Donating re-usable cloth face masks for the children at Steve Biko hospital 2020-05-20
With the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, many hospitals are running low on personal protective equipment, not only for their staff but also for their incoming patients. Consequently, re-usable cloth face masks have become a popular alternative to the disposable surgical masks previously provided. However, quality masks are often expensive and purchasing these is a massive additional expense to already financially-overburdened medical centres. Additionally, masks suitable for children are often more difficult to come by as most are made to fit adults. To help ease some of this burden for the children and their concerned families entering clinics at the Steve Biko Academic Hospital, FABI PhD student Wilma Nel has been helping her mother, Johanna Nel, to make re-usable cloth masks to provide to the hospital. This past week they sent their first donation of 100 masks suitable for children of age 3-12 to the hospital.
If anyone would like to contribute to this good cause, please contact FABI Deputy Director Prof. Fanus Venter for additional information on face mask patterns and arrangements to donate to the hospital.