI, having travelled more than 3,000km through five Provinces. The Symposium closed with an awards ceremony hosted by IUFRO (see news item) at the Uitspan venue. This was attended by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, General Bheki Cele as well as senior members from his Ministry, the South African forestry industry and senior members from the University of Pretoria.