Ms Mary Ranketse

PhD student


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Primary Supervisor
Zander Myburg

Co Supervisor
Charles Hefer
Rian Pierneef
Gerda Fourie

My Links

I am interested in the use of genomics and molecular breeding technologies as sustainable methods for crop production, improvement and conservation; especially given the changing climate landscape. My resilient, solution-orientated nature and passion for science exploration, molecular biology and genomics evolved during my post-graduate studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. I did my PhD on macadamia genomics at the University of Pretoria, and was affiliated with the Agricultural Research Council Professional Development Programme. I am privileged to be doing my research with the dynamic Forest Molecular Genetics (FMG) - Eucalyptus Pine-Pathogen Interactions (EPPI) Research programme which has extensive expertise and resources related to forestry and trees, and the highly experienced Macadamia Protection Programme (MaPP) which ensure sustainable methods for management of macadamia resources.

South Africa is a major role player in the global macadamia industry, being one of the two largest suppliers along with Australia. Macadamia nuts are known worldwide as a high quality, product used in the food and cosmetic industries. With such demand for high-quality macadamia nuts and oil, it is important to look to genomics to maintain or even improve the already high standards set by the Hawaiian industry during commercial selections more than 100 years ago. Limited macadamia selections have been performed in South Africa, with no national breeding programmes and most commercial accessions grown in in the country are imported from Hawaii and Australia. Furthermore the South African macadamia industry does not have genetic knowledge of macadamia in the country resulting in knowledge gaps in the genomics space.

My study aimed to understand the population genetics of macadamia grown in South Africa using microsatellite markers and whole genome sequencing. Furthermore, we generated high-quality De novo assemblies of Macadamia tetraphylla and Beaumont (HAES 695) genomes. This study added new knowledge to the growing body of genomic resources for macadamia. The outcomes of this research has generated important genetic tools that are being applied for genetic fingerprinting, parentage analysis, cultivar purity testing and germplasm protection. 



Ranketse, M., Hefer, C., Pierneef, R., Fourie, G., Myburg, A.A., 2020. Hybrid de novo sequencing and assembly of the Beaumont/ HAES 695 and Santa Anna accessions (Macadamia sp.). South African Society for Bioinformatics (SASBi) and the South African Genetics Society (SAGS) Joint BIO2022 Conference, 25-27 April 2022, Cape Town, South Africa (Poster) 

Ranketse, M., Hefer, C., Pierneef, R., Fourie, G., Myburg, A.A., 2020. Macadamia genetic resource management – A South African perspective. Plant Biology 2020 Worldwide Summit, 27-31 July 2020, Online meeting (Poster)

Ranketse, M., Hefer, C., Pierneef, R., Fourie, G., Myburg, A.A., 2020. Whole-genome analysis of macadamia using innovative sequencing technologies for genetic resource management and breeding. Southern African Plant Breeding Symposium, 8-10 March 2020, Pretoria, South Africa (Flash Talk)

Ranketse, M., Hefer, C., Pierneef, R., Fourie, G., Myburg, A.A., 2018. Genetic characterization and population dynamics of South African macadamia cultivars using multiplex microsatellite PCR panels. South African Society for Bioinformatics (SASBi) and the South African Genetics Society (SAGS) 2018 Joint Conference, 16-18 October 2018, Free State, South Africa (Oral)

Ranketse, M., Madoroba, E. Muchadeyi, F.C. and Dzomba, E.F. 2017. Whole Genome Sequence Analysis Reveals Antimicrobial Resistance Genes, Plasmids and Potentially Unique Sequence Types of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolates causing Colibacillosis in Neonatal and Weaning Piglets of South Africa. Plant and Animal Genome XXV 2017, 14-18 January 2017, San Diego, California, United Stated of America. Work was presented at the Swine workshop (Oral)

Ranketse, M., Ledwaba, L., Malibe, L., Rees, J., Bellstedt, D.U., Baison, J. and Matsaunyane, L. B. T. Comparative differential gene expression analysis in response to PVY infection in resistant and susceptible potato cultivars. Potato South Africa Research Symposium 2016, 26– 27 July 2016, Limpopo, South Africa (Flash Talk and Poster)

Ranketse, M., Hefer, C., Baison, J. and Mastaunyane, L.B.T. Comparative differential gene expression analysis in response to PVY infection in resistant and susceptible potato cultivars. Potato South Africa Research Symposium 2015, 21– 22 July 2015, Limpopo, South Africa (Flash Talk and Poster)

Ranketse, M., Madoroba, E. Muchadeyi, F.C. and Dzomba, E.F. 2015. Analysis of antibiotic resistant genes, plasmid profiles and multilocus sequence typing of Escherichia coli isolates causing colibacillosis in South African piglets. University of KwaZulu-Natal, College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science, 2015 Postgraduate Research Day, 22 September 2015, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa (Oral)

Ranketse, M. and Dzomba, E.F. 2012. Characterization of the NRAMP1 gene polymorphisms and their variation in pig breeds of South Africa. South African Genetics and Bioinformatics Society Conference, 10-12 September 2012, Cape Town, South Africa (Poster)


FABI celebrates the completion of Mary Ranketse's PhD

FABI celebrated the completion of Mary Ranketse's PhD journey at her Prestige Seminar “Genome sequences and molecular resources for Macadamia tree breeding in South Africa”.

The Macadamia team attended the SAMAC Research Networking Day

Members of the Macadamia Protection Programme attended a SAMAC networking day where they presented on their research projects.

FABI students and staff shine at Bio2022 Conference

FABI shone at the recent South African Society for Bioinformatics and the South African Genetics Society's first joint hybrid conference.

Mad Macs attend the SAMAC Macadamia Day in the KNP

The Macadamia Protection Programme (MPP) team attended the annual Macadamias South Africa NPC (SAMAC) grower symposium in the Kruger National Park.

FABI presents at the SAMAC Webinar

On 3 September, Dr Gerda Fourie, research leader of the Macadamia Protection Programme (MPP) and Prof. Zander Myburg, research leader of the Forest Molecular Genetics (FMG) Programme participated in a live webinar.

FMG members attend a virtual PB20 conference

Twenty two members of the FMG research group in FABI attended this year's virtual-hosted ASPB Plant Biology Worldwide Summit 2020.

Dr Wayne Hancock visits the Macadamia Protection Programme and presents a special seminar at FABI

Dr Wayne Hancock of Southern Cross University, Australia visited Dr Gerda Fourie, research leader of the Macadamia Protection Programme in FABI, from 25 to 28 March.

Export to RIS
Ranketse M, Hefer CA, Pierneef R, Fourie G, Myburg AA. (2022) Genetic diversity and population structure analysis reveals the unique genetic composition of South African selected macadamia accessions. Tree Genetics and Genomes 18(15):12. 10.1007/s11295-022-01543-0
Export to RIS
Ranketse M, Hefer C, Pierneef R, Fourie G, Myburg Z. (2021) South African locally selected macadamia cultivars have a unique genetic identification profile compared to imported cultivars. SAMAC Journal PDF