Funding bodies and collaborators



EPPI collaborates with the following people and groups


Prof A.A Myburg, who is directing the
Forest Molecular Genetics Programme (FMG)
Prof Dave Berger head of the
Molecular Plant-Pathogen Interactions research group.
Dr Noëani Van den Berg is leading the research group
Fruit Tree Biotechnology Programme

Prof Teresa Coutinho has her research group within
Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (TPCP)
Dr Emma Steenkamp supervisor of the
Microbial Diversity and Evolution Group

New Publications

Solís M, Hammerbacher A, Wingfield M.J, Naidoo S. (2025) Enhancing plantation forest sustainability: A review of Eucalyptus defence mechanisms to foliar fungal pathogens. Current Forestry Reports 10.1007/s40725-024-00243-3
Teshome DT, Zharare GE, Ployet R, Naidoo S. (2024) Molecular mechanisms underlying tree host-pathogen interactions under drought stress and subsequent rewatering in Eucalyptus grandis. Plant Stress 10.1016/j.stress.2024.100697
Solís M, Naidoo S, Wingfield MJ, Joubert J, Hammerbacher A. (2024) First line of defence: Eucalyptus leaf waxes influence infection by an aggressive fungal leaf pathogen. Plant Biology 10.1111/plb.13707
Backer R, Naidoo S, van den Berg N. (2023) The expression of the NPR1-dependent defense response pathway genes in Persea americana (Mill.) following infection with Phytophthora cinnamomi. BMC Plant Biology 23(1):548. 10.1186/s12870-023-04541-z PDF
Swanepoel S, Visser EA, Shuey SS, Naidoo S. (2023) The In Planta Gene Expression of Austropuccinia psidii in Resistant and Susceptible Eucalyptus grandis. Phytopathology 113(6):1066-1076. 10.1094/PHYTO-07-22-0257-R PDF