TPCP-CTHB students break the tree planting record again! 2014-10-24
Today, a large group of Honnours, Masters, and PhD students, and even three Postdoctoral fellows, of the TPCP and CTHB programmes joined in to replant 2700 Eucalyptus trees into bags at the FABI nursery on the experimental farm. Earlier this year, the record was set for the most students ever to participate, at 43. Today, that record was broken when 53 students participated!
As always, it was a lot of fun in the sun, and students from six continents, who routinely work in different FABI labs and buildings, had the opportunity to work side by side and get to know each other better. We thank the team for their help and efficiency with the tree planting, but especially for the team spirit with which it was done. Not only do they save a lot of time and research money by assisting in the planting session, they also contribute to the important research done by the TPCP for the South African forestry industry. Almost all the plants planted today will be used for experiments in the biological control programme of forest insects of the TPCP.