Prof Teresa Coutinho
Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology

Prof Paul Birch
Associate Professor
Prof Ian Toth
Associate Professor

Ms Fanele Mnguni
PhD student
Ms Mateka Patience Modiba
Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
PhD student
Ms Nomakula Zim
PhD student

Ms Adri Grobler
Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
MSc student
Ms Nwabisa Ngwentle
Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
MSc student

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New Publications

Coutinho TA, Carstensen G, Venter SN, Chen SF, Tarigan M, Wingfield MJ. (2024) Bacterial community in apparently healthy and asymptomatic Eucalyptus trees and those with symptoms of bacterial wilt. Journal of Plant Pathology 10.1007/s42161-024-01697-x
Gush S, Lebre P, Coutinho TA, Cowan DA, van der Waals JE. (2024) Disentangling shifts in the soil microbiome of potatoes infected with Rhizoctonia solani Anastomosis Group 3-PT in search of potential biocontrol agents. Phytobiomes Journal 10.1094/PBIOMES-06-23-0046-R
Claassens R, Venter SN, Beukes CW, Stępkowski T, Chan WY, Steenkamp ET. (2023) Bradyrhizobium xenonodulans sp. nov. isolated from nodules of Australian Acacia species invasive to South Africa. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 10.1016/j.syapm.2023.126452
Theron E, Bophela KN, Bisschoff J, Shin G, Coutinho TA, Van der Waals JE. (2022) Survey of Soft Rot Pectobacteriaceae Infecting Potatoes in South Africa. Potato Research 10.1007/s11540-022-09598-1
Khanal M, Timilsina S, Bhatta BP, Bophela K, Coutinho T, Cochran K, Malla S. (2022) Pseudomonas uvaldensis sp. nov., a bacterial pathogen causing onion bulb rot. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 72(4) 10.1099/ijsem.0.005311