Ms Brittney-Aidan Jamieson

MSc student


Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
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Primary Supervisor
Tanay Bose

Co Supervisor
Almuth Hammerbacher
Trudy Paap

I completed my Honours under the guidance of Dr. Tanay Bose and Prof. Almuth Hammerbacher, concentrating on developing a biocontrol remedy for Phytophthora multivesiculata, a oomycete pathogen effecting orchids in a nursery setting

Presently, I am collaborating once again with Dr. Bose and Prof. Hammerbacher in a nursery setting. However, my current research direction revolves around delving into the infection biology and disease epidemiology of the significant basidiomycete pathogen, Quambalaria eucalypti.

Export to RIS
Brasier CM, Grünwald NJ, Bourret TB, Govers F, Scanu B, Cooke DEL, Bose T, Hawksworth DL, Abad ZG, Albarracin MV, Alsultan W, Altamirano-Junqueria AE, Arifin AR, Arnet MJ, Aumentado HDR, Bakonyi J, Belisle WH, Benigno A, Bienapfl JC, Bilodeau GJ, Blair JE, Botella L, Brandano A, Cacciola SO, Carbone I, Castroagudin VL, Chaendaekattu N, Consford JD, Corcobado T, Covey PA, Daniels HA, Deidda A, Dorrance AE, Dort EN, Drenth A, Drizou F, Evangelisti E, Fajardo SN, Fang Y, Ference CM, Frankel SJ, Goss EM, Guest DI, Hardy GESJ, Harris ARH, Hawku MD, Heungens K, Hong C, Horner IJ, Horta Jung M, Iyanda OJ, Jamieson B, Jeffers SN, Judelson HS, Junaid M, Kalogeropoulou E, Kamoun S, Kang S, Kasuga T, Kudláček T, LeBoldus J, Lee CA, Li D, Llanos AK, Lopez-Nicora HD, Machado H, Di San Lio GM, Maia C, Mandal K, Manosalva P, Martin FN, Matson MEH, McDougal RL, McDowell JM, Michelmore RW, Milenković I, Moricca S, Mostowfizadeh-Ghalamfarsa R, Nagy Z, Nikolaeva EV, Ortega-López P, Paap T, Parada-Rojas CH, Peduto Hand F, Perez-Sierra A, Pettersson M, Prasad P, Puig AS, Raco M, Rajput NA, Ristaino JB, Rooney-Latham S, Seidl MF, Shamoun SF, Solla A, Spies CFJ, Sudermann MA, Swiecki TJ, Tian M, Tripathy S, Uematsu S, Van Poucke K, Vichou AE, Walter M, Webber JF, Williams NM, Wingfield MJ, Yadav D, Yang X, Jung T. (2025) Preserving the Biologically Coherent Generic Concept of Phytophthora, ‘Plant Destroyer’. Phytopathology 10.1094/PHYTO-11-24-0372-LE