Date Type Details
2025-03-31 08:30:57 Monday Morning Meeting

Monday Morning Meeting


Please join us for a presentation by Prof. Martina Šeruga Musić. Her presentation "Phytoplasma story in Croatia: from the field to the genome and back" will follow the formal part of the FABI MMM.

2025-04-03 08:30:04 Student Seminars

Thursday Morning Seminars


Chair: Shae Swanepoel

Lindo Biyela: Isolation and characterization of Pectobacteriaceae extracellular vesicles: Towards small RNA identification.

Raven Wienk: The antagonistic potential of Trichoderma against D. necatrix: in vitro and in planta.

Kwazi Nxumalo: Prediction of phenology and yield of soybean (Glycine max L.) under different planting dates and maturity groups.

Question panel: Christiaan Grobler

2025-04-03 15:30:55 Special Seminar

Special Seminar


The Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) and the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences (DEPSS), in conjunction with the South African Society of Plant Pathology (SASPP), cordially invite you to a joint special seminar by Prof. Dan Bebber “Implications of multiple pest invasions for tree health”, in the FABI Auditorium on 3 April at 15h30. 

Please register your attendance by clicking here.

Refreshments will be served afterwards.

2025-04-07 08:30:39 Monday Morning Meeting

Monday Morning Meeting


Please join us for a presentation by Dr Adeoye Kayode. His presentation will follow the formal part of the MMM.

2025-04-10 08:30:04 Student Seminars

Thursday Morning Seminars


Chair: Byron Sonnekus

Cheyenne Theron: Title pending.

Tuelo Motloba: Title pending.

Martin (MPA) Mohobo: Using remote sensing to develop detection methods for Teratosphaeria destructans in Eucalyptus plantations.

Question panel: Lindo BiyelaRaven Wienk, and Kwazi Nxumalo


2025-04-14 08:30:39 Monday Morning Meeting

Monday Morning Meeting


Please join us for a presentation by Dr Tanya Welgemoed. Her presentation will follow the formal part of the FABI MMM

2025-04-17 08:30:04 Student Seminars

Thursday Morning Seminars


Chair: Nadine Kleinhans

Johannes Joubert: Title pending.

Nicole van Vuuren: Title pending.

Shae Swanepoel: Title pending.

Question panel: Cheyenne Theron, Martin Mohobo and Tuelo Motloba

2025-04-24 08:30:04 Student Seminars

Thursday Morning Seminars


Chair: Vaylen Hlaka 

Ryan Bosch: Title pending. 

Thembeka Mkhize: Title pending.  

Christiaan Grobler: Title pending. 

Question panel: Johannes JoubertNicole van Vuuren, and Shae Swanepoel

2025-05-05 08:30:04

Monday Morning Meeting


Please join us for a presentation by Dr David Read. His presentation will follow the formal part of the FABI MMM.

2025-05-08 08:30:04 Student Seminars

Thursday Morning Seminars


Chair: Nicole van Vuuren 

Lazarus Mavima: Title pending. 

Nkosinathi Ndaba: Title pending. 

Johan Cilliers: Title pending. 

Question panel: Ryan BoschThembeka Mkhize, and Christiaan Grobler


2025-05-13 08:00:26 TPCP/CPHB Symposium

The 36th Annual Meeting of the Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (TPCP) and DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Plant Health Biotechnology (CPHB)


The annual meeting of the Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (TPCP) and DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Plant Health Biotechnology (CPHB) has become one of the most important meetings relating to forest tree health in South Africa and globally. The 2025 TPCP/CPHB meeting will take place on 13-14 May. This event is open to staff of member companies of the TPCP and other stakeholders in the TPCP and CPHB.

As has been the case in the past, the 36th annual meeting of the TPCP will focus on key issues relating to forest tree health in South Africa. Importantly, the meeting will again seek to provide feedback to forest industry and other stakeholders on programmes focused on dealing with threatening pest and disease problems following an integrated pest management approach.

2025-05-19 08:30:39 Monday Morning Meeting

Monday Morning Meeting


Please join us for a presentation by Dr Demissew Teshome. His presentation will follow the formal part of the FABI MMM.

2025-05-22 08:30:04 Student Seminars

Thursday Morning Seminars


Chair: Lazarus Mavima

Megan van der Westhuizen: Title pending.

Brittney-Aidan Jamieson: Title pending. 

Alecia Heyns: Title pending.

Question panel:  Lazarus MavimaNkosinathi Ndaba, and Johan Cilliers

2025-05-26 08:30:39 Monday Morning Meeting

Monday Morning Meeting


Please join us for MMM.