Dr Nicky Creux
Plant and Soil Sciences
Senior Lecturer
Team Leader
Dr Robert Mangani
Plant and Soil Sciences

Dr Phrasia Mapfumo
Plant and Soil Sciences
Postdoctoral Fellow

Mr Conrad Addikah
Plant and Soil Sciences
PhD student
Ms Ofentse Mathibela
Plant and Soil Sciences
PhD student Doctoral candidate
Mr Sizwe Mthembu
Plant and Soil Sciences
PhD student
Ms Nomfundo Shinga
Plant and Soil Sciences
PhD student

Ms Jessica Berry
Plant and Soil Sciences
MSc student
Mr Johan Cilliers
Plant and Soil Sciences
MSc student
Ms Jolize Kruger
Plant and Soil Sciences
MSc student
Ms Tshegofatso Mbere
Centre for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
MSc student
Ms Vera Röder
Plant and Soil Sciences
MSc student

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