Postdoctoral position: Protein-DNA interaction mapping and reconstruction of transcriptional regulatory networks underlying wood formation in Eucalyptus

A two year position (2021-2022) is available for a talented Postdoctoral Fellow to work with Dr Steven Hussey on a National Research Foundation-funded project. The Fellow will be hosted by the Forest Molecular Genetics Programme, affiliated with the prestigious Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. The Fellow will be expected to lead high-throughput protein-DNA interaction mapping and apply integrated multi-omics network reconstruction approaches to better understand the regulation of wood formation in Eucalyptus, in collaboration with leading international researchers. Opportunities for academic development, student co-supervision, international conference attendance and engagement with industry and government stakeholders will be made available. 

Click here for more information and how to apply.

MSc and PhD bursary opportunities in the Plant Health domain
The DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Plant Health Biotechnology (CPHB) at FABI invites applications for two-year MSc and three-year PhD scholarships for full-time study at the University of Pretoria, starting in February 2021. The available projects span a range of disciplines in the biological sciences, including microbiology, entomology, genetics, bioinformatics, botany, genomics, plant pathology, plant breeding, plant production, agricultural extension ecology, biostatistics, biochemistry and chemistry.  
South African graduates who intend to do an MSc must hold or be close to completing a BSc Hons degree (or equivalent). Those who intend to do a PhD must hold or be close to completing an MSc degree. In both instances a mark of at least 60% must have been obtained or be expected. Note that preferred applicants are those whose appointment would contribute towards achieving demographic representation in the CPHB.
Click here for more information about eligibility and how to apply.

One-year internships in Phytosanitation and Biosecurity
The CPHB Internship Programme, starting in February 2021, is designed to expand the depth and breadth of the interns’ previous academic learning in the plant health domain. The Programme draws from the expertise of multiple stakeholders and the training is coordinated with the needs of relevant industries, organizations and government. Our vision is that this Programme prepares interns for careers in the forestry and agricultural sectors. Interns will be trained to provide technical support to improve the updating of outdated import requirements; assist with a higher turnover of completed pest risk information packages and pest risk assessments, as well as to contribute to pest and disease diagnostic and extension, surveillance and biological control programs. 
Click here for more information about eligibility and how to apply.

Postdoctoral Position in Applied Chemical Ecology of Forest Plantation Pests

We seek to hire a postdoctoral research Fellow to conduct mission-oriented research to develop and improve integrated pest management tactics and strategies for insects affecting plantation forests in South Africa.  This position is part of an ongoing collaboration between FABI, the University of Pretoria and the Canadian Forest Service’s Great Lakes Forestry Centre, and partially supported by funding from Sappi. The successful candidate will conduct research with a primary focus of improving our understanding of the chemical, behavioural and/or population ecology of insect herbivores and their natural enemies in pine and Eucalyptus plantations.  

Click here for more information about eligibility and how to apply