Prof Fanus Venter

Deputy Director of FABI


Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
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Primary Supervisor
Freddie Botha
Kayla Thomas

Co Supervisor
Lizzy Ramela

My primary research interests are bacterial evolution, systematics and diversity. I am specifically interested in how knowledge of these aspects of bacteriology can be applied to answer specific research questions related to the functioning of bacteria and bacterial communities in different environments. During the past few years my research group have focused mainly on the use of molecular, sequencing and genomics approaches when addressing these questions and the two main focus areas are bacteria associated with plants and aquatic environments.


My own research group focuses on applied bacterial genomics. We currently have numerous genomes available (one or more genome representing nearly all the species of Pantoea, Mixta, Paraburkholderia and Caballeronia). Most of these genomes have been sequenced in-house or in caollaboration with the JGI. Our comparative and evolutionary studies is currently focused on how this genomic data could be used for the delineation of species.


My experience in the area of systematics has initially focused  on the genus Pantoea which contains both clinical, plant pathogenic and natural environmental isolates.  Based on the phylogenetic evaluation (MLSA) of various plant pathogenic genera within the Enterobacteriaceae (together with various international collaborators) we have described 14 new species, established 3 new genera and revised the taxonomy of several species.


In a joint Centre of Excellence in Tree Health Biotechnology project with Prof Emma Steenkamp, I am currently focusing on the descriptions of a large collection of nitrogen fixing Paraburkholderia strains isolated from indigenous papilionoid legume species by providing the taxonomic expertise. We have also been able to show that the symbiotic abilities of these undescribed species have unique African ancestries.


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Venter SN , Rodriguez-R LM, Chuvochina M, Palmer M, Hugenholtz P, Steenkamp ET. (2024) Options and considerations for validation of prokaryotic names under the SeqCode. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 47(6):126554. 10.1016/j.syapm.2024.126554
Coutinho TA, Carstensen G, Venter SN, Chen SF, Tarigan M, Wingfield MJ. (2024) Bacterial community in apparently healthy and asymptomatic Eucalyptus trees and those with symptoms of bacterial wilt. Journal of Plant Pathology 10.1007/s42161-024-01697-x
Van Lill M, Venter SN, Muema EK, Palmer M., Beukes CW, Chan WY, Steenkamp ET. (2024) SeqCode facilitates naming of South African rhizobia left in limbo. Systematics and Applied Microbiology 47(2-3):126504. 10.1016/j.syapm.2024.126504 PDF
Fourie A, Venter S, Slippers B, Fourie G. (2023) Pantoea bathycoeliae sp. nov and a Sodalis sp. are core gut microbiome symbionts of the two-spotted stink bug. Frontiers in Microbiology :1-19. 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1284397 PDF
Avontuur JR, Wilken PM, Palmer M, Coetzee MPA, Stępkowski T, Venter SN, Steenkamp ET. (2023) Complex evolutionary history of photosynthesis in Bradyrhizobium. Microbial Genomics 9(9) 10.1099/mgen.0.001105
Claassens R, Venter SN, Beukes CW, Stępkowski T, Chan WY, Steenkamp ET. (2023) Bradyrhizobium xenonodulans sp. nov. isolated from nodules of Australian Acacia species invasive to South Africa. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 10.1016/j.syapm.2023.126452
Wanjofu EI, Venter SN, Beukes CW, Steenkamp ET, Gwata ET, Muema EK. (2022) Nodulation and Growth Promotion of Chickpea by Mesorhizobium Isolates from Diverse Sources. MDPI-Microorganisms 10(12):1-16.
Hedlund BP, Chuvochina M, Hugenholtz P, Konstantinidis, Murray AE, Palmer M, Parks DH, Probst AJ, Reysenbach A, Rodriguez-R LM, Rossello-Mora R, Sutcliffe IC, Venter SN, Whitman WB. (2022) SeqCode: a nomenclatural code for prokaryotes described from sequence data. Nature Microbiology 10.1038/s41564-022-01214-9 PDF
Venter SN, Palmer M, Steenkamp ET. (2022) Relevance of prokaryotic subspecies in the age of genomics. New microbe and New infections 48 10.1016/j.nmni.2022.101024
Palmer M, Sutcliffe IC, Venter SN, Hedlund BP. (2022) It is time for a new type of type to facilitate naming the microbial world. New microbe and New infections 47 10.1016/j.nmni.2022.100991 PDF
Mavima L, Beukes CW, Palmer M, De Meyer SE, James EK, Maluk M, Muasya MA, Avontuur JR, Chan WY, Venter SN, Steenkamp ET. (2022) Delineation of Paraburkholderia tuberum sensu stricto and description of Paraburkholderia podalyriae sp. nov. nodulating the South African legume Podalyria calyptrata. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 45(3) 10.1016/j.syapm.2022.126316
Muema EK, Steenkamp ET, Venter SN. (2022) Rhizosphere diazotrophs and other bacteria associated with native and encroaching legumes in the succulent Karoo Biome in South Africa. MDPI-Microorganisms 10(216):1-20. 10.3390/microorganisms10020216 PDF
Fourie A, Venter SN, Slippers B, Fourie G. (2022) A detection assay to identify alternative food sources of the two-spotted stink bug, Bathycoelia distincta . Journal of Economic Entomology :1-7. 10.1093/jee/toab256
Conrad RE, Viver T, Gago JF, Hatt JK, Venter SN, Rossello-Mora R, Konstantinidis KT. (2022) Toward quantifying the adaptive role of bacterial pangenomes during environmental perturbations. ISME 10.1038/s41396-021-01149-9
Avontuur JR, Palmer M, Beukes CW, Wai YC, Tasiya T, van Zyl E, Coetzee MPA, Stepkowski T, Venter SN, Steenkamp ET. (2022) Bradyrhizobium altum sp. nov., Bradyrhizobium oropedii sp. nov. and Bradyrhizobium acaciae sp. nov. from South Africa show locally restricted and pantropical nodA phylogeographic patterns. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 167 10.1016/j.ympev.2021.107338 PDF
Konstantinidis KT, Viver T, Conrad RE, Venter SN, Rossello-Mora R. (2022) Toward quantifying the adaptive role of bacterial pangenomes during environmental perturbations. ISME 10.1038/s41396-021-01149-9
Whitman WB, Chuvochina M, Hedlund BP, Hugenholtz P, Konstantinidis KT, Murray AE, Palmer M, Parks DH, Probst AJ, Reysenbach A, Rodriguez-R LM, Rossello-Mora R, Sutcliffe IC, Venter SN. (2022) Development of the SeqCode: A proposed nomenclatural code for uncultivated prokaryotes with DNA sequences as type. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 45 10.1016/j.syapm.2022.126305 PDF
Human ZR, Roets F, Crous CJ, Wingfield MJ, De Beer ZW, Venter SN. (2021) Fire impacts bacterial composition in Protea repens (Proteaceae) infructescences. FEMS Microbiology Letters 368(19):fnab132. 10.1093/femsle/fnab132
NandaKafle G, Huegen T, Potgieter SC, Steenkamp ET, Venter SN, Brözel VS. (2021) Niche Preference of Escherichia coli in a Peri-Urban Pond Ecosystem. Life 11 10.3390/life11101020 PDF
Beukes CW, Venter SN, Steenkamp ET. (2021) The history and distribution of nodulating Paraburkholderia, a potential inoculum for Fynbos forage species. Grass and Forage Science 76:10-32. 10.1111/gfs.12522
Banasiewicz J, Lisboa BB, da Costa PB, Schlindwein G, Venter SN, Steenkamp ET, Vargas LK, Passaglia LMP, Stępkowski S. (2021) Culture-independent assessment of the diazotrophic Bradyrhizobium communities in the Pampa and Atlantic Forest Biomes localities in southern Brazil. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 44(4) 10.1016/j.syapm.2021.126228
Mavima L, Beukes CW, Palmer M, De Meyer SE, James EK, Maluk M, Gross E, dos Reis Junior FB, Avontuur JR, Chan WY, Venter SN, Steenkamp ET. (2020) Paraburkholderia youngii sp. nov. and 'Paraburkholderia atlantica' - Brazilian and Mexican Mimosa-associated rhizobia that were previously known as Paraburkholderia tuberum sv. mimosae. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 10.1016/j.syapm.2020.126152
Murray AE, Freudenstein J, Gribaldo S, Hatzenpichler R, Hugenholtz P, Kämpfer P, Konstantinidis K, Lane CE, Papke RT, Parks DH, Rossello-Mora R, Stott MB, Sutcliffe IC, Thrash JC, Venter SN, Whitman WB, Acinas SG, Amann RI, Anantharaman K, Armengaud J, Baker BJ, Barco RA, Bode HB, Boyd ES, Brady CL, Carini P, Chain PSG, Colman DR, DeAngelis KM, de los Rios MA, Estrada-de los Santos P, Dunlap CA, Eisen JA, Emerson D, Ettema TJG, Eveillard D, Girguis PR, Hentschel U, HollibaughTJ, Hug LA, Inskeep WP, Ivanova EP, Klenk H, Li W, Lloyd KLG, Löffler FE, Makhalanyane TP, Moser DP, Palmer M, Parro V, Pedrós-Alió C, Probst AJ, Smits THM, Steen AD, Steenkamp ET, Spang A, Stewart FJ, Tiedje JM, Vandamme P, Wagner M, Wang F, Hedlund BP, Reysenbach A. (2020) Roadmap for naming uncultivated Archaea and Bacteria. Nature Microbiology 10.1038/s41564-020-0733-x
Palmer M, Steenkamp ET, Blom J, Hedlund BP, Venter SN. (2020) All ANIs are not created equal: implications for prokaryotic species boundaries and integration of ANIs into polyphasic taxonomy. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70:2937-2948. 10.1099/ijsem.0.004124 PDF
Bophela KN, Venter SN, Wingfield MJ, Duran A, Tarigan M, Coutinho TA. (2019) Xanthomonas perforans: A tomato and pepper pathogen associated with bacterial blight and dieback of Eucalyptus pellita seedlings in Indonesia. . Australasian Plant Pathology 10.1007/s13313-019-00657-9 PDF
Estrada-de los Santos P, Palmer M, Steenkamp ET, Maluk M, Beukes C, Hirsch AM, James EK, Venter SN. (2019) Trinickia dabaoshanensis sp. nov., a new name for a lost species. Archives in Microbiology 10.1007/s00203-019-01703-2
Beukes CW, Boshoff FS, Phalane FL, Hassen AI, le Roux MM, Stępkowski T, Venter SN, Steenkamp ET. (2019) Both alpha- and beta-rhizobia occupy the root nodules of Vachellia karroo in South Africa. 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01195 PDF
Beukes CW, Sereme TK, Phalane FL, Mthombeni LS, Palmer M, Hassen AI, Chan WY, Avontuur J, van Zyl E, Steenkamp ET, Venter SN. (2019) Paraburkholderia strydomiana sp. nov. and Paraburkholderia steynii sp. nov.: rhizobial symbionts of the fynbos legume Hypocalyptus sophoroides. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 10.1007/s10482-019-01269-5
Palmer M, Venter SN, McTaggart AR, Coetzee MPA, Van Wyk S, Avontuur JR, Beukes CW, Fourie G, Santana QC, Van der Nest MA, Blom J, Steenkamp ET. (2019) The synergistic effect of concatenation in phylogenomics: the case in Pantoea. PeerJ 10.7717/peerj.6698 PDF
Avontuur JR, Palmer M, Beukes CW, Chan WY, Coetzee MPA, Blom J, Stępkowski T, Kyrpides NC, Woyke T, Shapiro N, Whitman WB, Venter SN, Steenkamp ET. (2019) Genome-informed Bradyrhizobium taxonomy: where to from here?. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 10.1016/j.syapm.2019.03.006
Palmer M, Venter SN, Coetzee MPA, Steenkamp ET. (2019) Prokaryotic species are sui generis evolutionary units. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 42(2):145-158. 10.1016/j.syapm.2018.10.002
Estrada-de los Santos P, Palmer M, Chávez-Ramírez B, Beukes C, Steenkamp ET, Briscoe L, Khan N, Maluk M, Lafos M, Humm E, Arrabit M, Crook M, Gross E, Simon MF, Bueno dos Reis F, Whitman WB, Shapiro N, Poole PS, Hirsch AM, Venter SN, James EK. (2018) Whole Genome Analyses Suggests that Burkholderia sensu lato Contains Two Additional Novel Genera (Mycetohabitans gen. nov., and Trinickia gen. nov.): Implications for the Evolution of Diazotrophy and Nodulation in the Burkholderiaceae. Genes 9(8):389. 10.3390/genes9080389
Masekela R, Vosloo S, Venter SN, De Beer ZW, Green RJ. (2018) The lung microbiome in children with HIV-bronchiectasis: a cross-sectional pilot study. BMC Pulmonary Medicine 18:87. 10.1186/s12890-018-0632-6
Palmer M, Steenkamp ET, Coetzee MPA, Avontuur JR, Chan WY, Van Zyl E, Blom J, Venter SN. (2018) Mixta gen. nov., a new genus in the Erwiniaceae. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 68:1396-1407. 10.1099/ijsem.0.002540
Palmer M, Steenkamp ET, Coetzee MPA, Blom J, Venter SN. (2018) Genome-based characterization of biological processes that differentiate closely related bacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology 9:113. 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00113 PDF
Human ZR, Crous CJ, Roets F, Venter SN, Wingfield MJ, de Beer ZW. (2018) Biodiversity and ecology of flower-associated actinomycetes in different flowering stages of Protea repens. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 111(2):209-226. 10.1007/s10482-017-0942-3
De Maayer P, Aliyu H, Vikram S, Blom J, Duffy B, Cowan DA, Smits THM, Venter SN, Coutinho TA. (2017) Phylogenomic, pan-genomic, pathogenomic and evolutionary genomic insights into the agronomically relevant enterobacteria Pantoea ananatis and Pantoea stewartii. Frontiers in Microbiology 8(1755) 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01755
Beukes CW, Palmer M, Manyaka P, Chan W-Y, Avontuur JR, Van Zyl E, Huntemann M, Clum A, Pillay M, Palaniappan K, Varghese N, Mikhailova N, Stamatis D, Reddy TBK, Daum C, Shapiro N, Markowitz V, Ivanova N, Kyrpides N, Woyke T, Blom J, Whitman WB, Venter SN, Steenkamp ET. (2017) Genome data provides high support for generic boundaries in Burkholderia sensu lato. Frontiers in Microbiology 8(1154) 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01154 PDF
Venter SN, Palmer M, Beukes CW, Chan W-Y, Shin G, Van Zyl E, Seale T, Coutinho TA, Steenkamp ET. (2017) Practically delineating bacterial species with genealogical concordance. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 110(10):1311-132. 10.1007/s10482-017-0869-8
Palmer M, Steenkamp ET, Coetzee MPA, Chan W-Y, Van Zyl E, De Maayer P, Coutinho TA, Blom J, Smits THM, Duffy B, Venter SN. (2017) Phylogenomic resolution of the bacterial genus Pantoea and its relationship with Erwinia and Tatumella. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 110(10):1287-1309. 10.1007/s10482-017-0852-4
Human ZR, Slippers B, De Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ, Venter SN. (2017) Antifungal actinomycetes associated with the pine bark beetle, Orthotomicus erosus, in South Africa. South African Journal of Science 113(1/2):2016-0215. 10.17159/sajs.2017/20160215 PDF
Magadlela A BC, Venter F, Steenkamp E, Valentine A. (2017) Does P deficiency affect nodule bacterial composition and N source utilization in a legume from nutrient-poor Mediterranean-type ecosystems?. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 104:164-174. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.10.021
Human ZR, Moon K, Bae M, De Beer ZW, Cha S, Wingfield MJ, Slippers B, Oh D-C, Venter SN. (2016) Antifungal Streptomyces spp. associated with the infructescences of Protea spp. in South Africa. Frontiers in Microbiology 7(1657) 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01657 PDF
Carstensen GD, Venter SN, Wingfield MJ, Coutinho TA. (2016) Two Ralstonia species associated with bacterial wilt of Eucalyptus. Plant Pathology 66:393-403. 10.1111/ppa.12577 PDF
Beukes CW, Stepkowski T, Venter SN, Clapa T, Phalane FL, le Roux MM, Steenkamp ET. (2016) Crotalarieae and Genisteae of the South African Great Escarpment are nodulated by novel Bradyrhizobium species with unique and diverse symbiotic loci. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 100:206-218. 10.1016/j.ympev.2016.04.011
Palmer M, De Maayer P, Poulsen M, Steenkamp ET, Van Zyl E, Coutinho TA, Venter SN. (2016) Draft genome sequences of Pantoea agglomerans and Pantoea vagans isolates associated with termites. Standards in Genomic Sciences 11(23) 10.1186/s40793-016-0144-z PDF
Steenkamp ET, van Zyl E, Beukes CW, Avontuur J, Chan W-Y, Palmer M, Mthombeni LS, Phalane FL, Sereme TK, Venter SN. (2015) Burkholderia kirstenboschensis sp. nov. nodulates papilionoid legumes indigenous to South Africa. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 38(8):545-554. 10.1016/j.syapm.2015.09.003
De Maayer P, Chan W-Y, Martin DAJ , Blom J, Venter SN, Duffy B, Cowan DA, Smits THM, Coutinho TA. (2015) Integrative conjugative elements of the ICEPan family play a potential role in Pantoea ananatis ecological diversification and antibiosis. Frontiers in Microbiology 6:576. 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00576
Shyntum D, Theron J, Moleleki L, Toth I, Venter SN, Coutinho TA. (2015) Pantoea ananatis utilizes a type VI secretion system for pathogenesis and bacterial competition. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 28(4):420-431. 10.1094/MPMI-07-14-0219-R
Coutinho TA, van der Westhuizen L, Roux J, McFarlane SA, Venter SN. (2015) Significant host jump of Xanthomonas vasicola from sugarcane to a Eucalyptus grandis clone in South Africa. Plant Pathology 64(3):576-581. 10.1111/ppa.12298
Weller-Stuart T, Chan W-Y, Coutinho TA, Venter SN, Smits THM, Duffy B, Goszczynska T, Cowan DA, de Maayer P. (2014) Draft genome sequences of the onion center rot pathogen Pantoea ananatis PA4 and maize brown stalk rot pathogen P. ananatis BD442. Genome Announcements 2(4) e00750-14
De Maayer P, Chan WY, Rubagotti E, Venter SN, Toth IK, Birch PR, Coutinho TA. (2014) Analysis of the Pantoea ananatis pan-genome reveals factors underlying its ability to colonize and interact with plant, insect and vertebrate hosts. BMC Genomics 15:404. 10.1186/1471-2164-15-404 PDF
Shyntum DY, Venter SN, Moleleki LN, Toth I, Coutinho TA. (2014) Comparative genomics of type VI secretion systems in strains of Pantoea ananatis from different environments. BMC Genomics 15:163. 10.1186/1471-2164-15-163
Beukes CW, Venter SN, Law IJ, Phalane FL, Steenkamp ET. (2013) South African papilionoid legumes are nodulated by diverse Burkholderia with unique nodulation and nitrogen-fixation loci. PLos ONE 8(7):e68406. 10.1371/journal.pone.0068406 PMCID: PMC3708930 PDF
Le Roux WJ, Chan WY, De Maayer P, De Maayer P, Venter SN. (2013) Genome Sequence of Vibrio cholerae G4222, a South African Clinical Isolate. Genome Announcements 1(2):1-2. 10.1128/genomeA.00040-13 PDF
De Maayer P, Chan WY, Blom J, Venter SN, Duffy B, Smits THM, Coutinho TA. (2012) The large universal Pantoea plasmid LPP-1 plays a major role in biological and ecological diversification. BMC Genomics 13(625):1-12. 10.1186/1471-2164-13-625 PDF
Wingfield BD, Steenkamp ET, Santana QC, Coetzee MPA, Bam S, Barnes I, Beukes CW, Chane W-Y, de Vos L, Fourie G, Friend M, Gordon TR, Herron DA, Holt C, Korf I, Kvas M, Martin SH, Mlonyeni XO, Naidoo K, Phasha MM, Postma A, Reva O, Roos H, Simpson M, Slinski S, Slippers B, Sutherland R, van der Merwe NA, van der Nest MA, Venter SNV, Wilken PM, Yandell M, Zipfel R, Wingfield MJ. (2012) First fungal genome sequence from Africa: a preliminary analysis. South African Journal of Science 108:104-122. 10.4102/sajs.v108i1/2.537 PDF
De Maayer P, Chan WY, Rezzonico F, Buhlmann A, Venter SN, Blom J, Goesmann A, Frey JE, Smits THM, Duffy B, Coutinho TA. (2012) Complete Genome Sequence of Clinical Isolate Pantoea ananatis LMG 5342. Journal of Bacteriology 194(6):1615-1616. 10.1128/JB.06715-11 PDF
Coutinho TA, Brady CL, Vaart MVD, Venter SN, Telechea N, Rolfo M, Perez C, Wingfield MJ. (2011) A new shoot and stem disease of Eucalyptus species caused by Erwinia psidii. Australasian Plant Pathology 40(1):55-60. 10.1007/s13313-010-0013-y PDF
De Maayer P, Chan WY, Venter SN, Toth IK, Birch PRJ, Joubert F, Coutinho TA. (2010) Genome Sequence of Pantoea ananatis LMG20103, the Causative Agent of Eucalyptus Blight and Dieback. Journal of Bacteriology 192(11):2936-2937. 10.1128/JB.00060-10 PDF
Brady CL, Venter SN, Cleenwerck I, Engelbeen K, De Vos P, Wingfield MJ, Telechea N, Coutinho TA. (2009) Isolation of Enterobacter cowanii from Eucalyptus showing symptoms of bacterial blight and dieback in Uruguay. Letters in Applied Microbiology 49(4):461-465. 10.1111/j.1472-765X.2009.02692.x PDF
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Fourie A, Venter N, Slippers B, Fourie G. (2021) It takes "guts" to understand stink bugs. SAMAC Journal :33-37. PDF
Arista Fourie, Fanus Venter. (2021) It takes "guts" to understand stink bugs. SAMAC Journal :33-37.