Postdoctoral position in biological control of the Macadamia felted coccid (Eriococcus ironsidei)
Dr Gerda Fourie, Prof. Bernard Slippers and Prof. Brett Hurley seek to hire a postdoctoral research fellow to conduct research to evaluate the potential use of Metaphycus macadamiae towards control of Eriococcus ironsidei. In 2017, Eriococcus ironsidei (Macadamia felted coccid) was reported in South Africa on macadamia for the first time (Schoeman 2018). The pest is regarded as a significant quarantine threat that can affect movement of propagative material between countries. Insecticidal oils and insect growth regulators may provide some control, however an integrated pest management programme that includes biological control, needs to be developed.
Click here for more information and how to apply.