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Robert Mangani, Kpoti M. Gunn, Nicky Creux. (2023) Projecting the effect of climate change on planting date and cultivar choice for South African dryland maize production. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 341(15):109695. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109695
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Mangani R, Tesfamariam E, Engelbrecht CJ, Bellocchi G, Hassen A, Mangani T. (2019) Potential impacts of extreme weather events in main maize (Zea mays L.) producing areas of South Africa under rainfed conditions. Regional Environmental Change 10.1007/s10113-019-01486-8
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Mangani R, Tesfamariam E, Bellocchi G, Hassen A. (2018) Growth, Development, Leaf Gaseous Exchange, and Grain Yield Response of Maize Cultivars to Drought and Flooding Stress . Sustainability 10(3492) 10.3390/su10103492
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