Mr Jason McNeil

MSc student | |
Department |
Plant and Soil Sciences |
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My Supervisor/s
Primary Supervisor | |
Jacquie van der Waals | |
Co Supervisor |
Teresa Coutinho |
I completed my Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology and Botany at Rhodes University before arriving at Tuks to partake in an honours in plant pathology under the supervision of Prof. Jacquie van der Waals and Dr. Khumbizile Bophela. My honours project aimed to identify novel sources of phytophthora root rot infection within the South African citrus nursery chain and concluded recommendations for the South African Citrus Improvement Scheme for the control and management of phytophthora root rot within the citrus nursery. My masters degree will look into the root absorption, mobility and systemicity of several new Oomycota fungicides and their effects on the plant defence response in Citrus, with and without root infection by Phytophthora nicotianae. This will be done using methods including UPLC-MS under the supervision of Prof. Jacquie van der Waals and Prof. Teresa Coutinho, alongside collaborators from the University of Pretoria Department of Chemistry.