Mr Callin Ceriani

MSc student


Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
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Primary Supervisor
Brenda Wingfield
Mike Wingfield

Co Supervisor
Emma Steenkamp

I joined FABI in 2021, where I completed my Honours under the supervision of Prof B. Wingfield. For my Honours research, I worked with microsatellites doing population genetics of Fusarium circinatum in Colombia.

I am now continuing with my MSc, where we will expand on this research and further detail the genetic diversity of F. circinatum in Colombia.

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Aylward J, Wilson AM, Visagie CM, Spraker J, Barnes I, Buitendag C, Ceriani C, Del Mar Angel L, du Plessis D, Fuchs T, Gasser K, Krämer D, Li W, Munsamy K, Piso A, Price J-L, Sonnekus B, Thomas C, van der Nest A, van Dijk A, van Heerden A, van Vuuren N, Yilmaz N, Duong TA, van der Merwe NA, Wingfield MJ, Wingfield BD. (2024) IMA Genome – F19: A genome assembly and annotation guide to empower mycologists, including annotated draft genome sequences of Ceratocystis pirilliformis, Diaporthe australafricana, Fusarium ophioides, Paecilomyces lecythidis, and Sporothrix stenoceras. IMA Fungus 15(1):12. 10.1186/s43008-024-00142-z
Ceriani C, Wingfield MJ, Fru F, van Wyk S, Rodas C, Wingfield BD, Steenkamp ET. (2024) Clonality and limited population diversity of Fusarium circinatum in Colombia. Forest Pathology 54(3):e12864. 10.1111/efp.12864