Back: Rodé Visser (MSc), Prof. Dave Berger, Nkosinathi Ndaba (PhD), Bernice Small (MSc), Jana Botes (MSc)
Front: Dr. David Nsibo (Staff), Gabby Clara (MSc), Vhangani Mulaudzi (Intern), Trystan Nadasen (PhD)
Not present: Tanya Welgemoed (PhD), Iné Botha (MSc)
Back: Sapphire de Zoete (Hons), Dr. David Nsibo (Staff), Dr. Nicky Olivier (Staff), Nkosinathi Ndaba (PhD), Prof. Dave Berger, Marisca Hough (MSc), Jana Botes (Hons), Trystan Nadasen (PhD)
Front: Dr. Dawit Kidanemariam (Postdoc), Carla Buitendag (MSc - graduated), Rodé Visser (MSc), Gabby Clara (MSc).
Not present: Tanya Welgemoed (PhD), Iné Botha (MSc), Tumisang Mokgobu (MSc - graduated), Kevin Scheepers (MSc graduated).
MPPI Lab members (in no particular order; L-R each row): Prof. Dave Berger, Dr. Nicky Olivier, Tanya Welgemoed, Dr. Dawit Kidanemariam, Iné Botha, Marisca Hough, Nkosinathi Ndaba, Gabriel Chirundu, Tumisang Mokgobu, Carla Buitendag, Kevin Scheepers, Dr. David Nsibo (Lecturer), Jabilile Mahlangu, Marné van Butzelaar, Trystan Nadasen, Hamish Craze, Rodé Visser, Gabby Clara
Back row (L - R): Richard Kotze (PhD, Plant Science), Nicky Olivier (Microarray Scientific Officer & PhD, Bioinformatics), Emil van der Westhuizen (BEng Computer Engineering), Nicky Creux (PI - Crop Floral Biology), Ingrid Marais (MSc, Biotech), Trystan Nadasen (Hons, Biotech), Eugene Kabwe (MSc, Bioinformatics), Kevin Scheepers (Hons, Biotech)
Front row (L - R): Tanya Welgemoed (PhD, Bioinformatics), Dave Berger (PI – MPPI), Rob Jansen van Vuuren (MSc, Plant Science), Hamish Craze (Hons, Bioinformatics)
Inset: David Nsibo (PhD, Plant Science), Carol-Ann Segal (MSc, Biotech)
Back row (L - R): Dave Berger (PI – MPPI), Lichelle Grobler (MSc, Biotech), Richard Kotze (PhD, Plant Science), Eugene Kabwe (MSc, Bioinformatics), Nicky Olivier (Microarray Scientific Officer & PhD, Bioinformatics), David Nsibo (PhD, Plant Science)
Front row (L - R): Claudio de Nuzzo (MSc, Biotech), Carol-Ann Segal (MSc, Biotech), Katlego Masike (MSc, Plant Science), Moleboheng Lekota (PhD), Ingrid Marais (Hons, Biotech), Tanya Welgemoed (MSc, Bioinformatics), Julanie Stapelberg (MSc, Plant Science), Feroze Ferris (Technician)
Not present: Bridget Crampton (PI – CFPRG), Teddy Amuge (PhD, Plant Science), Miekie Human (PhD, Biotech), Johan Liversage (PhD, Biotech), Brigitte Langenhoven (PhD, Biotech), Thapelo Maboko (MSc, Plant Science), Zimbili Mlunjwa (MSc, Biotech), Lerato Mmabatho (MSc, Biotech), Erika Viljoen (PhD, Biotech).
Back row (L - R): Rotondwa Nemuhuyuni (BSc Agric, Soil Science), Tumisang Mokgobu (BSc Agric, Plant Pathology), Tanya Welgemoed (MSc, Bioinformatics), Julanie Stapelberg (MSc, Plant Science), Dave Berger (PI – MPPI), Thandy Makgolane (Hons, Plant Science), Miekie Human (PhD, Biotech), Lichelle Grobler (MSc, Biotech), Bridget Crampton (PI – CFPRG).
Front row (L - R): Katlego Masike (MSc, Plant Science), David Nsibo (PhD, Plant Science), Molly Malefo (PhD, Biotech), Carol-Ann Segal (Hons, Biotech), Johan Liversage (PhD, Biotech), Richard Kotze (PhD, Plant Science), Brigitte Langenhoven (PhD, Biotech), Alandie Nieuwoudt (MSc, Biotech), Zimbili Mlunjwa (MSc, Biotech).
Not present: Teddy Amuge (PhD, Plant Science), Kirsty Botha (MSc, Biotech), Claudio de Nuzzo (MSc, Biotech). Feroze Ferris (Technician), Thapelo Maboko (MSc, Plant Science), Lerato Mmabatho (MSc, Biotech), Nicky Olivier (Microarray Scientific Officer & PhD, Bioinformatics), Velushka Swart (PhD, Biotech), Erika Viljoen (PhD, Biotech).
Back row (L - R): Bridget Crampton (PI – CFPRG), Johan Liversage (PhD, Biotech), Katrien de Ridder (MSc Agric, Plant Pathology), David Nsibo (PhD, Plant Science), Velushka Swart (PhD, Biotech), Miekie Human (PhD, Biotech), Richard Kotze (PhD, Plant Science), Dave Berger (PI – MPPI)
Front row (L - R): Molly Malefo (PhD, Biotech), Julanie Stapelberg (MSc, Plant Science), Tanya Welgemoed (Hons, Biotech), Brigitte Langenhoven (PhD, Biotech), Thabang Msimango (Hons, Biotech), Thapelo Maboko (MSc, Plant Science), Zimbili Mlunjwa (MSc, Biotech), Jacqueline Meyer (PhD, Biotech), Claudio de Nuzzo (Hons, Biotech).
Not present: Teddy Amuge (PhD, Plant Science), Kirsty Botha (MSc, Biotech), Lichelle Grobler (Hons, Biotech), Ncobile Kunene (MSc, Biotech), Katlego Masike (MSc, Plant Science), Lerato Mmabatho (MSc, Biotech), Minah Molomo, Carol-Ann Segal (Mentorship students), Alandi Niewoudt (MSc, Biotech), Nicky Olivier (Microarray Scientific Officer & PhD, Bioinformatics), Erika Viljoen (PhD, Biotech).

Back row (L - R): Nicky Olivier (Microarray Scientific Officer & PhD, Bioinformatics), Nardus Strydom (MSc, Biotech), Dave Berger (PI – MPPI), Bridget Crampton (PI – CFPRG), Brigitte Langenhoven (PhD, Biotech), Johan Liversage (MSc, Biotech), David Livingstone Nsibo (PhD, Plant Science).
Middle row (L - R): Alandi Niewoudt (Hons, Biotech), Naomi Park (Hons, Biotech), Maryke Carstens (Postdoc), Julanie Stapelberg, Lichelle Grobler, Tabang Msimango (Mentorship students), Sonia Phillips (Postdoc)
Front row (L - R): Katrien de Ridder (MSc Agric, Plant Pathology), Elzette Wentzel (Hons, Biotech), Megan MacCaghey (MSc International Development, RIFA Fellow, UC Davis), Kirsty Botha (MSc, Biotech), Ncobile Kunene (MSc, Biotech), Miekie Haasbroek (PhD, Biotech), Velushka Swart (PhD, Biotech), Katlego Masike (Hons, Plant Science)
Not present: Writing theses/papers (!): Teddy Amuge (PhD, Plant Science), Jeanne Korsman (PhD, Biotech), Richard Kotze (MSc, Plant Science), Molly Malefo (MSc, Biotech), Claire Martin (MSc, Plant Science), Jacqueline Meyer (PhD, Biotech), Erika Viljoen (PhD, Biotech)

Back row (L - R): Shamus Morgan (undergrad assistant), Johan Liversage (MSc, Biotech), Dr Sonia Phillips (Postdoc), Jeanne Korsman (PhD, Biotech), Dr Bridget Crampton (PI – CFPRG), Prof. Dave Berger (PI – MPPI), Dr. Maryke Carstens (Postdoc), Teddy Amuge (PhD, Plant Science), Nicky Olivier (Microarray Scientific Officer & PhD, Bioinformatics)
Middle row (L - R): Ncobile Kunene (MSc, Plant Science), Claire Martin (MSc, Plant Science), Kirsty Botha (MSc, Plant Science), Velushka Birkenbach (PhD, Biotech), Brigitte Lombard (MSc, Biotech), Sonia Naidoo (MSc, Plant Science)
Front row (L - R): Molly Malefo (MSc, Biotech), Leonora Haasbroek (Hons, Biotech), Nardus Strydom (Hons, Biotech), Richard Kotze (MSc, Plant Science), Kara Troglin (University of Arkansas, USA), Miekie Haasbroek (MSc, Biotech)
Not present: Nanette Coetzer (PhD, Bioinformatics), Erika Viljoen (PhD, Biotech), Jacqueline Meyer (PhD, Biotech), Thomas Schmidt (MSc, Biotech), Monique Heystek (MSc, Biotech), Degracious Kgoale (MSc, Biotech), Mischa Muller (MSc, Biotech), Nare Ngoepe (MSc, Plant Science), Adri Veale (Technical Assistant), Gert Pietersen (undergrad assistant)
Back row (L - R): Nanette Coetzer (PhD, Bioinformatics), Dr Bridget Crampton (PI – CFPRG), Prof. Dave Berger (PI – MPPI), Johan Liversage (MSc, Biotech), Amy Visser (Hons, Plant Science), Kirsty Botha (MSc, Plant Science), Ncobile Kunene (Hons, Plant Science)
Middle row (L-R): Dr Boney Kuriakose (Senior Research Assistant), Nicky Olivier (Microarray Scientific Officer & PhD, Bioinformatics), Thomas Schmidt (MSc, Biotech), Claire Martin (MSc, Plant Science), Sonia Naidoo (MSc, Plant Science), Erika Viljoen (PhD, Biotech), Jeanne Korsman (PhD, Biotech), Dr Sonia Phillips (Postdoc).
Front row (L - R): Molly Malefo (Hons, Biotech), Monique Heystek (MSc, Biotech), Degracious Kgoale (MSc, Biotech), Miekie Haasbroek (MSc, Biotech), Velushka Birkenbach (MSc, Biotech), Brigitte Lombard (MSc, Biotech), Mischa Muller (MSc, Biotech), Dr. Maryke Carstens (Postdoc).
Not present: Teddy Amuge (PhD, Plant Science), Jacqueline Meyer (PhD, Biotech), Jane Bredenkamp (MSc, Biotech), Nare Ngoepe (MSc, Plant Science), Adri Veale (Technical Assistant), Grieta Mahlangu (Technician), Irene Schoeman (Admin assistant), Nardus Strydom, Douglas Martin (undergraduate lab assistants).
Back row (L - R): Nanette Coetzer (PhD, Bioinformatics), Erika Viljoen (PhD, Biotech), Dr Boney Kuriakose (Senior Research Assistant), Duncan Newman (PhD, Bioinformatics), Dr. Maryke Carstens (Postdoc), Prof. Dave Berger (PI – MPPI), Dr Bridget Crampton (PI – CFPRG), Nicky Olivier (Microarray Scientific Officer & PhD, Bioinformatics), Dr Sonia Phillips (Postdoc), Johan Liversage (Hons, Biotech), Amy Visser (undergraduate lab assistant).
Middle row (L-R): Christa Bonnema (Admin assistant), Jeanne Korsman (PhD, Biotech), Mischa Muller (MSc, Biotech), Sonia Naidoo (MSc, Plant Science), Adri Veale (Technical Assistant), Monique Heystek (MSc, Biotech).
Front row (L - R): Degracious Kgoale (MSc, Biotech), Molly Malefo (Hons, Biotech), Jane Bredenkamp (MSc, Biotech), Lerato Makoka (Hons, Plant Science), Brigitte Lombard (MSc, Biotech), Velushka Birkenbach (MSc, Biotech), Miekie Haasbroek (MSc, Biotech), Thomas Schmidt (MSc, Biotech), Fred van Staden (Hons, Bioinformatics).
Not present: Teddy Amuge (PhD, Plant Science), Jacqueline Meyer (PhD, Biotech), Claire Martin (Hons, Plant Science), Grieta Mahlangu (Technician), Ncobile Kunene (undergraduate lab assistant).
Front row (L - R): Degracious Kgoale (MSc, Biotech), Inge Gazendam (PhD, Biotech), Timmy Baloyi (Hons, Plant Science), Mischa Muller (Hons, Biotech), Jane Bredenkamp (MSc, Biotech), Monique Heystek (MSc, Biotech), Dr Boney Kuriakose (Senior Research Assistant), Dr Bridget Crampton (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow)
Back row (L - R): Amy Visser (undergraduate lab assistant), Jeanne Korsman (PhD, Biotech), Nicky Olivier (Microarray Scientific Officer), Erika Viljoen (MSc, Biotech), Nanette Coetzer (PhD, Bioinformatics), Prof Dave Berger (PI), Thomas Schmidt (Research Assistant), Duncan Newman (PhD, Bioinformatics), Frederick van Staden (undergraduate lab assistant)
Not present: Irene Van Nugteren (MSc, Biotech), Lerato Makoka (undergraduate lab assistant)
Front row (L-R): Khensani Rakgalakane (Hons, Biotech), Inge Gazendam (PhD, Biotech), Monique Heystek (Hons, Biotech)
Second row (L-R): Dr Boney Kuriakose (Senior Research Assistant), Erika Viljoen (MSc, Biotech), Liesl Van der Linden (MSc, Biotech), Jane Bredenkamp (MSc, Biotech)
Third row (L-R): Dr Bridget Cramption (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow), Nanette Coetzer (PhD, Bioinformatics), Prof Dave Berger (PI), Jeanne Korsman (PhD, Biotech)
Back row (L-R): Duncan Newman (PhD, Bioinformatics), Thomas Schmidt (Hons, Biotech), Nicky Olivier (Microarray Scientific Officer)
Insert (L-R): Irene Van Nugteren (MSc, Biotech), Mischa Muller (undergraduate lab assistant)
Front (L-R): Liesl Van der Linden (MSc, Biotech.), Irene Van Nugteren (MSc, Biotech), Dave Berger (PI), Barbara Meisel (Postdoc), Duncan Newman (Research Assist., Statistical Genetics), Thomas Schmidt (undergraduate lab assistant)
Middle (L-R): Monique Heystek (undergraduate lab assistant), *Ronishree Naidoo (MSc, Genetics), Antoinette Van Schalkwyk (Postdoc), Erika Van der Walt (MSc, Biotech), Levanya Reddy (Hons, Biotech), Inge Gazendam (PhD, Biotech.)
Back (L-R): Jeanne Korsman (Research Assist., Molecular Genetics), *Katrin Fitza (MSc, Genetics), *Febe Wilken (MSc, Genetics), Nanette Coetzer (MSc, Bioinformatics).
Insert (L-R): Nicky Olivier (Microarray Scientific Officer), Philip Law (Research Assist., Bioinformatics),
*Members of Dr Sanushka Naidoo's research group
Front (L-R): Liesl van der Linden (MSc, Biotech.), Sanushka Naidoo (Postdoc), Dave Berger (PI), Mmatshepo Phasha (undergraduate lab assistant), Febe Wilken (Hons, Biotech.)
Middle (L-R): Duncan Newman (Bioinformaticist), Nanette Coetzer (MSc, Bioinformatics), Barbara Ros (Postdoc), Erika van der Walt (Tech. Assist.),
Back (L-R): Jeanne Korsman (Research Assist.), Nicky Olivier (Microarray Scientific Officer), Inge Gazendam (PhD, Biotech.)
Not present: Loveness Dzikiti (PhD, Statistics), Philip Law (MSc, Bioinformatics), Irene van Nugteren (MSc, Biotech.), Antoinette van Schalkwyk (Postdoc)
Front (L-R): Dave Berger (PI), Sanushka Naidoo (PhD, Biotech.), Liesl van der Linden (MSc, Biotech.)
Middle (L-R): Zinzi Mboweni (Hons, Biotech.), Jeanne Korsman (Research Assist.), Irene van Nugteren (MSc, Biotech.), Barbara Ros (Postdoc), Erika van der Walt (Tech. Assist.), Febe Wilken (undergraduate lab assistant)
Back (L-R): Nanette Coetzer (MSc, Bioinformatics), Nicky Olivier (Microarray Scientific Officer), Antoinette van Schalkwyk (Postdoc)
Not present: Loveness Dzikiti (PhD, Statistics), Philip Law (MSc, Bioinformatics), Gordon Botha (Hons, Statistics)
Front (L-R): Sanushka Naidoo (PhD), Antoinette Van Schalkwyk (Postdoc), Dave Berger, Nicky Olivier (Microarray Scientific Officer)
Back (L-R): Ewan Potgieter (undergraduate lab assistant), Erika Van der Walt (Hons), Irene van Nugteren (Hons), Christian Giesel (MSc), Bridget Crampton (PhD)
Absent: Yoseph Beyene (Postdoc), Natalie Feltman (MSc), Philip Law (MSc), Lufuno Ngomani (Hons), Carmen So (Hons), Nanette Coetzer (Hons)
Front (L-R): Noelani Van den Berg (PhD), Dave Berger, Danie Theron (Microarray Scientific Officer)
Back (L-R): Liesl Vorster (Hons), Ana Slaughter (Postdoc), Sanushka Naidoo (PhD)
Absent: Bridget Crampton (PhD), Christian Giesel (MSc), Natalie Levendall (MSc), Lufuno Ngomani (Hons), Philip Law (Hons), Irene van Nugteren (undergraduate lab assistant).
Front (L-R): Lerato Matsaunyane (MSc), Inge Maritz (MSc alumni), Joanne Weich (MSc), Sanushka Naidoo (PhD), Bernet vd Merwe (3rd Yr), Liesl Vorster (3rd Yr)
Back (L-R): Dave Berger, Bridget Crampton (PhD), Ana Slaughter (Postdoc), Christian Giesel (MSc)
(L-R): Joanne Weich (MSc, Botany), Noelani Van den Berg (PhD, Plant Pathology), Bridget Campbell (PhD, Plant Biotechnology), Marcus Conradt (Scientific Consultant), Dave Berger, Ana Slaughter (Postdoc), Alain Gaume (Postdoc), Therese Lotter (MSc, Plant Biotechnology), Danie Theron (Microarray Technical Assistant), Sanushka Naidoo (PhD, Plant Biotechnology).
Front (L-R): Sabine Lezar (PhD, Genetics), Noelani Van Den Berg (PhD, Plant Pathology), Dave Berger, Danie Theron (Microarray Technical Assistant).
Back (L-R): Alain Gaume (Postdoc), Percy Chimwamurombe (Postdoc), Therese Lotter (MSc, Plant Biotechnology), Joanne Weich (MSc, Botany), Sanushka Naidoo (PhD, Plant Biotechnology).