FABI’s tree health focus at the 2023 ICPP in Lyon, France 2023-09-04
FABI’s participation in the 12th International Conference of Plant Pathology (ICPP), held 20-25 August 2023 in Lyon, France was not only substantial but impressive. This was equally true for all the FABI groups that attended the meeting include those working in the field of forest tree health and thus part of the Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (TPCP). The conference theme- ONE HEALTH – Healthy People, Healthy Animals and Healthy Environment perfectly encompassed the TPCP motto of ‘Keeping Trees Healthy’. The week really heated up with several of these attendees giving fantastic talks, including Dr Trudy Paap, Prof. Tuan Duong, Prof. Bernard Slippers, Prof. Irene Barnes and Prof. Brenda Wingfield. These presentations represented the wide range of research conducted by the TPCP team ranging from recognising the value of botanical gardens as sentinel plantings to detect new disease incursions to the molecular genetic aspects relating to tree health. The diversity of research conducted in FABI was also evident in the at least 30 posters presented at the conference. These poster sessions were well received with many discussions leading to new ideas and future opportunities for global collaboration. While the conference was incredibly densely packed with formal activities, team members had some time for recreation including a French-inspired picnic in the magnificent and tree-filled park Tete d’Or across from the conference centre. It was clearly evident that in-person conferences such as the 12th ICPP provide an irreplaceable platform to meet colleagues and thus to promote research excellence.