1 Jun 2021

FABI team considers research progress on Phytophthora die-back of Silver trees in Kirstenbosch

During the second week of May a group of FABI researchers joined Stellenbosch University colleagues to inspect silver tree (Leucodendron argenteum) research being conducted in Kirstenbosch.

31 May 2021

Milkwood trees dying in the Hermanus area of the Western Cape

FABI tree health researchers have recently been requested to inspect relatively large numbers of milkwood (Sideroxylon inerme) trees that have been dying in the Hermanus area of the Western Cape.

30 May 2021

FABIans present at the SASM conference

FABI was well represented at the 21st Biennial Conference of the South African Society of Microbiology (SASM) took place virtually between 4-6 May.

27 May 2021

Mycotoxins: behind the scenes

Members of the Applied Mycology research group at FABI embarked on a day trip to the Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) in Pretoria on Thursday 20 May.

26 May 2021

Applied Mycology group visits Bayer Crop Science

On 6 May, members of the Applied Mycology group within the bigger Grain Research Program at FABI, visited the Bayer Crop Science experimental farm in Petit, Gauteng.

24 May 2021

Pictures speak 1000 words about plant health

To celebrate the International Year of Plant Health 2020 and the role plants play in our lives, the South African National Seed Organization (SANSOR) organised a photo competition for professionals and amateurs alike.

11 May 2021

Three Mad-Macs in KZN

The Macadamia Protection Programme’s (MPP) ‘Mad-Macs’ team went on another field trip, this time to the KwaZulu-Natal south coast!

10 May 2021

32nd Annual Symposium of the TPCP and CPHB

The 32nd Annual Symposium of the Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (TPCP) and DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Plant Health Biotechnology (CPHB) in FABI was hosted as a six-hour long hybrid meeting on 4 May.

9 May 2021

Student training through the SANBI-funded Sentinel Plant Project in South African botanical gardens

Drs. Mesfin Gossa and Trudy Paap initiated a link with the Department of Horticulture at the Durban University of Technology (DUT) to discuss possibilities of student training via the Sentinel Plant Project.

6 May 2021

The PSHB takes FABI researchers to Somerset West

FABI Field extension officer Shawn Fell, joined by PhD candidate Josephine Queffelec and field extension intern Jabulile Mahlangu travelled to Somerset West during the week of 26 April.

5 May 2021

Farewell to Darryl Herron

On Thursday 29 April, a small group of FABIans gathered to say an emotional farewell FABI stalwart and PhD candidate Darryl Herron who leaves the Institute after 14 years to take up a research position at Scion in New Zealand.

3 May 2021

Record turnout for FABI’s International Seminar Series

FABI was proud to host it’s monthly International Seminar on 29 April with more than 200 participants from across the globe, all keen to hear US Forest Services’ Dr Andrew “Sandy” Liebhold speak on the “Macroecology of insect invasions”.

23 Apr 2021

FABI's Internship Programme is growing

Two more candidates joined the FABI Internship programme on 1 April.

22 Apr 2021

Contributing to the USDA Beech Leaf Disease Workshop

Dr. Katrin Fitza and other international speakers from were given the opportunity to present on their work on an online workshop hosted by the USDA.

21 Apr 2021

Tree planting day for the Mad Macs team

On Tuesday 20 April, members of the Macadamia Protection Programme (MPP) in FABI planted approximatively 300 macadamia trees from various different cultivars that are grown commercially by the industry.

13 Apr 2021

Brett Hurley appointed as ICFR Research Associate

Professor Brett Hurley has been appointed as a Research Associate of the Institute for Commercial Forestry Research (ICFR) strengthening the long and close association between the Institute, especially with the ICFR’s Dr Ilaria Germishuizen, and the Tree Protection Co-operative Programme in FABI.

8 Apr 2021

Engaging small holder farmers to use digital disease diagnostic support tools

FABI has partnered with Grain SA and Social Coding to engage smallholder farmers to connect with the Institute’s diagnostic clinic via its digital platform.

6 Apr 2021

FABI bids Fahimeh farewell

A small group of FABIans attended a farewell function for Dr Fahimeh Jami who leaves the Institute after 14 years to join the Agricultural Research Council (ARC).

2 Apr 2021

Discovering biologically-active fungal metabolites from unexplored species

The March guest presenter of the FABI International Seminar Series was the world-renown Prof. Marc Stadler who present on his research activities linked to the discovery of biologically active fungal metabolites from new and hitherto unexplored species.

1 Apr 2021

Partnership to bring big data techniques to Africa’s agriculture and forestry sectors

Advance.io is partnering with Innovation Africa @UP to bring artificial intelligence and big data techniques to the continent’s agricultural and forestry sectors.

29 Mar 2021

Mike Wingfield participates in the Australian Myrtle Rust Symposium

FABI Professor and Advisor to the Executive of the University of Pretoria joined the Australian Plant Biosecurity Science Foundation's National Symposium on Myrtle Rust to present a keynote presentation.

25 Mar 2021

Prof Brenda Wingfield and Dr. Tuan Dong to receive prestigious UP awards

The FABI team was delighted to learn this past week that the University of Pretoria (UP) will recognise Prof Brenda. Wingfield and Dr Tuan Duong for their research excellence.

23 Mar 2021

Augmentative biological control of the Sirex woodwasp continues in 2021

FABI technical staff, Sophie Nyoni and Pritty Khumalo, have again produced millions of nematodes for the control of the Sirex woodwasp.

15 Mar 2021

Online launch of forestry pests and diseases book

The official launch of the recently-published book “Important insect pests and diseases of Pinus and Eucalyptus in Colombia” by Dr Carlos Rodas and Prof. A PDF of the book is freely available for download by clicking here.

12 Mar 2021

Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer online resource

The PSHB Research Network in FABI has been at the forefront of research and field extension work, and to this end has created an online resource for use by both the public and academia.

10 Mar 2021

Many hands make light work at the TPCP tree planting

Some 50 students linked to the Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (TPCP) in FABI replanted more than 1700 Eucalyptus and 200 pine seedlings on the morning of 5 March.

8 Mar 2021

GRP team visits farms in the Eastern Cape and KZN

The Grain Research Program (GRP) team in collaboration with the University of the Free State’s Department of Plant Sciences team embarked on a field trip to the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal.

3 Mar 2021

FABI researchers work with Sappi in KwaZulu-Natal

FABI team members visited various Sappi holdings in KwaZulu-Natal during the week of 22 February.

26 Feb 2021

Drivers and brakes of pathogen emergence

Professor Daniel Croll of the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland was the guest presenter of this month’s FABI International Seminar Series on 25 February.

19 Feb 2021

In memoriam: Professor Stefan Neser

Stefan passed away on Wednesday, 17 February 2021. Our deepest condolences to his wife Ottilie, his children, other members of his family, and the many special friends that he had in South Africa and abroad.

19 Feb 2021

Macadamia research program’s field visit to Mpumalanga

The Macadamia Protection Program (MPP) is back in the field! MPP research group leader Dr Gerda Fourie, joined by MSc candidate Dee Twiddy and PhD candidate Elisa Pal travelled to the Mpumalanga area during the week of 9 February.

18 Feb 2021

FABI biocontrol centre imports Anaphes nitens from Australia

Despite travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a shipment of Anaphes nitens collected in Queensland, Australia was received by the FABI biocontrol facility at the University of Pretoria’s experimental farm last week.

17 Feb 2021

Two FABIans attend the Leadership Academy for Agriculture

During the first week of February, two FABIans, Drs Mahlane Godfrey Kgatle and Miekie Human attended the first of three sessions of the “Leadership in the Connection Economy Programme”.

15 Feb 2021

New internship programme begins at FABI

n 1 February, a new internship programme was launched at FABI under the auspices of the DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Plant Health Biotechnology (CPHB).

12 Feb 2021

Professor Ströh addresses FABI MMM

Professor Anton Ströh, Vice-Principal: Institutional Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, and acting Vice-Principle for Research and Post-graduate Educationat the University of Pretoria was the guest speaker at the FABI Monday Morning Meeting (MMM) of 8 February. Innovation Africa @UP is an important part of this plan to drive transdisciplinary research and FABI is a core part of this flagship project. FABI Director Prof.

12 Feb 2021

US collaborators visit FABI to plan a joint research project

Long-time FABI research collaborator and extraordinary staff member of the Institute, Prof. Francois Roets from Stellenbosch University visited FABI on 11 February to meet various colleagues and to discuss numerous collaborative projects.