FABI Editorials & Commentaries
Publication |
Slippers B. (2016) ASSAf and young scientists: Transforming the future of science in South Africa. South African Journal of Science 112:a0189.
10.17159/sajs.2016/a0189 |
Slippers B, Alisic E. (2015) Leadership training for African scientists. Nature 519:414.
10.1038/519414c |
Slippers B, Vogel C, Fioramonti L. (2015) Opportunities for African research institutions. Chemical Technology March:3.
Slippers B, Vogel C, Fioramonti L. (2015) Global trends and opportunities for development of African research universities. South African Journal of Science 111
10.17159/sajs.2015/a0093 |
Slippers B. (2013) Young scientists: Public engagement should start early. Nature 498:299.
10.1038/498299d |
Slippers B. (2012) Small science: view from developing nations. Science 338(6109):882.
10.1126/science.338.6109.882-b |
Slippers B. (2012) Young scientists reflect on how to effect real change for Rio+4. South African Journal of Science 6/7:1340.
10.4102/sajs.v108i7/8.1340 |
Slippers B, Majozi T, Nelwamondo FV, Steenkamp CM, Van Heerden E, Wright CY. (2011) Internet access constrains science development and training at South African universities. South African Journal of Science 107:1.
10.4102/sajs. v107i9/10.685 |
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