8 Aug 2022

FABIans win multiple awards at Invertebrate Pathology meeting

Several FABIans attended the recent virtual 2022 International Congress on Invertebrate Pathology and Microbial Control.

5 Aug 2022

AI and crop health monitoring – getting the message to the public

Prof. Dave Berger was interviewed on the topic “Artificial intelligence in crop health monitoring” by PlaasTV / FarmTV, which is a YouTube channel targeted at local farmers.

4 Aug 2022

Sunshine, beetles and fungi

Four FABI researchers went on a field trip to visit two sites in KZN to collect material for various research projects.

28 Jul 2022

FABI Museum inaugurated

The FABI Museum was inaugurated at an informal gathering on 19 July.

27 Jul 2022

The Macadamia team attended the SAMAC Research Networking Day

Members of the Macadamia Protection Programme attended a SAMAC networking day where they presented on their research projects.

25 Jul 2022

FABIans engage with the grain industry about fungicide resistance in maize pathogens

The MPPI research group hosted a visit by the members of the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) South Africa and Grain SA.

20 Jul 2022

GRP team visits the Bayer Crop Science experimental farm

Members of the Grain Research Programme (GRP) visited the Bayer Crop Science experimental farm in Petit, Gauteng.

19 Jul 2022

FABIans commit time to commemorate Mandela Day

FABIans celebrated Mandela Day by giving 67 minutes of their time to contribute in some community service.

18 Jul 2022

FABIan awarded 2022 ISM travel bursary

Jenna-Lee Price, a MSc student in the Applied Mycology Group has been awarded a travel grant from the International Society for Mycotoxicology.

14 Jul 2022

Mike Wingfield receives the prestigious Harry Oppenheimer Fellowship Award for 2021

Professor Mike Wingfield received the prestigious Harry Oppenheimer Fellowship Award for 2021 at a ceremony held on 12 July.

12 Jul 2022

Mmoledi Mphahlele becomes first PhD molecular tree breeder trained through the FMG programme

Congratulations to Mmoledi Mphahlele on successfully completing his PhD and presenting his prestige seminar on 6 July.

8 Jul 2022

The Three microfungi that changed the world

Leading Canadian Mycologist Keith Seifert was the guest presenter at the June FABI International Seminar.

7 Jul 2022

PSHB App training with JCPZ staff

FABI Research Fellow Dr Trudy Paap and Extension Officer Shawn Fell joined JCPZ staff at the Johannesburg Botanical Gardens to conduct a training session on PSHB monitoring.

5 Jul 2022

Prof. Cobus Visagie becomes a member of the ICTF

FABI Prof. Cobus Visagie was recently invited to become a member of the ICTF.

4 Jul 2022

Field day at the Serbian Institute for Field And Vegetable Crops

FABIans visited the Serbian Institute for Field And Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad in June.

1 Jul 2022

Beetles, bugs, and Mac trees

Four “Madmacs” from the Macadamia Protection Programme recently visited various macadamia orchards located on the KwaZulu-Natal South coast.

30 Jun 2022

Students attend the 33rd SANSOR Congress

Several FABI students attended the recent 33rd SANSOR Congress in Cape Town.

29 Jun 2022

FABIan nominated to join the board of the International Sunflower Association

FABIan Dr Nicky Creux was nominated as a member of the ISA board at the recent International Sunflower Conference held in Serbia.

28 Jun 2022

Rosellinia necatrix – We are onto you!

Three ARP members recently completed a field trip aimed to collect Rosellinia necatrix samples from avocado orchards in the Mpumalanga province.

28 Jun 2022

FABIan wins runner-up poster award at the International Sunflower Conference in Serbia

FABI PhD student, Phrasia Mapfumo, won the runner-up poster award at the 20th International Sunflower Conference in Serbia

27 Jun 2022

FABI attends the 20th International Sunflower Conference in Serbia

Two FABIans recently attended the 20th International Sunflower Conference in Serbia.

21 Jun 2022

New MoU signed between FABI and Research Institute of Fast Growing Trees in China

FABI celebrated a 17-year partnership with the Chinese Academy of Forestry’s Research Institute of Fast Growing Trees at a virtual signing of a new five-year MoU on 10 June.

20 Jun 2022

Can you sense how I stink?

FABI and CEFIM recently collaborated to test "e-noses" to detect Two-spotted stink bugs, a major pest of Macadamia.

14 Jun 2022

Hooray for a pine needle fungal isolation jamboree!

Recently a few members of the TPCP team, together with Colombian collaborator, Dr Carlos Rodas, engaged in a fungal isolation workshop.

11 Jun 2022

Dr Carlos Rodas examines Western Cape disease problems

Dr Carlos Rodas, long-time FABI collaborator arrived in South Africa early in May and travelled to the western Cape to inspect various tree disease problems that FABI works on.

8 Jun 2022

The GRP extension team completes a maize ear rot survey in the Eastern Cape

The Grain Research Program (GRP) team embarked on a field trip to survey for ear rots at maize farms across the Eastern Cape Province

3 Jun 2022

Neriman Yilmaz attends the 13th Conference of the World Mycotoxin Forum

FABI Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Neriman Yilmaz attended the 13th Conference of the World Mycotoxin Forum in Parma, Italy.

2 Jun 2022

NGRP Team visits CropWatch Africa at Komatipoort

On 17-18 May, the FABI Grain Research Programme (GRP) extension team visited a FABI-CropWatch Africa sentinel plot in Komatipoort.

1 Jun 2022

Jane Chepsergon celebrates the successful completion of her PhD

Congratulations to Jane Chepsergon on successfully completing her PhD!

31 May 2022

Microbes from extreme environments discussed at the FABI International Seminar Series

Dr Claudia Coleine presented a fascinating talk “Microbiomes from extreme environments: challenges to thrive in the most prohibitive conditions” at the May FABI International Seminar.

31 May 2022

Ethiopian researchers visit FABI, ICFR and local forestry companies

Researchers from EEFRI visited FABI, the ICFR and several forestry companies on a recent two week long trip research trip to SA.

30 May 2022

TPCP Symposium returns to an in-person event

The 33rd annual meeting of TPCP and CPHB was held as an in-person meeting at Future Africa on the University of Pretoria’s Innovation Africa @UP Campus.

26 May 2022

Grain Research Program (GRP) talk science at NAMPO 2022

The Crop Floral Biology and Environments research team attended the NAMPO Harvest Day expo recently where they engage with the public and stake holders.

25 May 2022

TechWomen fellow Flora Adachi Asibe spends seven-week internship at FABI

Flora Asibe, a PhD student from IITA, Nigeria completed a TechWomen fellowship at FABI.

24 May 2022

NGRP hosts its first research day

On 9 May the National Grain Research Programme hosted its first research day at the University of Pretoria’s Future Africa campus.

13 May 2022

FABI students and staff shine at Bio2022 Conference

FABI shone at the recent South African Society for Bioinformatics and the South African Genetics Society's first joint hybrid conference.