25 Feb 2010

Two new fungal species named after UP and FABI

Two new species of fungi, recently discovered by UP staff members from FABI, has been respectively named after the University of Pretoria and FABI.

1 Jul 2000

Armillaria root rot: a new disease of cut-flower proteas in South Africa

Article appeared in SAPPEX News Issue 106 in July 2000.

1 Jun 1997

The great mushroom debate

Can a pile of 300-year-old fungus be called a national monument?

1 Jun 1997

Van Riebeeck's curse' killing off historic oaks in Gardens

A killer fungus which is destroying the oak trees in Cape Town's historic Company's Gardens could have been introduced on citrus trees planted more than 300 years ago by Jan van Riebeeck.

1 Jan 1996

Avenue's oaks threatened by killer disease

After 200 years oak trees may disappear from the Avenue in the Company's Gardens in Cape Town.