Prof Pedro Crous
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Research Profiles
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My Books
Marasas WFO, Marasas HM, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW. 2014. Philatelic Mycology: Families of Fungi. CBS Biodiversity Series 14. CBS-KNAW Biodiversity Centre: Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Marincowitz S, Crous PW, Groenewald JZ, Wingfield MJ. 2008. Microfungi occurring on Proteaceae in the fynbos. CBS Fungal Biodiversity Centre: Utrecht, The Netherlands.
My Book Chapters
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Book Chapters |
Roets F, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, Dreyer LL. 2013. Taxonomy and ecology of ophiostomatoid fungi associated with Protea infructescences. In: The Ophiostomatoid Fungi. Seifert KA, De Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ. (eds). CBS, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp 177-187. |
Gadgil P, Wardlaw TJ, Ferreira FA, Sharma JK, Dick MA, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW. 2000. Management of diseases in plantations. In: Diseases and pathogens of Eucalyptus. Keane PJ, Kile GA, Podger FD, Brown N. (eds). CSIRO Publishing Australia, pp . |
Park RF, Keane P, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW. 2000. Fungal leaf diseases of Eucalyptus. In: Diseases and pathogens of Eucalyptus. Keane PJ, Kile GA, Podger FD, Brown N. (eds). CSIRO Publishing Australia, pp . |
Coutinho TA, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, van Zyl LM. 1997. Coniothyrium canker: a serious new disease in South Africa. In: Proceedings of IUFRO Conference on Silviculture and Improvement of Eucalypts. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. August 1997. pp . |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. 1991. Eucalyptus leaf pathogens in South Africa: A national perspective. In: Proceedings of the IUFRO International Symposium. Intensive Forestry: The Role of Eucalypts. Durban, September 1991. pp . |
My Journal Articles
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Lin L, Fan XL, Groenewald JZ, Jami F, Wingfield MJ, Voglmayer H, Jaklitsch W, Castlebury LA, Tian CM, Crous PW. (2024) Cytospora: an important genus of canker pathogens. Studies in Mycology 109:323-401.
Yurkov A, Visagie CM, Crous PW, Hashimoto A, Baschien C, Begerow D, Kemler M, Schoutteten N, Stadler M, Wijayawardene NN, Hyde KD, Zhang N, Boekhout T, Group IYW, May TW, Thines M, Hawksworth DL. (2024) Cultures as types and the utility of viable specimens for fungal nomenclature. IMA Fungus 15:20.
10.1186/s43008-024-00155-8 |
Visagie CM, Yilmaz N, Allison JD, Barreto RW, Boekhout T, Boers J, Delgado MA, Dewing C, Fitza KNE, Furtado ECA, Gaya E, Hill R, Hobden A, Hu DM, Hülsewig T, Khonsanit A, Luangsa-Ard JJ, Mthembu A, Pereira CM, Price J-L, Pringle A, Qikani N, Sandoval-Denis M, Shumacher RK, Seifert KA, Slippers B, Tennakoon DS, Thanakitpipattana D, vanVuuren N, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2024) New and Interesting Fungi. 7.. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 13:441–494.
10.3114/fuse.2024.13.12 |
Bhunjun C, Chen Y, Phukhamsakda C, Boekhout T, Groenewald J, McKenzie E, Francisco E, Frisvad J, Groenewald M, Hurdeal V, Luangsa-ard J, Perrone G, Visagie C, Bai F, Błaszkowski J, Braun U, D Souza F, De Q, Dutta A, Gonkhom D, Goto B, Guarnaccia V, Hagen F, Houbraken J, Lachance M, Li J, Luo K, Magurno F, Mongkolsamrit S, Robert V, Roy N, Tibpromma S, Wanasinghe D, Wang D, Wei D, Zhao C, Aiphuk W, Ajayi-Oyetunde O, Arantes T, Araujo J, Begerow D, Bakhshi M, Barbosa R, Behrens F, Bensch K, Bezerra J, Bilański P, Bradley C, Bubner B, Burgess T, Buyck B, Čadež N, Cai L, Calaça F, Campbell L, Chaverri P, Chen Y, Chethana K, Coetzee B, Costa M, Chen Q, Custódio F, Dai Y, Damm U, De Azevedo-Santiago A, De Miccolis-Angelini R, Dijksterhuis J, Dissanayake A, Doilom M, Dong W, Alvarez-Duarte E, Fischer M, Gajanayake A, Gené J, Gomdola D, Gomes A, Hausner G, He M, Hou L, Iturrieta-González I, Jami F, Jankowiak R, Jayawardena R, Kandemir H, Kiss L, Kobmoo N, Kowalski T, Landi L, Lin C, Liu J, Liu X, Loizides M, Luangharn T, Maharachchikumbura S, Makhathini Mkhwanazi G, Manawasinghe I, Marin-Felix Y, McTaggart A, Moreau P, Morozova O, Mostert L, Osiewacz H, Pem D, Phookamsak R, Pollastro S, Pordel A, Poyntner C, Phillips A, Phonemany M, Promputtha I, Rathnayaka A, Rodrigues A, Romanazzi G, Rothmann L, Salgado-Salazar C, Sandoval-Denis M, Saupe S, Scholler M, Scott P, Shivas R, Silar P, Souza-Motta C, Silva-Filho A, Spies C, Stchigel A, Sterflinger K, Summerbell R, Svetasheva T, Takamatsu S, Theelen B, Theodoro R, Thines M, Thongklang N, Torres R, Turchetti B, Van den Brule T, Wang X, Wartchow F, Welti S, Wijesinghe S, Wu F, Xu R, Yang Z, Yilmaz N, Yurkov A, Zhao L, Zhao R, Zhou N, Hyde K, Crous P. (2024) What are the 100 most cited fungal genera?. Studies in Mycology 108:1-411.
10.3114/sim.2024.108.01 |
Crous PW, Costa MM, Kandemir H, Vermaas M, Vu D, Zhao L, Arumugam E, Flakus A, Jurjević Ž, Kaliyaperumal M, Mahadevakumar S, Murugadoss R, Shivas RG, Tan YP, Wingfield MJ, Abell SE, Marney TS, Danteswari C, Darmostuk V, Denchev CM, Denchev TT, Gené J, Etayo J, Gunaseelan S, Hubka V, Illescas T, Jansen GM, Kezo K, Kumar S, Larsson E, Mufeeda KT, Piatek M, Rodriguez-Flakus P, Sarma PVSRN, Stryjak-Bokacka M, Torres-Garcia D, Vauras J, Acal DA, Akulov A, Alhudaib K, Asif M, Balashov S, Baral H-O, Baturo-Cieśniewska A, Begerow D, Beja-Perreira A, Bianchinotti MV, Bilański P, Chandranayaka S, Chellappan N, Cowan DA, Custódio FA, Czachura P, Delgado G, De Silva NI, Dijksterhuis J, Dueñas M, Eisvand P, Fachada V, Fournier J, Fritsche Y, Fuljer F, Ganga KGG, Guerra MP, Hansen K, Hywel-Jones N, Ismail AM, Jacobs CR, Jankowiak R, Karich A, Kemler M, Kisło K, Klofac W, Krisai-Greilhuber I, Latha KPD, Lebeuf R, Lopes ME, Lumyong S, Maciá-Vicente JG, Maggs-Kölling G, Magistà D, Manimohan P, Martín MP, Mazur E, Mehrabi-Koushki M, Miller AN, Mombert A, Ossowska EA, Patejuk K, Pereira OL, Piskorski S, Plaza M, Podile AR, Polhorsky A, Pusz W, Raza W, Ruszkiewicz-Michalska M, Saba M, Sánchez RM, Singh R, Śliwa L, Smith ME, Stefenon VM, Strašiftáková D, Suwannarach N, Szczepańska K, Telleria MT, Tennakoon DS, Thines M, Thorn RG, Urbaniak J, van der Vegte M, Vasan V, Vila-Vićosa C, Voglmayr H, Wrzosek M, Zappelini J, Groenewald JZ. (2023) Fungal Planet description sheets: 1550-1613. Persoonia 51:280-417.
10.3767/persoonia.2023.51.08 |
Crous P, Pancorbo F, Luangsa-ard J, Larsson E, Esteve-Raventós F, Bishop-Hurley S, Tan Y, Shivas R, Osieck E, Balashov S. (2023) Fungal Planet description sheets: 1478–1549. Persoonia 50:158-310.
10.3767/persoonia.2023.50.05 |
Crous P, Cowan D, Cruz R, Czachura P, De la Peña-Lastra S, Dovana F, Drury B, Fell J, Flakus A, Fotedar R, Jurjević , Chandranayaka S, Boekhout T, Osieck E, Shivas R, Tan Y, Bishop-Hurley S, Esteve-Raventós F, Larsson E, Luangsa-ard J, Pancorbo F, Balashov S, Baseia I, Kolecka A. (2023) Fungal Planet description sheets: 1478–1549 . Persoonia 50:58 – 310.
10.3767/persoonia.2023.50.05 |
Crous PW, Aylward J, Marincowitz S, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, et al.. (2022) Fungal Planet description sheets: 1383–1435. Persoonia 48:261.
10.3767/persoonia.2022.48.08 |
Crous PW, Osieck ER;J, Shivas RG;Z, Bañares A;B, Burgess TI, Cabero J;C, Ferreira RJ;F, Ivanova DD;I, Lebeuf R;L, McTaggart AR, Mehrabi-Koushki M;M, Nel WJ, Nguyen TH;N, Reul M;R, Sato T;S, Tonegawa C;T, Visagie CM, C.M.; Vizzini A;V. (2022) Fungal Planet description sheets: 1284-1382. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 47(6):1284-1382.
10.3767/persoonia.2021.47.06 |
Cano-Lira JF, Badali F, Asselman P, Arenas F, Antonín V, Angelini C, Amaral AGG, Altés A, Alexandrova AV, Akhmetova G, Baghela A, Bañares A, Câmara MPS, Cabero J, Burgress TI, Bukharova NV, Biketova A, Berraf-Tebbal A, Bellanger JM, Baseia IG, Barreto RW, Ageev DV, Abrinbana M, Johnston PR, Bulgakov TS, Balashov S, Dima B, Starink-Willemse M, van Iperen AL, Boers J, Jurjević Z, Osieck ER, Morozova OV, Pinruan U, Abdollahzadeh J, Zhao L, Shivas RG, Moreno G, McMullan-Fisher S, Lebel T, Decock CA, Alvarado P, Sommai S, Crous PW. (2021) Fungal Planet description sheets: 1284-1382. Persoonia 47(29):1284-1382.
10.3767/persoonia.2021.47.06 |
Zhang Y, Zhou Y, Sun W, Zhao L, Pavlic-Zupanc D, Crous PW, Slippers B, Dai Y. (2021) Toward a natural classification of Botryosphaeriaceae: A study of the type specimens of Botryosphaeria sensu lato. Frontiers in Microbiology 12:2938.
10.3389/fmicb.2021.737541 |
le Roux JJ, Crous PW, Kamutando CN, Richardson DM, Strasberg D, Wingfield MJ, Wright MG, Valverde A. (2021) A core of rhizosphere bacterial taxa associates with two of the world's most isolated plant congeners. Plant Soil 468:277-294.
10.1007/s11104-021-05049-x |
Crous PW, Hernández-Restrepo M, Schumacher RK, Cowan DA, Maggs-Kölling G, Marais E, Wingfield MJ, Yilmaz N, Adan OCG, Akulov A, Álvarez Duarte E, Berraf-Tebbal A, Bulgakov TS, Carnegie AJ, de Beer ZW, Decock C, Dijksterhuis C, Duong TA, Eichmeier A, Hien LT, Houbraken JAMP, Khanh TN, Liem NV, Lombard L, Lutzoni FM, Miadlikowska JM, Nel WJ, Pascoe IG, Roets F, Roux J, Samson RA, Shen M, Spetik M, Thangavel R, Thanh HM, Thao LD, van Nieuwenhuijzen EJ, Zhang JQ, Zhang Y, Zhao LL, Groenewald JZ. (2021) New and Interesting Fungi. 4. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 7:255-343.
10.3114/fuse.2021.07.13 |
Yilmaz N, Sandoval-Denis M, Lombard L, Visagie CM, Wingfield BD, Crous PW. (2021) Redefining species limits in the Fusarium fujikuroi species complex. Persoonia 46:129-162.
10.3767/persoonia.2021.46.05 |
Crous PW, Lombard L, Sandoval-Denis M, Seifert KA, Schroers HJ, Chaverri P, Neriman Yilmaz, Visagie CM. (2021) Fusarium: more than a node or a foot-shaped basal cell. Studies In Mycology 98:100116.
10.1016/j.simyco.2021.100116 |
Liu QL, Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Duong TA, Wingfield BD, Crous PW, Chen SF. (2020) Reconsideration of species boundaries and proposed DNA barcodes for Calonectria. Studies in Mycology
10.1016/j.simyco.2020.08.001 |
Procter M, Nel WJ, Marincowitz S, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (2020) A new species of Raffaelea from beetle-infested Leucaena leucocephala. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 6:305-314.
10.3114/fuse.2020.06.16 |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Schumacher RK, Akulov A, Bulgakov TS, Carnegie AJ, Jurjević Z, Decock C, Denman S, Lombard L, Lawrence DP, Stack AJ, Gordon TR, Bostock RM, Burgess T, Summerell BA, Taylor PWJ, Edwards J, Hou LW, Cai L, Rossman AY, Wöhner T, Allen WC, Castlebury LA, Visagie CM, Groenewald JZ. (2020) New and Interesting Fungi. 3. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 6:157–231.
10.3114/fuse.2020.06.09 |
Li JQ, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Barnes I, Fourie A, Crous PW, Chen SF. (2020) Mating genes in Calonectria and evidence for a heterothallic ancestral state . Persoonia 45:163-176.
10.3767/persoonia.2020.45.06 |
Abdollahzadeh J, Groenewald JZ, Coetzee MPA, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW. (2020) Evolution of lifestyles in Capnodiales.
10.1016/j.simyco.2020.02.004 |
Hernandez-Restrepo M, Giraldo A, van Doorn R, Wingfield MJ, Groenewald JZ, Barreto RW, Colman AA, Mansur PSC, Crous PW. (2020) The genera of fungi - G6: Arthrographis, Kramasamuha, Melnikomyces, Thysanorea and Verruconis. Fungal Systematics and Evolution
10.3114/fuse.2020.06.01 |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Cheewangkoon R, Carnegie AJ, Burgess T, Sumerell BA, Edwards J, Taylor PWJ, Groenewald JZ. (2019) Foliar pathogens of Eucalyptus.. Studies in Mycology 94:125-298.
10.1016/j.simyco.2019.08.001 |
Jami F, Marincowitz S, Slippers B, Crous PW, Le Roux JJ, Richardson DM, Wingfield MJ. (2019) Botryosphaeriaceae associated with Acacia heterophylla (La Reunion) and Acacia koa (Hawaii). Fungal Biology
10.1016/j.funbio.2019.07.001 |
Andjic V, Carnegie AJ, Pegg GS, Hardy GEStJ, Maxwell A, Crous PW, Perez C, Wingfield MJ, Burgess TI. (2019) 23 Years of research on Teratosphaeria leaf blight of Eucalyptus.. Forest Ecology and Management 443:19-27.
10.1016/j.foreco.2019.04.013 |
Pham NQ, Barnes I, Chen SF, Liu FF, Dang NQ, Pham TQ, Lombard L, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (2019) Ten new species of Calonectria from Indonesia and Vietnam. Mycologia 111:78-102.
10.1080/00275514.2018.1522179 |
Crous PW, Carnegie AJ, Wingfield MJ, Sharma R, Mughini G, Noordeloos ME, Santini A, Shouche YS, Bezerra JDP, Dima B, Guarnaccia V, Imrefi I, Jurjević , Knapp DG, Kovács GM, Magistà D, Perrone G, Rämä T, Rebriev YA, Shivas RG, Singh SM, Souza-Motta CM, Thangavel R, Adhapure NN, Alexandrova AV, Alfenas AC, Alfenas RF, Alvarado P, Alves AL, Andrade DA, Andrade JP, Barbosa RN, Barili A, Barnes CW, Baseia IG, Bellanger JM, Berlanas C, Bessette AE, Bessette AR, Biketova AY, Bomfim FS, Brandrud TE, Bransgrove K, Brito ACQ, Cano-Lira JF, Cantillo T, Cavalcanti AD, Cheewangkoon R, Chikowski RS, Conforto C, Cordeiro TRL, Craine JD, Cruz R, Damm U, De Oliveira RJV, De Souza JT, De Souza HG, Dearnaley JDW, Dimitrov RA, Dovana F, Erhard A, Esteve-Raventós F, Félix CR, Ferisin G, Fernandes RA, Ferreira RJ, Ferro LO, Figueiredo CN, Frank JL, Freire KTLS, García D, Gené J, Gęsiorska A, Gibertoni TB, Gondra RAG, Gouliamova DE, Gramaje D, Guard F, Gusmão LFP, Haitook S, Hirooka Y, Houbraken J, Hubka V, Inamdar A, Iturriaga T, Iturrieta-González I, Jadan M, Jlang N, Justo A, Kachalkin AV, Kapitonov VI, Karadelev M, Karakehian J, Kasuya T, Kautmanová I, Kruse J, Kušan I, Kuznetsova TA, Landell MF, Larsson KH, Lee HB, Lima DX, Lira CRS, Machado AR, Madrid H, Magalhães OMC, Majerova H, Malysheva EF, Mapperson RR, Marbach PAS, Martín MP, Martín-Sanz A, Matočec N, McTaggart AR, Mello JF, Melo RFR, Mešić A, Michereff SJ, Miller AN, Minoshima A, Molinero-Ruiz L, Morozova OV, Mosoh D, Nabe M, Naik R, Nara K, Nascimento SS, Neves RP, Olariaga I, Oliveira RL, Oliveira TGL, Ono T, Ordoñez ME, Ottoni ADM, Paiva LM, Pancorbo F, Pant B, Pawłowska J, Peterson SW, Raudabaugh DB, Rodríguez-Andrade E, Rubio E, Rusevska K, Santiago ALCMA, Santos ACS, Santos C, Sazanova NA, Shah S, Sharma J, Silva BDB, Siquier JL, Sonawane MS, Stchigel AM, Svetasheva T, Tamakeaw N, Telleria MT, Tiago PV, Tian CM, Tkalcec Z, Tomashevskava MA, Truong HH, Vecherskii MV, Visagie CM, Vizzini A, Yilmaz N, Zmitrovich IV, Zvyagina EA, Boekhout T, Kehlet T, Læssøe T, Groenewald JZ. (2019) Fungal Planet description sheets: 868–950. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi
10.3767/persoonia.2019.42.11 |
Crous PW, Luangsa-ard JJ, Wingfield MJ, Carnegie AJ, Hernández-Restrepo M, Lombard L, Roux J, Barreto RW, Baseia IG, Cano-Lira JF, Martín MP, Morozova OV, Stchigel AM, Summerell BA, Brandrud TE, Dima B, García D, Giraldo A, Guarro J, Gusmão LFP, Khamsuntorn P, Noordeloos ME, Nuankaew S, Pinruan U, Rodríguez-Andrade E, Souza-Motta CM, Thangavel R, van Iperen AL, Abreu VP, Accioly T, Alves JL, Andrade JP, Bahram M, Baral HO, Barbier E, Barnes CW, Bendiksen E, Bernard E, Bezerra JDP, Bezerra JL, Bizio E, Blair JE, Bulyonkova TM, Cabral TS, Caiafa MV, Cantillo T, Colmán AA, Conceição LB, Cruz S, Cunha AOB, Darveaux BA, da Silva AL, da Silva GA, da Silva GM, da Silva RMF, de Oliveira RJV, Oliveira RL, De Souza JT, Dueñas M, Evans HC, Epifani F, Felipe MTC, Fernández-López J, Ferreira BW, Figueiredo CN, Filippova NV, Flores JA, Gené J, Ghorbani G, Gibertoni TB, Glushakova AM, Healy R, Huhndorf SM, Iturrieta-González I, Javan-Nikkhah M, Juciano RF, Jurjevi, Kachalkin AV, Keochanpheng K, Krisai-Greilhuber I, Li YC, Lima AA, Machado AR, Madrid H, Magalhães OMC, Marbach PAS, Melanda GCS, Miller AN, Mongkolsamrit S, Nascimento RP, Oliveira TGL, Ordoñez ME, Orzes R, Palma MA, Pearce CJ, Pereira OL, Perrone G, Peterson SW, Pham THG, Piontelli E, Pordel A, Quijada L, Raja HA, Rosas de Paz E, Ryvarden L, Saitta A, Salcedo SS, Sandoval-Denis M, Santos TAB, Seifert KA, Silva BDB, Smith ME, Soares AM, Sommai S, Sousa JO, Suetrong S, Susca A, Tedersoo L, Telleria MT, Thanakitpipattana D, Valenzuela-Lopez N, Visagie CM, Zapata M, Groenewald JZ. (2018) Fungal Planet description sheets: 785-867. Persoonia 41(1):238-417.
10.3767/persoonia.2018.41.12 |
Crous PW, Luangsa-Ard JJ, Wingfield MJ, Carnegie AJ, Hernandez-Restrepo M, Lombard L, Roux J, Barreto RW, Cano-Lira JF, Martin MP, Morozova OV, Stchigel AM, Summerell BA, Brandrud TE, Dima B, Garcia D, Giraldo A, Guarro J, Gusmao LFP, Khamsuntorn P, Noordeloos ME, Nuankaew S, Pinruan U, Rodriguez-Andrade E, Souza-Motta CM, Thangavel R, van Iperen AL, Abreu VP, Accioly T, Alves JL, Andrade JP, Bahram M, Baral HO, Barbier E, Barnes CW, Bendiksen E, Barnard E, Bezerra JDP, Bezerra JL, Bizio E, Blair JE, Bulyonkova TM, Cabral TS, Caiafa MV, Cantillo T, Comnan AA, Conceicao LB, Cruz S, Cunha AOB, Darveaux BA, da Silva AL, da Silva GM, da Silva RMF, de Oliveira RJV, Oliveira RL, de Souza JT, Duenas M, Evans HC, Epifani F, Felipe MTC, Fernandez-Lopez J, Ferreira BW, Figueiredo CN, Filippova NV, Flores JA, Gene J, Ghorbani G, Gibertoni TB, Glushakova AM, Healy R, Huhndorf SM, Iturrieta-Gonzalez I, Javan-Nikkah M, Juciano RF, Jurjevic Z, Kachalkin AV, Keochanpheng K, Krisai-Greilhuber I, Li YC, Lima AA, Machado AR, Madrid M, Magalhaes OMC, Marbach PAS, Melanda GCS, Miller AN, Mongkolsamrit S, Nascimento RP, Oliveira TGL, Ordonez ME, Orzes R, Palma MA, Pearce CJ, Pereira OL, Perrone G, Peterson SW, Pham THG, Piontelli E, Pordel A, Quijada L, Raja HA, Rosas de Paz E, Ryvarden L, Saitta A, Salcedo SS, Sandoval-Denis M, Santos TAB, Seifert KS, Silva BDB, Smith ME, Soares AM, Sommai S, Sousa JO, Suetrong S, Susca A, Tedersoo L, Telleria MT, Thanakitpipattana D, Valenzuela-Lopez N, Visagie CM, Zapata M, Groenewald JZ. (2018) Fungal Planet description sheets: 785-867. Persoonia 41
10.3767/persoonia.2018.41.12 |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Burgess TI, Hardy GEStJ, Gene J, Guarro J, Baseia IG, Garcia D, Gusmao LFP, Souza-Motta CM, Rodriguez-Andrade E, Saba M, Schauflerova A, Shivas RG, Simonini G, Siqueira JPZ, Sousa JO, Stajsic V, Svetasheva T, Yan YP, Thangave R, Tkalcec Z, Ullah S, Valente P, Valenzuela-Lopez N, Abrinbana M, Viana Marques DA, Wong PTW, Xavier de Lima V, Groenewald JZ, Adamcik S, Barili A, Barnes CW, Bezerra JDP, Bordallo JJ, Cano-Lira JF, Oliveira deRJV, Ercole E, Hubka V, Iturrieta-Gonzalez I, Kubatova A, Martin MP, Moreau PA, Morte A, Ordonez ME, Rodriguez A, Stchige AM, Vizzini A, Abdollahzadeh J, Abreu VP, Adamcikova K, Albuquerque GMR, Alexandrova AV, Alvarez Duarte E, Armstrong-Cho C, Banniza S, Barbosa RN, Bellanger JM, Bezerra JL, Cabral TS, Cabon M, Caicedo E, Cantillo T, Carnegie AJ, Carmo LT, Castaneda-Ruiz RF, Clement CR, Cmokova A, Conceicao LB, Cruz RHSF, Damm U, Silva daBDB, Silva daGA, Silva daRMF, Santiago ALCMdeA, Oliveira deLF, Sousa deCAF, Deniel F, Dima B, Dong G, Edwards J, Felix CR, Fournier J, Gilbertoni TB, Hosaka K, Iturriaga M, Jadan M, Jany JL, Jurjevic Z, Kolarik M, Kusan I, Landell MF, Leite Cordeiro TR, Lima DX, Loizides M, Luo S, Macado AR, Madrid H, Magalhaes OMC, Marinho P, Matocec N, Mesic A, Miller AN, Morozova OV, Neves RP, Nonaka K, Novakova A, Oberlies NH, Oliveira-Filho JRC, Papp V, Pereira OL, Perrone G, Peterson SW, Pham THG, Raja HA, Raudabaugh DB, Rehulka J. (2018) Fungal Planet Description Sheets: 716-784. . Persoonia 40:240-393.
10.3767/persoonia.2018.40.10 |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Burgess TI, Hardy GESJ, Gené J, Guarro J, Baseia IG, García D, Gusmão LFP, Souza-Motta CM, Thangavel R, Barili A, Barnes CW, Bezerra JDP, Bordallo JJ, Cano-Lira JF, de Oliveira RJV, Ercole E, Hubka V, Iturrieta-González I, Kubátová A, Martín MP, Moreau PA, Morte A, Ordoñez ME, Rodríguez A, Stchigel AM, Vizzini A, Abdollahzadeh J, Abreu VP, Albuquerque GMR, Alexandrova AV, Álvarez Duarte E, Armstrong-Cho C, Banniza S, Barbosa RN, Bellanger JM, Bezerra JL, Cabral TS, Caicedo E, Cantillo T, Carnegie AJ, Carmo LT, Castañeda-Ruiz RF, Clement CR, Conceição LB, Cruz RHSF, Damm U, da Silva BDB, da Silva GA, da Silva RMF, Santiago ALCMdA, de Oliveira LF, de Souza CAF, Déniel F, Dima B, Dong G, Edwards J, Félix CR, Fournier J, Gibertoni TB, Hosaka K, Iturriaga T, Jadan M, Jany JL, Landell MF, Leite Cordeiro TR, Lima DX, Loizides M, Luo S, Machado AR, Madrid H, Magalhães OMC, Marinho P, Miller AN, Morozova OV, Neves RP, Nonaka K, Nováková A, Oberlies NH, Oliveira-Filho JRC, Oliveira TGL, Papp V, Pereira OL, Perrone G, Peterson SW, Pham THG, Raja HA, Raudabaugh DB, ehulka J, RodrÃguez-Andrade E, Saba M, Schauflerová A, Shivas RG, Simonini G, Siqueira JPZ, Sousa JO, Stajsic V, Svetasheva T, Tan YP, Ullah S, Valente P, Valenzuela-Lopez N, Abrinbana M, Viana Marques DA, Wong PTW, Xavier de Lima V, Groenewald JZ. (2018) Fungal Planet description sheets: 716-784. Persoonia 40(1):239-392.
10.3767/persoonia.2018.40.10 |
Jami F , Marincowitz S, Crous PW, Jacobsohn A, Wingfield MJ. (2018) A new Cytospora species pathogenic on Carpobrotus edulis in its native habitat. FUSE 2(1):37-43.
10.3114/fuse.2018.02.03 |
Ali DB, Marincowitz S, Wingfield MJ, Roux J, Crous PW, McTaggart AR. (2018) Novel Cryphonectriaceae from La Réunion and South Africa, and their pathogenicity on Eucalyptus. Mycological Progress 17(8):953-966.
10.1007/s11557-018-1408-3 |
Ali DB, Marincowitz S, Wingfield MJ, Roux J, Crous PW, McTaggart AR. (2018) Novel Cryphonectriaceae from La Réunion and South Africa and their pathogenicity on Eucalyptus. Mycological Progress 17:953-966.
10.1007/s11557-018-1408-3 |
Crous PW, Lombard L, Hernandes-Restrepo MI, Barreto RW, Schwartsburd PB, Guatimosim E, Vaczy KZ, Carnegie AJ, Burgess TI, Braun U, Roux J, Denman S, Akulov A, Wingfield MJ, Schumacher RK, Groenewald JZ. (2018) New and interesting fungi. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 1:169-215.
10.3114.fuse.2018.01.08 |
Pham NQ, Barnes I, Chen SF, Pham TQ, Lombard L, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (2018) New species of Cylindrocladiella from plantation soils in South-East Asia. MycoKeys 32:1-24.
10.3897/mycokeys.32.23754 |
Guarnaccia V, Groenewald JZ, Polizzi G, Crous PW. (2017) High species diversity in Colletotrichum associated with citrus diseases in Europe. Persoonia 39(1):32-50.
10.3767/persoonia.2017.39.02 |
Schoch CL, Aime MC, De Beer ZW, Crous PW, Hyde KD, Penev L, Seifert KA, Stadler M, Zhang N, Miller AN. (2017) Using standard keywords in publications to facilitate updates of new fungal taxonomic names. IMA Fungus 8(2):70-73.
Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Liu QL, Barnes I, Roux J, Lombard L, Crous PW, Chen SF. (2017) Calonectria species isolated from Eucalyptus plantations and nurseries in South China.. IMA Fungus 8(2):259-294.
10.5598/imafungus.2017.08.02.04 |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Burgess TI, Hardy G, Barber PA, Alvarado P, Barnes CW, Buchanan PK, Heykoop M, Moreno G, Thangavel R, van der Spuy S, Barili A, Barrett S, Cacciola SO, Cano-Lira JF, Crane C, Decock C, Gibertoni TB, Guarro J, Guevara-Suarez M, Hubka V, Kolarik M, Lira CRS, Ordonez ME, Padamsee M, Ryvarden L, Soares AM, Stchigel AM, Sutton DA, Vizzini A, Weir BS, Acharya K, Aloi F, Baseia IG, Blanchette RA, Bordallo JJ, Bratek Z, Butler T, Cano-Canals J, Carlavilla JR, Chander J, Cheewangkoon R, Cruz R, da Silva M, Dutta AK, Ercole E, Escobio V, Esteve-Raventos F, Flores JA, Gene J, Gois JS, Haines L, Held BW, Jung MH, Hosaka K, Jung T, Jurjevic Z, Kautman V, Kautmanova I, Kiyashko AA, Kozanek M, Kubatova A, Lafourcade M, La Spada F, Latha KPD, Madrid H, Malysheva EF, Manimohan P, Manjon JL, Martin MP, Mata M, Merenyi Z, Morte A, Nagy I, Normand AC, Paloi S, Pattison N, Pawlowska J, Pereira OL, Petterson ME, Picillo B, Raj KNA, Roberts A, Rodriguez A, Rodriguez-Campo FJ, Romanski M, Ruszkiewicz-Michalska M, Scanu B, Schena L, Semelbauer M, Sharma R, Shouche YS, Silva V, Staniaszek-Kik M, Stielow JB, Tapia C, Taylor PWJ, Toome-Heller M, Vabeikhokhei JMC, van Diepeningen AD, Van Hoa N, M VT, Wiederhold NP, Wrzosek M, Zothanzama J, Groenewald JZ. (2017) Fungal Planet description sheets: 558-624. Persoonia 38:240-384.
10.3767/003158517X698941 |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Burgess TI, Hardy GEStJ, Barber PA, Alvarado P, Barnes CW, Buchanan PK, Heykoop M, Moreno G, Vabeikhokhei JMC, van Diepeningen AD, van Hoa N, van Tri M, Wiederhold NP, Wrzosek M, Zothanzama J, Groenewald JZ, Thangavel R, van der Spuy S, Barili A, Barrett S, Cacciola SO, Cano-Lira JF, Crane C, de Cock C, Gilbertoni TB, Guarro J, Guevara-Suarez M, Hubka V, Kolarik M, Lira CRS, Ordonez ME, Padamsee M, Ryvarden L, Soares AM, Stchigel AM, Sutton DA, Vizzini A, Weir BS, Acharya K, Aloi F, Baseia IG, Blanchette RA, Bordallo JJ, Bratek Z, Butler T, Cano-Canals J, Carlavilla JR, Chandler J, Cheewangkoon R, Cruz RHSF, da Silva M, Dutta AK, Ercole E, Escobio V, Esteve-Raventos F, Flores FA, Gene J, Gois JS, Haines L, Held BW, Horta Jung M, Hosaka K, Jung J, Jurjevic Z, Kautman V, Kautmanova I, Kiyashko AA, Kozanek M, Kubatova A, Lafourcade M, la Spada F, Latha KPD, Madrid H, Malysheva EF, Manimohan P, Manjon JL, Martin MP, Mata M, Merenyi Z, Morte A, Nagy I, Normand AC, Paloi S, Pattison N, Pawlowska J, Pereira OL, Petterson ME, Picillo B, Raj KNA, Roberts A, Rodriguez A, Rodriguez-Campo FJ, Romanski M, Ruskiewicz-Michalska M, Scanu B, Schena L, Semelbauer M, Sharma R, Souche YS, Silva V, Staniaszek-Kik M, Stielow JB, Tapia C, Taylor PWJ, Toome-Heller M. (2017) Fungal planet description sheets: 558-624 . Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 38:240-384.
10.3767/003158517X698941 |
Woudenberg JHC, Hanse B, van Leeuwen GCM, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2017) Stemphylium revisited. Studies in Mycology 87:77-103.
10.1016/j.simyco.2017.06.001 |
Gao Y, Liu F, Duan W, Crous PW, Cai L. (2017) Diaporthe is paraphyletic. IMA Fungus 8(1):153-187.
10.5598/imafungus.2017.08.01.11 |
Miller A, Cai L, Crous PW, De Beer ZW, Hawksworth DL, Hyde KD, Kirk PM, Lücking R, Lumbsch HT, May TW, Rossman AY, Schoch CL, Seifert KA. (2017) Mycologists' committees strongly support changes to the governance of fungal nomenclature. IMA Fungus 8(1):(9)-(11).
Guarnaccia V, Groenewald JZ, Li H, Glienke C, Carstens E, Hattingh V, Fourie PH, Crous PW. (2017) First report of Phyllosticta citricarpa and description of two new species, P. paracapitalensis and P. paracitricarpa, from citrus in Europe. Studies in Mycology 87:161-185.
10.1016/j.simyco.2017.05.003 |
Hernandez-Restrepo M, Gene J, Castaneda-Ruiz RF, Mena-Portales J, Crous PW, Guarro J. (2017) Phylogeny of saprobic microfungi from Southern Europe. Studies in Mycology 86:53-97.
10.1016/j.simyco.2017.05.002 |
Marin-Felix Y, Groenewald JZ, Cai L, Chen Q, Marincowitz S, Barnes I, Bensch K, Braun U, Camporesi E, Damm U, De Beer ZW, Dissanayake A, Edwards J, Giraldo A, Hernández-Restrepo M, Hyde KD, Jayawardena RS, Lombard L, Luangsa-ard J, McTaggart AR, Rossman AY, Sandoval-Denis M, Shen M, Shivas RG, Tan YP, van der Linde EJ, Wingfield MJ, Wood AR, Zhang JQ, Zhang Y, Crous PW. (2017) Genera of phytopathogenic fungi: GOPHY 1. Studies in Mycology 86:99-216.
10.1016/j.simyco.2017.04.002 |
Slippers B, Crous PW, Jami F, Groenewald JZ, Wingfield MJ. (2017) Diversity in the Botryosphaeriales : Looking back, looking forward. Fungal Biology 121(4):307-322.
10.1016/j.funbio.2017.02.002 |
Fan XL, Barreto RW, Groenewald JZ, Bezerra JDP, Pereira OL, Cheewangkoon R, Mostert L, Tian CM, Crous PW. (2017) Phylogeny and taxonomy of the scab and spot anthracnose fungus Elsinoë (Myriangiales, Dothideomycetes). Studies in Mycology 87:1-41.
10.1016/j.simyco.2017.02.001 |
Crous PW, Slippers B, Groenewald JZ, Wingfield MJ. (2017) Botryosphaeriaceae: Systematics, pathology, and genetics. Fungal Biology 121(4):305-306.
10.1016/j.funbio.2017.01.003 |
Giraldo A, Crous PW, Schumacher RK, Cheewangkoon R, Ghobad-Nejhad M, Langer E. (2017) The Genera of Fungi—G3: Aleurocystis, Blastacervulus, Clypeophysalospora, Licrostroma, Neohendersonia and Spumatoria. Mycological Progress 16(4):325-348.
10.1007/s11557-017-1270-8 |
Marsberg A, Kemler M, Jami F, Nagel JH, Postma-Smidt A, Naidoo S, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, Spatafora J, Hesse CN, Robbertse B, Slippers B. (2017) Botryosphaeria dothidea: A latent pathogen of global importance to woody plant health. Molecular Plant Pathology 18:477–488.
10.1111/mpp.12495 |
Rodríguez-Gálvez E, Guerrero P, Barradas C, Crous PW, Alves A. (2017) Phylogeny and pathogenicity of Lasiodiplodia species associated with dieback of mango in Peru. Fungal Biology 121(4):452-465.
10.1016/j.funbio.2016.06.004 |
Aiello D, Polizzi G, Crous PW, Lombard L. (2017) Pleiocarpon gen. nov. and a new species of Ilyonectria causing basal rot of Strelitzia reginae in Italy. IMA Fungus 8(1):65-76.
10.5598/imafungus.2017.08.01.05 |
Crous PW, Groenewald JZ. (2017) The Genera of Fungi - G 4: Camarosporium and Dothiora. IMA Fungus 8(1):131-152.
10.5598/imafungus.2017.08.01.10 |
Duarte APM, Attili-Angelis D, Baron NC, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW, Pagnocca FC. (2017) Riding with the ants. Persoonia 38:81-99.
10.3767/003158517X693417 |
Krisai-Greilhuber I, Chen Y, Jabeen S, Madrid H, Marincowitz S, Razaq A, Ševcˇíková H, Voglmayer H, Yazici K, Aptroot A, Aslan A, Boekhout T, Borovicˇka J, Crous PW, Ilyas S, Jami F, Jiang Y-L, Khalid AN, Kolecka A, Konvalinková T, Norphanphoun C, Shaheen S, Wang Y, Wingfield MJ, Wu S-P, Wu Y-M, Yu J-Y. (2017) Fungal systematics and Evolution: FUSE 3. Sydowia 69:229-264.
10.12905/0380.sydowia69-2017-0229 |
Li JQ, Wingfield MJ, Liu QL, Barnes I, Roux J, Lorenzo L, Crous PW, Chen SF. (2017) Calonectria species isolated from Eucalyptus plantations and nurseries in South China. IMA FUNGUS 8(2):259-286.
10.5598/imafungus.2017.08.02.04 |
Yang T, Groenewald JZ, Cheewangkoon R, Jami F, Abdollahzadeh J, Lombard L, Crous PW. (2017) Families, genera, and species of Botryosphaeriales. Fungal Biology 121(4):322-346.
10.1016/j.funbio.2016.11.001 |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Burgess TI, Hardy GESJ, Crane C, Barrett S, Cano-Lira JF, Le Roux JJ, Thangavel R, Guarro J, Stchigel AM, Martín MP, Alfredo DS, Barber PA, Barreto RW, Baseia IG, Cano-Canals J, Cheewangkoon R, Ferreira RJ, Gené J, Lechat C, Moreno G, Roets F, Shivas RG, Sousa JO, Tan YP, Wiederhold NP, Abell SE, Accioly T, Albizu JL, Alves JL, Antoniolli ZI, Aplin N, Araújo J, Arzanlou M, Bezerra JDP, Bouchara J-P, Carlavilla JR, Castillo A, Castroagudín VL, Ceresini PC, Claridge GF, Coelho G, Coimbra VRM, Costa LA, Da Cunha KC, Da Silva SS, Daniel R, De Beer ZW, Dueñas M, Edwards J, Enwistle P, Fiuza PO, Fournier J, García D, Gibertoni TB, Giraud S, Guevara-Suarez M, Gusmão LFP, Haituk S, Heykoop M, Hirooka Y, Hofmann TA, Houbraken J, Hughes DP, Kautmanová I, Koppel O, Koukol O, Larsson E, Latha KPD, Lee DH, Lisboa DO, Lisboa WS, López-Villalba Á, Maciel JLN, Manimohan P, Manjón JL, Marincowitz S, Marney TS, Meijer M, Miller AN, Olariaga I, Paiva LM, Piepenbring M, Poveda-Molero JC, Raj KNA, Raja HA, Rougeron A, Salcedo I, Samadi R, Santos TAB, Scarlett K, Seifert KA, Shuttleworth LA, Silva GA, Silva M, Siqueira JPZ, Souza-Motta CM, Stephenson SL, Sutton DA, Tamakeaw N, Telleria MT, Valenzuela-Lopez N, Viljoen A, Visagie CM, Vizzini A, Wartchow F, Wingfield BD, Yurchenko E, Zamora JC, Groenewald JZ. (2016) Fungal Planet description sheets: 469–557. Persoonia 37:218-403.
10.3767/003158516x694499 |
Vu D, Groenewald M, Szöke S, Cardinali G, Eberhardt U, Stielow B, de Vries M, Verkleij GJM, Crous PW, Boekhout T, Robert V. (2016) DNA barcoding analysis of more than 9 000 yeast isolates contributes to quantitative thresholds for yeast species and genera delimitation. Studies in Mycology 85:91-105.
10.1016/j.simyco.2016.11.007 |
Lombard L, Wingfield MJ, Alfenas AC, Crous PW. (2016) The forgotten Calonectria collection: Pouring old wine into new bags. Studies in Mycology 85:159-198.
10.1016/j.simyco.2016.11.004 |
Crous PW, Groenewald JZ, Slippers B, Wingfield MJ. (2016) Global food and fibre security threatened by current inefficiencies in fungal identification. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 371:20160024.
10.1098/rstb.2016.0024 |
Barnes I, van der Nest A, Mullett MS, Crous PW, Drenkhan R, Musolin DL, Wingfield MJ. (2016) Neotypification of Dothistroma septosporum and epitypification of D. pini, causal agents of Dothistroma needle blight of pine. Forest Pathology 46(5):388-407.
10.1111/efp.12304 |
Alvarez LV, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2016) Revising the Schizoparmaceae: Coniella and its synonyms Pilidiella and Schizoparme. Studies in Mycology 85:1-34.
10.1016/j.simyco.2016.09.001 |
May TW, De Beer ZW, Crous PW, Hawksworth DL, Liu X, Norvell LL, Pennycook SR, Redhead SA, Seifert KA. (2016) (362–363) Proposals to amend the Code to modify its governance with respect to names of organisms treated as fungi. Taxon 65(4):918-920.
10.12705/654.47 |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Richardson DM, Leroux JJ, Strasberg D, Edwards J, Roets F, Hubka V, Taylor PWJ, Heykoop M, Martín MP, Moreno G, Sutton DA, Wiederhold NP, Barnes CW, Carlavilla JR, Gené J, Giraldo A, Guarnaccia V, Guarro J, Hernández-Restrepo M, Kola, ík M, Manjón JL, Pascoe IG, Popov ES, Sandoval-Denis M, Woudenberg JHC, Acharya K, Alexandrova AV, Alvarado P, Barbosa RN, Baseia IG, Blanchette RA, Boekhout T, Burgess TI, Cano-Lira JF, moková A, Dimitrov RA, Dyakov MY, Dueñas M, Dutta AK, Esteve-Raventós F, Fedosova AG, Fournier J, Gamboa P, Gouliamova DE, Grebenc T, Groenewald M, Hanse B, Hardy GESJ, Held BW, Jurjevi, Kaewgrajang T, Latha KPD, Lombard L, Luangsa-ard JJ, Lysková P, Mallátová N, Manimohan P, Miller AN, Mirabolfathy M, Morozova OV, Obodai M, Oliveira NT, Ordóñez ME, Otto EC, Paloi S, Peterson SW, Phosri C, Roux J, Salazar WA, Sánchez A, Sarria GA, Shin HD, Silva BDB, Silva GA, Smith MT, Souza-Motta CM, Stchigel AM, Stoilova-Disheva MM, Sulzbacher MA, Telleria MT, Toapanta C, Traba JM, Valenzuela-Lopez N, Watling R, Groenewald JZ. (2016) Fungal Planet description sheets: 400-468. Persoonia 36(1):316-458.
10.3767/003158516X692185 |
Hernández-Restrepo M, Groenewald JZ, Elliott ML, Canning G, McMillan VE, Crous PW. (2016) Take-all or nothing. Studies in Mycology 83:19-48.
10.1016/j.simyco.2016.06.002 |
Videira SIR, Groenewald JZ, Braun U, Shin HD, Crous PW. (2016) All that glitters is not Ramularia. Studies in Mycology 83:49-163.
10.1016/j.simyco.2016.06.001 |
Reblova M, Ju Y-M, Judith C, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Pang K-L, Petrini LE, Raja HA, Romreo AI, Shearer C, Senanayake IC, Voglmayr H, Weir BS, Jones EBG, Jaklitsch W, Jayawardena R, Miller AN, Rossman AY, Seifert KA, Crous PW, Hawksworth DL, Abdel-Wahab MA, Cannon PF, Daranagama DA, De Beer ZW, Huang S-K, Hyde KD, Wijayawarden NN. (2016) Recommendations for competing sexual-asexually typified generic names in Sordariomycetes (except Diaporthales, Hypocreales, and Magnaporthales). IMA Fungus 7(1):131-153.
10.5598/imafungus.2016.07.01.08 |
Bezerra JDP, Oliveira RJV, Paiva LM, Silva GA, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW, Souza-Motta CM. (2016) Bezerromycetales and Wiesneriomycetales ord. nov. (class Dothideomycetes), with two novel genera to accommodate endophytic fungi from Brazilian cactus. Mycological Progress 16(4):297-309.
10.1007/s11557-016-1254-0 |
Bragança CAD, Damm U, Baroncelli R, Massola Júnior NS, Crous PW. (2016) Species of the Colletotrichum acutatum complex associated with anthracnose diseases of fruit in Brazil. Fungal Biology 120(4):547-561.
10.1016/j.funbio.2016.01.011 |
Castroagudín VL, Moreira SI, Pereira DAS, Moreira SS, Brunner PC, Maciel JLN, Crous PW, McDonald BA, Alves E, Ceresini PC. (2016) Pyricularia graminis-tritici, a new Pyricularia species causing wheat blast. Persoonia 37(1):199-216.
10.3767/003158516X692149 |
Chen C, Verkley GJM, Sun G, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2016) Redefining common endophytes and plant pathogens in Neofabraea, Pezicula, and related genera. Fungal Biology 120(11):1291-1322.
10.1016/j.funbio.2015.09.013 |
Crous PW, Groenewald JZ. (2016) They seldom occur alone. Fungal Biology 120(11):1392-1415.
10.1016/j.funbio.2016.05.009 |
Guatimosim E, Schwartsburd PB, Barreto RW, Crous PW. (2016) Novel fungi from an ancient niche: cercosporoid and related sexual morphs on ferns. Persoonia 37(1):106-141.
10.3767/003158516X690934 |
Hernández-Restrepo M, Schumacher RK, Wingfield MJ, Ahmad I, Cai L, Duong TA, Edwards J, Gené J, Groenewald JZ, Jabeen S, Khalid AN, Lombard L, Madrid H, Marin-Felix Y, Marincowitz S, Miller AN, Rajeshkumar K-C, Rashid A, Sarwar S, Stchigel AM, Taylor PWJ, Zhou N, Crous PW. (2016) Fungal Systematics and Evolution: FUSE 2. Sydowia 68:193-230.
Hernández-Restrepo M, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2016) Taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of Microdochium, Monographella and Idriella. Persoonia 36(1):57-82.
10.3767/003158516X688676 |
Lombard L, Houbraken J, Decock C, Samson RA, Meijer M, Réblová M, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2016) Generic hyper-diversity in Stachybotriaceae. Persoonia 36(1):156-246.
10.3767/003158516X691582 |
Rossman AY, Cavan Allen W, Braun U, Castlebury LA, Chaverri P, Crous PW, Hawksworth DL, Hyde KD, Johnston P, Lombard L, Romberg M, Samson RA, Seifert KA, Stone JK, Udayanga D, White JF. (2016) Overlooked competing asexual and sexually typified generic names of Ascomycota with recommendations for their use or protection. IMA Fungus 7(2):289-308.
10.5598/imafungus.2016.07.02.09 |
Silva M, Barreto RW, Pereira OL, Freitas NM, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2016) Exploring fungal mega-diversity: Pseudocercospora from Brazil. Persoonia 37(1):142-172.
10.3767/003158516X691078 |
Wang XW, Houbraken J, Groenewald JZ, Meijer M, Andersen B, Nielsen KF, Crous PW, Samson RA. (2016) Diversity and taxonomy of Chaetomium and chaetomium-like fungi from indoor environments. Studies in Mycology 84:145-224.
10.1016/j.simyco.2016.11.005 |
Wang XW, Lombard L, Groenewald JZ, Li J, Videira SIR, Samson RA, Liu XZ, Crous PW. (2016) Phylogenetic reassessment of the Chaetomium globosum species complex. Persoonia 36(1):83-133.
10.3767/003158516X689657 |
Wood AR, Damm U, van der Linde EJ, Groenewald JZ, Cheewangkoon R, Crous PW. (2016) Finding the missing link: Resolving the Coryneliomycetidae within Eurotiomycetes. Persoonia 37(1):37-56.
10.3767/003158516X689800 |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Le Roux JJ, Richardson DM, Strasberg D, Shivas RG, Alvarado P, Edwards J, Moreno G, Sharma R, Sonawane M.S., Tan YP, Altés A, Barasubiye T, Barnes CW, Blanchette RA, Boertmann D, Bogo A, Carlavilla JR, Cheewangkoon R, Daniel R, de Beer ZW, de Jesús Yáñez-Morales M, Duong TA, Fernández-Vicente J, Geering ADW, Guest DI, Held BW, Heykoop M, Hubka V, Ismail AM, Kajale SC, Khemmuk W, Kolařík M, Kurli R, Lebeuf R, Lévesque CA, Lombard L, Magista D, Manjón JL, Marincowitz S, et al. (2015) Fungal Planet description sheets: 371–399. Persoonia 35:264-327.
10.3767/003158515X690269 |
Rossman AY, Crous PW, Hyde KD, Hawksworth DL, Aptroot A, Bezerra JL, Bhat JD, Boehm E, Braun U, Boonmee S, Camporesi E, Chomnunti P, Dai D-Q, D'Souza MJ, Dissanayake A, Jones EBG, Groenewald JZ, Hernández-Restrepo M, Hongsanan S, Jaklitsch WM, Jayawardena R, Jing LW, Kirk PM, Lawrey JD, Mapook A, McKenzie EHC, Monkai J, Phillips AJL, Phookamsak R, Raja HA, Seifert KA, Senanayake I, Slippers B, et al.. (2015) Recommended names for pleomorphic genera in Dothideomycetes. IMA Fungus 6(2):507-523.
10.5598/imafungus.2015.06.02.14 |
Stielow JB, Lévesque CA, Seifert KA, Meyer W, Irinyi L, Smits D, Renfurm R, Verkley GJM, Groenewald M, Chaduli D, Lomascolo A, Welti S, Lesage-Meessen L, Favel A, Al-Hatmi AMS, Damm U, Yilmaz N, Houbraken J, Lombard L, Quaedvlieg W, Binder M, Vaas LAI, Vu D, Yurkov A, Begerow D, Roehl O, Guerreiro M, Fonseca A, Samerpitak K, Van Diepeningen AD, Dolatabadi S, Moreno LF, Casaregola S, Mallet S, Jacques N, Roscini L, Egidi E, Bizet C, Garcia-Hermoso D, Martín MP, Deng S, Groenewald JZ, Boekhout T, De Beer ZW, Barnes I, Duong TA, Wingfield MJ, De Hoog GS, Crous PW, Lewis CT, Hambleton S, Moussa TAA, Al-Zahrani HS, Almaghrabi OA, Louis-Seize G, Assabgui R, McCormick W, Omer G, Dukik K, Cardinali G, Eberhardt U, De Vries M, Robert V. (2015) One fungus, which genes? Development and assessment of universal primers for potential secondary fungal DNA barcodes. Persoonia 35:242-263.
10.3767/003158515X689135 |
Crous PW, Schumacher RK, Wingfield MJ, Lombard L, Giraldo A, Christensen M, Gardiennet A, Nakashima C, Pereira OL, Smith AJ, Groenewald JZ. (2015) Fungal Systematics and Evolution: FUSE 1. Sydowia 67:81-118.
10.12905/0380.sydowia67-2015-0081 |
Crous P., Rodas C.A, Wingfield M.J. (2015) Chrysofolia colombiana sp. nov.. Fungal planet Fungal Planet description sheets :207.
10.3767/003158515X688433 |
Crous R&MJW. (2015) Fungal Planet description sheets: 320–370. Persoonia 34
10.3767/003158515X688433 |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Guarro J, Hernandez-Restrepo M, Sutton DA, Acharya K, Barber PA, Boekhout T, Dimitrov RA, Duenas M, Dutta AK, Gene J, Gouliamova DE, Groenewald M, Lombard L, Morozova OV, Sarkar J, Smith MTh, Stchigel AM, Wiederhold NP, Alexandrova AV, Antelmi I, Armengol J, Barnes I, Cano-Lira JF, Castaneda Ruiz RF, Contu M, Courtecuisse PrR, Da Silveira AL, Decock CA, De Goes A, Edathodu J, Ercole E, Firmino AC, Fourie A, Fournier J, Furtado EL, Geering ADW, Gershenzon J, Giraldo A, Gramaje D, Hammerbacher A, He X-L, Haryadi D, Khemmuk W, Kovalenko AE, Krawczynski R, Laich F, Lechat C, Lopes UP, Madrid H, Malysheva EF, Marin-Felix Y, Martin MP, Mostert L, Nigro F, Pereira OL, Picillo B, Pinho DB, Popov ES, Rodas Pelaez CA, Rooney-Latham S, Sandoval-Denis M, Shivas RG, Silva V, Stoilova-Disheva MM, Telleria MT, Ullah C, Unsicker SB, Van der Merwe NA, Vizzini A, Wagner H-G, Wong PTW, Wood AR, Groenewald JZ. (2015) Fungal Planet description sheets: 320–370. Persoonia 34:167-266.
10.3767/003158515X688433 |
Crous PW, Hawksworth DL, Wingfield MJ. (2015) Identifying and Naming Plant-Pathogenic Fungi: Past, Present, and Future. Annual Review of Phytopathology 53(1):247-267.
10.1146/annurev-phyto-080614-120245 |
Woudenberg JC, van der Merwe NA, Jurjević Z, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2015) Diversity and movement of indoor Alternaria alternata across the mainland USA. Fungal Genetics and Biology 81:62-72.
10.1016/j.fgb.2015.05.003 |
Cruywagen EM, Crous PW, Roux J, Slippers B, Wingfield MJ. (2015) Fungi associated with black mould on baobab trees in southern Africa. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 108(1):85-95.
10.1007/s10482-015-0466-7 |
Hernández-Restrepo M, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2015) Neocordana gen. nov., the causal organism of Cordana leaf spot on banana. Phyotaxa 205(4):229–238.
10.11646/phytotaxa.205.4.2 |
Lombard L, van der Merwe NA, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2015) Generic concepts in Nectriaceae. Studies in Mycology 80:189-245.
10.1016/j.simyco.2014.12.002 |
Lombard L, Chen SF, Mou X, Zhou XD, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (2015) New species, hyper-diversity and potential importance of Calonectria spp. from Eucalyptus in South China. Studies in Mycology 80:151-188.
10.1016/j.simyco.2014.11.003 |
Alfenas RF, Lombard L, Pereira OL, Alfenas AC, Crous PW. (2015) Diversity and potential impact of Calonectria species in Eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. Studies in Mycology 80:89-130.
10.1016/j.simyco.2014.11.002 |
Bakhshi M, Arzanlou M, Babai-Ahari A, Groenewald JZ, Braun U, Crous PW. (2015) Application of the consolidated species concept to Cercospora spp. from Iran. Persoonia 34(1):65-86.
10.3767/003158515X685698 |
Bensch K, Groenewald JZ, Braun U, Dijksterhuis J, de Jesús Yáñez-Morales M, Crous PW. (2015) Common but different: The expanding realm of Cladosporium. Studies in Mycology 82:23-74.
10.1016/j.simyco.2015.10.001 |
Chen Q, Jiang JR, Zhang GZ, Cai L, Crous PW. (2015) Resolving the Phoma enigma. Studies in Mycology 82:137-217.
10.1016/j.simyco.2015.10.003 |
Gramaje D, Mostert L, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2015) Phaeoacremonium: From esca disease to phaeohyphomycosis. Fungal Biology 119(9):759-783.
10.1016/j.funbio.2015.06.004 |
Guatimosim E, Firmino AL, Bezerra JL, Pereira OL, Barreto RW, Crous PW. (2015) Towards a phylogenetic reappraisal of Parmulariaceae and Asterinaceae (Dothideomycetes). Persoonia 35(1):230-241.
10.3767/003158515X688046 |
Huang F, Groenewald JZ, Zhu L, Crous PW, Li H. (2015) Cercosporoid diseases of Citrus. Mycologia 107(6):1151-1171.
10.3852/15-059 |
Knapp DG, Kovács GM, Zajta E, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2015) Dark septate endophytic pleosporalean genera from semiarid areas. Persoonia 35(1):87-100.
10.3767/003158515X687669 |
Liu F, Weir BS, Damm U, Crous PW, Wang Y, Liu B, Wang M, Zhang M, Cai L. (2015) Unravelling Colletotrichum species associated with Camellia: employing ApMat and GS loci to resolve species in the C. gloeosporioides complex. Persoonia 35(1):63-86.
10.3767/003158515X687597 |
Trakunyingcharoen T, Lombard L, Groenewald JZ, Cheewangkoon R, To-anun C, Crous PW. (2015) Caulicolous Botryosphaeriales from Thailand. Persoonia 34(1):87-99.
10.3767/003158515X685841 |
Videira SIR, Groenewald JZ, Kolecka A, van Haren L, Boekhout T, Crous PW. (2015) Elucidating the Ramularia eucalypti species complex. Persoonia 34(1):50-64.
10.3767/003158515X685670 |
Videira SIR, Groenewald JZ, Verkley GJM, Braun U, Crous PW. (2015) The rise of Ramularia from the Mycosphaerella labyrinth. Fungal Biology 119(9):823-843.
10.1016/j.funbio.2015.06.003 |
Woudenberg JHC, Seidl MF, Groenewald JZ, de Vries M, Stielow JB, Thomma BPHJ, Crous PW. (2015) Alternaria section Alternaria: Species, formae speciales or pathotypes?. Studies in Mycology 82:1-21.
10.1016/j.simyco.2015.07.001 |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Schumacher RK, Summerell BA, Giraldo A, Gené J, Guarro J, Wanasinghe DN, Hyde KD, Camporesi E, Gareth Jones EB, Thambugala KM, Malysheva EF, Malysheva VF, Acharya K, Álvarez J, Alvarado P, Assefa A, Barnes CW, Bartlety JS, Blanchette RA, Burgess TI, Carlavilla JR, Coetzee MPA, Damm U, Decock CA, Den Breeÿen A, De Vries B, Dutta AK, Holdom DG, Rooney-Latham S, Manjón JL, Marincowitz S, et al.. (2014) Fungal Planet description sheets: 281–319. Persoonia 33:212-289.
10.3767/003158514X685680 |
Schoch CL, Robbertse B, Robert V, Duong V, Cardinali G, Irinyi L, Meyer W, Nilsson RH, Hughes K, Miller AN, Kirk PM, Abarenkov K, Aime MC, Ariyawansa HA, Bidartondo M, Boekhout T, Buyck B, Cai Q, Chen LJ, Crespo A, Crous PW, Damm U, De Beer ZW, Dentinger BTM, Divakar PK, Dueñas M, Feau N, Fliegerova K, García MA, Griffith GW, Groenewald JZ, Groenewald M, Gryzenhout M, Guo L, Hambleton S, Hamelin R, Hansen K, Hofstetter V, Houbraken J, Hyde K, Johnston PR, Karunarathna SC, Kõljalg U, Kovács GM, Kraichak E, Krizsan K, Larssen K-H, Leavitt S, Letcher PM, Liimatainen K, Liu J-K, Lodge JD, Luangsa-ard JJ, Lumbsch HT, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Manamgoda D, Martín MP, Minnis A, Mulè G, Nakasone KK, Niskanen T, Olariaga I, Papp T, Petkovits T, Pino-Bodas R, Powell MJ, Raja HA, Redecker D, Seifert KA, Shrestha B, Stenroos S, Stielow B, Suh S-O, Tanaka K, Tedersoo L, Telleria MT, Udayanga D, Untereiner WA, Uribeondo JD, Vágvölgyi C, Visagie CM, Walker DM, Weir BS, Weiß M, Wen-Ying Z, Wijayawardene NN, Wingfield MJ, et al.. (2014) Finding needles in haystacks: linking scientific names, reference specimens and molecular data for Fungi. Database 2014:1-22.
10.1093/database/bau061 |
Crous PW, Shivas RG, Quaedvlieg W, Van der Bank M, Zhang Y, Summerell BA, Guarro J, Wingfield MJ, Wood AR, Alfenas AC, Braun U, Cano-Lira JF, García D, Marin-Felix Y, Alvarado P, Andrade JP, Armengol J, Assefa A, Breeÿen AD, Camele I, Cheewangkoon R, Souza JTD, Duong TA, Esteve-Raventós F, Fournier J, Frisullo S, García-Jiménez J, Gardiennet A, Gené J, Hernández-Restrepo M, Hirooka Y, Hospenthal DR, King A, Lechat C, Lombard L, Mang SM, Marbach PAS, Marincowitz S, Marin-Felix Y, Montaño-Mata NJ, Moreno G, Perez CA, Sierra AMP, Robertson JL, Roux J, et al. (2014) Fungal Planet description sheets: 214–280. Persoonia 32:184-306.
10.3767/003158514X682395 |
Damm U, O'Connell RJ, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2014) The Colletotrichum destructivum species complex – hemibiotrophic pathogens of forage and field crops. Studies in Mycology 79:49-84.
10.1016/j.simyco.2014.09.003 |
Klaubauf S, Tharreau D, Fournier E, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW, de Vries RP, Lebrun MH. (2014) Resolving the polyphyletic nature of Pyricularia (Pyriculariaceae). Studies in Mycology 79:85-120.
10.1016/j.simyco.2014.09.004 |
Lombard L, Van der Merwe NA, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2014) Lineages in Nectriaceae: re-evaluating the generic status of Ilyonectria and allied genera. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 53(3):515-532.
10.14601/Phytopathol_Mediterr-14976 |
Maharachchikumbura SSN, Hyde KD, Groenewald JZ, Xu J, Crous PW. (2014) Pestalotiopsis revisited. Studies in Mycology 79:121-186.
10.1016/j.simyco.2014.09.005 |
Manamgoda DS, Rossman AY, Castlebury LA, Crous PW, Madrid H, Chukeatirote E, Hyde KD. (2014) The genus Bipolaris. Studies in Mycology 79:221-288.
10.1016/j.simyco.2014.10.002 |
Woudenberg JHC, Truter M, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2014) Large-spored Alternaria pathogens in section Porri disentangled. Studies in Mycology 79:1-47.
10.1016/j.simyco.2014.07.003 |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Guarro J, Cheewangkoon R, van der Bank M, Swart WJ, Stchigel AM, Cano-Lira JF, Roux J, Madrid H, Damm U, Wood AR, Shuttleworth LA, Hodges CS, Munster M, de Jesús Yáñez-Morales M, Zúñiga-Estrada L, Cruywagen EM, de Hoog GS, Silvera C, Najafzadeh J, Davison EM, Davison PJN, Barrett MD, Barrett RL, Manamgoda DS, Minnis AM, Kleczewski NM, Luke Flory S, Castlebury LA, Clay K, Hyde KD, Maússe-Sitoe SND, Chen S, Lechat C, Hairaud M, Lesage-Meessen L, Pawłowska J, Wilk M, Śliwińska-Wyrzychowska A, Mętrak M, Wrzosek M, Pavlic-Zupanc D, Maleme HM, Slippers B, MacCormack WP, Archuvy DI, Grünwald NJ, Teresa Tellería M, Dueñas M, Martín MP, Marincowitz S, de Beer ZW, et al. (2013) Fungal Planet description sheets: 154–213. Persoonia 31:188-295.
10.3767/003158513X675925 |
Phillips AJL, Alves A, Abdollahzadeh J, Slippers B, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW. (2013) The Botryosphaeriaceae: genera and species known from culture. Studies in Mycology 76(1):51-167.
10.3114/sim0021 |
Slippers B, Boissin E, Phillips AJL, Groenewald E, Lombard L, Wingfield MJ, Postma A, Burgess T, Crous PW. (2013) Phylogenetic lineages in the Botryosphaeriales: a systematic and evolutionary framework. Studies in Mycology 76(1):31-49.
10.3114/sim0020 |
Crous PW, Braun U, Hunter GC, Wingfield MJ, Verkley GJM, Shin H-D, Nakashima C, Groenewald JZ. (2013) Phylogenetic lineages in Pseudocercospora. Studies in Mycology 75:37-114.
10.3114/sim0005 |
Geiser DM, Aoki T, Bacon CW, Baker SE, Bhattacharyya MK, Brandt ME, Brown DW, Burgess LW, Chulze S, Coleman JJ, Correll JC, Covert SF, Crous PW, Cuomo CA, De Hoog GS, Di Pietro A, Elmer WH, Epstein L, Frandsen RJN, Freeman S, Gagkaeva T, Glenn AE, Gordon TR, Gregory NF, Hammond-Kosack KE, Hanson LE, del Mar Jímenez-Gasco M, Kang S, Kistler HC, Kuldau GA, Leslie JF, Logrieco A, Lu G, Lysøe E, Ma L-J, McCormick SP, Migheli Q, Moretti A, Munaut F, O’Donnell K, Pfenning L, Ploetz RC, Proctor RH, Rehner SA, Robert VARG, Rooney AP, bin Salleh B, Scandiani MM, Scauflaire J, Short DPG, Steenkamp E, Suga H, Summerell BA, Sutton DA, Thrane U, Trail F, Van Diepeningen A, VanEtten HD, Viljoen A, Waalwijk C, Ward TJ, Wingfield MJ, Xu J-R, Yang X-B, Yli-Mattila T, Zhang N. (2013) One Fungus, One Name: Defining the Genus Fusarium in a Scientifically Robust Way That Preserves Longstanding Use. Phytopathology 103(5):400-408.
10.1094/PHYTO-07-12-0150-LE |
Crous PW, Liew ECY, Lombard L, McTaggart AR, Pryke JS, Roets F, Saude C, Shuttleworth LA, Stukely MJC, Vanky K, et al. (2012) Fungal Planet Description Sheets: 107–127. Persoonia 28:138-182.
10.3767/003158512X652633 |
Wingfield MJ, De Beer ZW, Slippers B, Wingfield BD, Groenewald JZ, Lombard L, Crous PW. (2012) One fungus, one name promotes progressive plant pathology. Molecular Plant Pathology 13(6):604-613.
10.1111/j.1364-3703.2011.00768.x |
Crous PW, Shivas RG, Wingfield MJ, Summerell BA, Rossman AY, Alves JL, Adams GC, Barreto RW, Bell A, Coutinho ML, et al. (2012) Fungal Planet description sheets: 128-153. Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 29:146-201.
10.3767/003158512X661589 |
Schoch CL, Seifert KA, Huhndorf S, Robert V, Spouge JL, Levesque CA, Chen W, Bolchacova E, Voigt K, Crous PW, Miller AN, Wingfield MJ, Aime MC, An KD, Bai FY, Barreto RW, Begerow D, Bergeron MJ, Blackwell M, Boekhout T, Bogale M, Boonyuen N, Burgaz AR, Buyck B, Cai L, Cai Q, Cardinali G, Chaverri P, Coppins BJ, Crespo A, Cubas P, Cummings C, Damm U, De Beer ZW, De Hoog GS, Del-Prado R, Dentinger B, Dieguez-Uribeondo J, Divakar PK, Douglas B, Duenas M, Duong TA, et al. (2012) Nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region as a universal DNA barcode marker for Fungi. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109(16):6241-6246.
10.1073/pnas.1117018109 |
Hawksworth DL, Crous PW, Redhead SA, Reynolds DR, Samson RA, Seifert KA, Taylor JW, Wingfield MJ, Abaci O, Aime C, Asan A, Bai F, De Beer ZW, Begerow D, Berikten D, Boekhout T, Buchanan PK, Burgess T, Buzina W, Cai L, Cannon PF, Crane JL, Damm U, Daniel H-, Van Diepeningen AD, Druzhinina I, Dyer PS, Eberhardt U, Fell JW, Frisvad JC, Geiser DM, Geml J, Glienke C, Gräfenhan T, Groenewald JZ, Groenewald M, De Gruyter J, Guého-Kellermann E, Guo L-, Hibbett DS, Hong S, De Hoog GS, Houbraken J, Huhndorf SM, Hyde KD, Ismail A, Johnston PR, Kadaifciler DG, Kirk PM, Kõljalg U, Kurtzman CP, Lagneau PE, Lévesque CA, Liu X, Lombard L, Meyer W, Miller AN, Minter DW, Najafzadeh NJ, Norvell L, Ozerskaya SM, Öziç R, Pennycook SR, Peterson SW, Pettersson OV, Quaedvlieg W, Robert VA, Ruibal C, Schnürer J, Schroers HJ, Shivas R, Slippers B, et al. (2011) The Amsterdam Declaration on Fungal Nomenclature. IMA Fungus 2:105-112.
10.5598/imafungus.2011.02.01.14 |
Crous PW, Summerell BA, Swart L, Denman S, Taylor JE, Bezuidenhout CM, Palm ME, Marincowitz S, Groenewald JZ. (2011) Fungal pathogens of Proteaceae. Persoonia 27:20-45.
Hawksworth DL, Crous PW, Redhead SA, Reynolds DR, Samson RA, Seifert KA, Taylor JW, Wingfield MJ. (2011) The Amsterdam declaration on fungal nomenclature. Mycotaxon 116:491-500.
10.5248/116.491 |
Hunter GC, Crous PW, Carnegie AJ, Burgess TI, Wingfield MJ. (2011) Mycosphaerella and Teratosphaeria diseases of Eucalyptus; easily confused and with serious consequences. Fungal Diversity 50:145-166.
10.1007/s13225-011-0131-z |
Wingfield MJ, Coetzee MPA, Crous PW, Six D, Wingfield BD. (2010) Fungal phoenix rising from the ashes?. IMA Fungus 1(2):149-153.
Cheewangkoon R, Groenewald JZ, Verkley GJM, Hyde KD, Wingfield MJ, Gryzenhout M, Summerell BA, Denman S, Toanun C, Crous PW. (2010) Re-evaluation of Cryptosporiopsis eucalypti and Cryptosporiopsis-like species occurring on Eucalyptus leaves. Fungal Diversity 44:89-105.
10.1007/s13225-010-0041-5 |
Hawksworth DL, Cooper JA, Crous PW, Hyde KD, Iturriaga T, Kirk PM, Thorsten Lumbsch H, May TW, Minter DW, Misra JK, Norvell L, Redhead SA, Rossman AY, Seifert KA, Stalpers JA, Taylor JW, Wingfield MJ. (2010) (117-119) Proposals to make the pre-publication deposit of key nomenclatural information in a recognized repository a requirement for valid publication of organisms treated as fungi under the Code. Taxon 59(2):660-662.
Lombard L, Zhou XD, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2010) Calonectria species associated with cutting rot of Eucalyptus. Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 24:1-11.
10.3767/003158510X486568 |
Lombard L, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2010) Phylogeny and systematics of the genus Calonectria. Studies in Mycology 66:31-69.
10.3114/sim.2010.66.03 |
Lombard L, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2010) Multigene phylogeny and mating tests reveal three cryptic species related to Calonectria pauciramosa. Studies in Mycology 66:15-30.
10.3114/sim.2010.66.02 |
Lombard L, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2010) Species concepts in Calonectria (Cylindrocladium). Studies in Mycology 66:1-13.
10.3114/sim.2010.66.01 |
Wright LP, Davis AJ, Wingfield BD, Crous PW, Brenneman T, Wingfield MJ. (2010) Population structure of Cylindrocladium parasiticum infecting peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) in Georgia, USA. European Journal of Plant Pathology 127(2):199-206.
10.1007/s10658-010-9584-2 |
Lombard L, Rodas C.A, Crous P.W, Wingfield B.D, Wingfield M.J. (2009) Calonectria (Cylindrocladium) species associated with dying Pinus cuttings. Persoonia 23:41-47.
10.3767/003158509X471052 |
Crous PW, Braun U, Wingfield MJ, Wood AR, Shin HD, Summerell BA, Alfenas AC, Cumagun CJR, Groenewald JZ. (2009) Phylogeny and taxonomy of obscure genera of microfungi. Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 22:139-161.
10.3767/003158509X461701 |
Crous PW, Groenewald JZ, Summerell BA, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2009) Co-occurring species of Teratosphaeria on Eucalyptus. Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 22:38-48.
10.3767/003158509X424333 |
Crous PW, Summerell BA, Carnegie AJ, Wingfield MJ, Groenewald JZ. (2009) Novel species of Mycosphaerellaceae and Teratosphaeriaceae. Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 23:119-146.
10.3767/003158509X479531 |
Crous PW, Summerell BA, Carnegie AJ, Wingfield MJ, Hunter GC, Burgess TI, Andjic V, Barber PA, Groenewald JZ. (2009) Unravelling Mycosphaerella: Do you believe in genera?. Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 23:99-118.
10.3767/003158509X479487 |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Groenewald JZ. (2009) Niche sharing reflects a poorly understood biodiversity phenomenon. Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 22:83-94.
10.3767/003158509X439364 |
Hunter GC, Crous PW, Carnegie AJ, Wingfield MJ. (2009) Teratosphaeria nubilosa, a serious leaf disease pathogen of Eucalyptus spp. in native and introduced areas. Molecular Plant Pathology 10(1):1-14.
10.1111/j.1364-3703.2008.00516.x |
Lombard L, Rodas CA, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2009) Calonectria (Cylindrocladium) species associated with dying Pinus cuttings. Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 23:41-47.
10.3767/003158509X471052 |
Roets F, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Dreyer LL. (2009) Mite-mediated hyperphoretic dispersal of Ophiostoma spp. from the infructescences of South African Protea spp. Environmental Entomology 38(1):143-152.
10.1603/022.038.0118 |
Roets F, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, Dreyer LL. (2009) Fungal radiation in the Cape Floristic Region: An analysis based on Gondwanamyces and Ophiostoma. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 51(1):111-119.
10.1016/j.ympev.2008.05.041 |
Schoch CL, Crous PW, Groenewald JZ, Boehm EWA, Burgess TI, de Gruyter J, de Hoog GS, Dixon LJ, Grube M, Gueidan C, Harada Y, Hatakeyama S, Hirayama K, Hosoya T, Huhndorf SM, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, Kohlmeyer J, Kruys Å, Li YM, Lücking R, Lumbsch HT, Marvanová L, Mbatchou JS, McVay AH, Miller AN, Mugambi GK, Muggia L, Nelsen MP, Nelson P, Owensby CA, Phillips AJL, Phongpaichit S, Pointing SB, Pujade-Renaud V, Raja HA, Plata ER, Robbertse B, Ruibal C, Sakayaroj J, Sano T, Selbmann L, Shearer CA, Shirouzu T, Slippers B, Suetrong S, Tanaka K, Volkmann-Kohlmeyer B, Wingfield MJ, Wood AR, Woudenberg JHC, Yonezawa H, Zhang Y, Spatafora JW. (2009) A class-wide phylogenetic assessment of Dothideomycetes. Studies in Mycology 64:1-15.
10.3114/sim.2009.64.01 |
Schoch CL, Sung GH, López-Giráldez F, Townsend JP, Miadlikowska J, Hofstetter V, Robbertse B, Matheny PB, Kauff F, Wang Z, Gueidan C, Andrie RM, Trippe K, Ciufetti LM, Wynns A, Fraker E, Hodkinson BP, Bonito G, Groenewald JZ, Arzanlou M, Sybren De Hoog G, Crous PW, Hewitt D, Pfister DH, Peterson K, Gryzenhout M, Wingfield MJ, Aptroot A, Suh SO, Blackwell M, Hillis DM, Griffith GW, Castlebury LA, Rossman AY, Lumbsch HT, Lücking R, Büdel B, Rauhut A, Diederich P, Ertz D, Geiser DM, Hosaka K, Inderbitzin P, Kohlmeyer J, Volkmann-Kohlmeyer B, Mostert L, O'Donnell K, Sipman H, Rogers JD, Shoemaker RA, Sugiyama J, Summerbell RC, Untereiner W, Johnston PR, Stenroos S, Zuccaro A, Dyer PS, Crittenden PD, Cole MS, Hansen K, Trappe JM, Yahr R, Lutzoni F, Spatafora JW. (2009) The Ascomycota tree of life: A phylum-wide phylogeny clarifies the origin and evolution of fundamental reproductive and ecological traits. Systematic Biology 58(2):224-239.
10.1093/sysbio/syp020 |
Hunter GC, Van Der Merwe NA, Burgess TI, Carnegie AJ, Wingfield BD, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (2008) Global movement and population biology of Mycosphaerella nubilosa infecting leaves of cold-tolerant Eucalyptus globulus and E. nitens. Plant Pathology 57(2):235-242.
10.1111/j.1365-3059.2007.01756.x |
Marincowitz S, Groenewald JZ, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW. (2008) Species of Botryosphaeriaceae occurring on Proteaceae. Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 21:111-118.
10.3767/003158508X372387 |
Roets F, De Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, Dreyer LL. (2008) Ophiostoma gemellus and Sporothrix variecibatus from mites infesting Protea infructescences in South Africa. Mycologia 100(3):496-510.
10.3852/07-181R |
Crous PW, Groenewald JZ, Wingfield MJ, Phillips AJL. (2007) Neofusicoccum mediterraneum. Fungal Planet 19
Groenewald M, Barnes I, Bradshaw RE, Brown AV, Dale A, Groenewald JZ, Lewis KJ, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW. (2007) Characterization and distribution of mating type genes in the Dothistroma needle blight pathogens. Phytopathology 97(7):825-834.
10.1094/PHYTO-97-7-0825 |
Hyde KD, Bussaban B, Paulus B, Crous PW, Lee S, McKenzie EHC, Photita W, Lumyong S. (2007) Diversity of saprobic microfungi. Biodiversity and Conservation 7:7-35.
Roets F, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, Dreyer LL. (2007) Discovery of fungus-mite mutualism in a unique niche. Environmental Entomology 36(5):1226-1237.
10.1603/0046-225X(2007)36[1226:DOFMIA]2.0.CO;2 |
Slippers B, Smit WA, Crous PW, Coutinho TA, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2007) Taxonomy, phylogeny and identification of Botryosphaeriaceae associated with pome and stone fruit trees in South Africa and other regions of the world. Plant Pathology 56(1):128-139.
10.1111/j.1365-3059.2006.01486.x |
Wright LP, Wingfield BD, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (2007) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Cylindrocladium pauciramosum: Primer note. Molecular Ecology Notes 7(2):343-345.
10.1111/j.1471-8286.2006.01603.x |
Cortinas MN, Burgess T, Dell B, Xu D, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2006) First record of Colletogloeopsis zuluense comb. nov., causing a stem canker of Eucalyptus in China. Mycological Research 110(2):229-236.
10.1016/j.mycres.2005.08.012 |
Cortinas MN, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2006) Multi-gene phylogenies and phenotypic characters distinguish two species within the Colletogloeopsis zuluensis complex associated with Eucalyptus stem cankers. Studies in Mycology 55:133-146.
10.3114/sim.55.1.133 |
Crous PW, Slippers B, Wingfield MJ, Rheeder J, Marasas WFO, Philips AJL, Alves A, Burgess T, Barber P, Groenewald JZ. (2006) Phylogenetic lineages in the Botryosphaeriaceae. Studies in Mycology 55:235-253.
10.3114/sim.55.1.235 |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Mansilla JP, Alfenas AC, Groenewald JZ. (2006) Phylogenetic reassessment of Mycosphaerella spp. and their anamorphs occurring on Eucalyptus. II. Studies in Mycology 55:99-131.
10.3114/sim.55.1.99 |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Slippers B, Rong IH, Samson RA. (2006) 100 Years of fungal biodiversity in southern Africa: Preface. Studies in Mycology 55
Crous PW, Rong IH, Wood A, Lee S, Glen H, Botha W, Slippers B, De Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ, Hawksworth DL. (2006) How many species of fungi are there at the tip of Africa?. Studies in Mycology 55:13-33.
10.3114/sim.55.1.13 |
De Beer ZW, Begerow D, Bauer R, Pegg GS, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (2006) Phylogeny of the Quambalariaceae fam. nov., including important Eucalyptus pathogens in South Africa and Australia. Studies in Mycology 55:289-298.
10.3114/sim.55.1.289 |
Hunter GC, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Pongpanich K, Wingfield MJ. (2006) Pseudocercospora flavomarginata sp. nov., from Eucalyptus leaves in Thailand. Fungal Diversity 22:71-90.
Hunter GC, Cortinas MN, Wingfield BD, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (2006) Development of polymorphic microsatellite markers for the Eucalyptus leaf pathogen Mycosphaerella nubilosa. Molecular Ecology Notes 6(3):900-903.
10.1111/j.1471-8286.2006.01392.x |
Hunter GC, Wingfield BD, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (2006) A multi-gene phylogeny for species of Mycosphaerella occurring on Eucalyptus leaves. Studies in Mycology 55:147-161.
10.3114/sim.55.1.147 |
Lee S, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (2006) Pestalotioid fungi from Restionaceae in the Cape Floral Kingdom. Studies in Mycology 55:175-187.
10.3114/sim.55.1.175 |
Roets F, Wingfield MJ, Dreyer LL, Crous PW, Bellstedt DU. (2006) A PCR-based method to detect species of Gondwanamyces and Ophiostoma on surfaces of insects colonizing Protea flowers. Canadian Journal of Botany 84(6):989-994.
10.1139/B06-062 |
Roets F, De Beer ZW, Dreyer LL, Zipfel R, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (2006) Multi-gene phylogeny for Ophiostoma spp. reveals two new species from Protea infructescences. Studies in Mycology 55:199-212.
10.3114/sim.55.1.199 |
Wright LP, Wingfield BD, Crous PW, Brenneman T, Wingfield MJ. (2006) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Cylindrocladium parasiticum. Molecular Ecology Notes 6(1):110-112.
10.1111/j.1471-8286.2006.01157.x |
Crous PW, Allegrucci N, Arambarri AM, Cazau MC, Groenewald JZ, Wingfield MJ. (2005) Dematiocladium celtidis gen. sp. nov. (Nectriaceae, Hypocreales), a new genus from Celtis leaf litter in Argentina. Mycological Research 109(7):833-840.
10.1017/S0953756205002911 |
Lee S, Roets F, Crous PW. (2005) Protea infructescences represent a unique fungal niche. Fungal Diversity 19:69-78.
Slippers B, Summerell BA, Crous PW, Coutinho TA, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2005) Preliminary studies on Botryosphaeria species from Southern Hemisphere conifers in Australasia and South Africa. Australasian Plant Pathology 34(2):213-220.
10.1071/AP05020 |
Slippers B, Johnson GI, Crous PW, Coutinho TA, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2005) Phylogenetic and morphological re-evaluation of the Botryosphaeria species causing diseases of Mangifera indica. Mycologia 97(1):99-110.
Barnes I, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2004) Multigene phylogenies reveal that red band needle blight of Pinus is caused by two distinct species of Dothistroma, D. septosporum and D. pini. Studies in Mycology 50:551-565.
Beilharz VC, Pascoe IG, Wingfield MJ, Tjahjono B, Crous PW. (2004) Passalora perplexa, an important pleoanamorphic leaf blight pathogen of Acacia crassicarpa in Australia and Indonesia. Studies in Mycology 50:471-479.
Crous PW, Groenewald JZ, Mansilla JP, Hunter GC, Wingfield MJ. (2004) Phylogenetic reassessment of Mycosphaerella spp. and their anamorphs occurring on Eucalyptus. Studies in Mycology 50:195-214.
Crous PW, Groenewald JZ, Pongpanich K, Himaman W, Arzanlou M, Wingfield MJ. (2004) Cryptic speciation and host specificity among Mycosphaerella spp. occurring on Australian Acacia species grown as exotics in the tropics. Studies in Mycology 50:457-469.
Denman S, Crous PW, Sadie A, Wingfield MJ. (2004) Evaluation of fungicides for the control of Botryosphaeria protearum on Protea magnifica in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Australasian Plant Pathology 33(1):97-102.
10.1071/AP03080 |
Hunter GC, Crous PW, Roux J, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2004) Identification of Mycosphaerella species associated with Eucalyptus nitens leaf defoliation in South Africa. Australasian Plant Pathology 33(3):349-355.
10.1071/AP04022 |
Hunter GC, Roux J, Wingfield BD, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (2004) Mycosphaerella species causing leaf disease in South African Eucalyptus plantations. Mycological Research 108(6):672-681.
10.1017/S0953756204009864 |
Lee S, Mel’nik V, Taylor JE, Crous PW. (2004) Diversity of saprobic hyphomycetes on Proteaceae and Restionaceae from South Africa. Fungal Diversity 17:91-114.
Lee S, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW. (2004) Phylogenetic reassessment of the coelomycete genus Harknessia and its teleomorph Wuestneia (Diaporthales), and the introduction of Apoharknessia gen. nov. Studies in Mycology 50:235-252.
Mel'nik V, Lee S, Groenewald JZE, Crous PW. (2004) New hyphomycetes from Restionaceae in fynbos: Parasarcopodium ceratocaryi gen. et sp. nov., and Rhexodenticula elegiae sp. nov. Mycological Progress 3(1):19-28.
Slippers B, Burgess T, Wingfield BD, Crous PW, Coutinho TA, Wingfield MJ. (2004) Development of simple sequence repeat markers for Botryosphaeria spp. with Fusicoccum anamorphs. Molecular Ecology Notes 4(4):675-677.
10.1111/j.1471-8286.2004.00780.x |
Slippers B, Crous PW, Denman S, Coutinho TA, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2004) Combined multiple gene genealogies and phenotypic characters differentiate several species previously identified as Botryosphaeria dothidea. Mycologia 96(1):83-101.
Slippers B, Fourie G, Crous PW, Coutinho TA, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2004) Multiple gene sequences delimit Botryosphaeria australis sp. nov. from B. lutea. Mycologia 96(5):1030-1041.
Slippers B, Fourie G, Crous PW, Coutinho TA, Wingfield BD, Carnegie AJ, Wingfield MJ. (2004) Speciation and distribution of Botryosphaeria spp. on native and introduced Eucalyptus trees in Australia and South Africa. Studies in Mycology 50:343-358.
Van Niekerk JM, Groenewald JZE, Verkley GJM, Fourie PH, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW. (2004) Systematic reappraisal of Coniella and Pilidiella, with specific reference to species occurring on Eucalyptus and Vitis in South Africa. Mycological Research 108(3):283-303.
10.1017/S0953756204009268 |
Coetzee MPA, Wingfield BD, Roux J, Crous PW, Denman S, Wingfield MJ. (2003) Discovery of two northern hemisphere Armillaria species on Proteaceae in South Africa. Plant Pathology 52(5):604-612.
10.1046/j.1365-3059.2003.00879.x |
Crous PW, Groenewald JZ, Wingfield MJ, Aptroot A. (2003) The value of ascospore septation in separating Mycosphaerella from Sphaerulina in the Dothideales: A Saccardoan myth?. Sydowia 55(2):136-152.
Denman S, Crous PW, Groenewald JZ, Slippers B, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2003) Circumscription of Botryosphaeria species associated with Proteaceae based on morphology and DNA sequence data. Mycologia 95(2):294-307.
Lee S, Crous PW. (2003) New species of Anthostomella on fynbos, with a key to the genus in South Africa. Mycological research 107(3):360-370.
Lee S, Crous PW. (2003) Taxonomy and biodiversity of hysteriaceous ascomycetes in fynbos. South African journal of botany 69(4):480-488.
Lee S, Crous PW. (2003) A new species of Helicogermslita. SYDOWIA 55:109-114.
Lee S, Crous PW. (2003) New coelomycetes occurring on Restionaceae. Sydowia 55:115-128.
Lee S, Groenewald JZE, Taylor JE, Roets F, Crous PW. (2003) Rhynchostomatoid fungi occurring on Proteaceae. Mycologia 95(5):902-910.
Moleleki N, Preisig O, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, Wingfield BD. (2002) PCR-RFLP and sequence data delineate three Diaporthe species associated with stone and pome fruit trees in South Africa. European Journal of Plant Pathology 108(9):909-912.
10.1023/A:1021296801350 |
Crous PW, Hong L, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2001) ITS rDNA phylogeny of selected Mycosphaerella species and their anamorphs occurring on Myrtaceae. Mycological Research 105(4):425-431.
10.1017/S0953756201003835 |
Schoch CL, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (2001) Phylogeny of Calonectria based on comparisons of β-tubulin DNA sequences. Mycological Research 105(9):1045-1052.
Smith H, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Coutinho TA, Wingfield BD. (2001) Botryosphaeria eucalyptorum sp. nov., a new species in the B. dothidea-complex on Eucalyptus in South Africa. Mycologia 93(2):277-285.
Taylor JE, Lee S, Crous PW. (2001) Biodiversity in the Cape Floral Kingdom: fungi occurring on Proteaceae. Mycological Research 105:1480-1484.
Coetsee C, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, Wingfield BD. (2000) Xenochalara, a new genus of dematiaceous hyphomycetes for Chalara-like fungi with apical wall building conidial development. South African Journal of Botany 66(2):99-103.
Crous PW, Aptroot A, Kang JC, Braun U, Wingfield MJ. (2000) The genus Mycosphaerella and its anamorphs. Studies in Mycology 45:107-121.
Denman S, Crous PW, Taylor JE, Kang JC, Pascoe I, Wingfield MJ. (2000) An overview of the taxonomic history of Botryosphaeria, and a re-evaluation of its anamorphs based on morphology and ITS rDNA phylogeny. Studies in Mycology 45:129-140.
Jacobs K, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW. (2000) Ophiostoma europhioides and Ceratocystis pseudoeurophioides, synonyms of O. piceaperdum. Mycological Research 104(2):238-243.
10.1017/S0953756299001276 |
Schoch CL, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Wingfield BD. (2000) Phylogeny of Calonectria and selected hypocrealean genera with cylindrical macroconidia. Studies in Mycology 45:45-62.
Crous PW, Hong L, Wingfield MJ, Wingfield BD, Kang JC. (1999) Uwebraunia and Dissoconium, two morphologically similar anamorph genera with different teleomorph affinity. Sydowia 51(2):155-166.
Denman S, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (1999) A taxonomic reassessment of Phyllachora proteae, a leaf pathogen of Proteaceae. Mycologia 91(3):510-516.
Schoch CL, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. (1999) The Cylindrocladium candelabrum species complex includes four distinct mating populations. Mycologia 91(2):286-298.
Taylor JE, Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (1999) Batcheloromyces species occurring on Proteaceae in South Africa. Mycological Research 103(11):1478-1484.
10.1017/S0953756299008746 |
Van Zyl LM, Wingfield MJ, Alfenas AC, Crous PW. (1999) Hypovirulence detected in Brazilian isolates of Cryphonectria cubensis. Plant Pathology 48(2):267-272.
10.1046/j.1365-3059.1999.00334.x |
Coutinho TA, Wingfield MJ, Alfenas AC, Crous PW. (1998) Eucalyptus rust: A disease with the potential for serious international implications. Plant Disease 82(7):819-825.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Mohammed C, Yuan ZQ. (1998) New foliar pathogens of Eucalyptus from Australia and Indonesia. Mycological Research 102(5):527-532.
10.1017/S0953756297005091 |
Jacobs K, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, Harrington TC. (1998) Leptographium engelmannii, a synonym of Leptographium abietinum, and description of Leptographium hughesii sp.nov. Canadian Journal of Botany 76(9):1660-1667.
Van Zyl LM, Wingfield MJ, Alfenas AC, Crous PW. (1998) Population diversity among Brazilian isolates of Cryphonectria cubensis. Forest Ecology and Management 112(1-2):41-47.
10.1016/S0378-1127(98)00317-X |
Victor D, Crous PW, Janse BJH, Van Zyl WH, Wingfield MJ, Alfenas AC. (1998) Systematic appraisal of species complexes within Cylindrocladiella. Mycological Research 102(3):273-279.
10.1017/S095375629700484X |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (1997) New species of Mycosphaerella occurring on Eucalyptus leaves in Indonesia and Africa. Canadian Journal of Botany 75:781-790.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (1997) Colletogloeopsis, a new coelomycete genus to accommodate anamorphs of two species of Mycosphaerella on Eucalyptus. Canadian Journal of Botany 75(4):667-674.
Crous PW, McHau GRA, Van Zyl WH, Wingfield MJ. (1997) New species of Calonectria and Cylindrocladium isolated from soil in the tropics. Mycologia 89(4):653-660.
Victor D, Crous PW, Janse BJH, Wingfield MJ. (1997) Genetic variation in Cylindrocladium floridanum and other morphologically similar Cylindrocladium species. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 20:268-285.
Crous PW, Gams W, Wingfield MJ, Van Wyk PS. (1996) Phaeoacremonium gen. nov. associated with with and decline diseases of woody hosts and human infections. Mycologia 88:786-796.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (1996) Species of Mycosphaerella and their anamorphs associated with leaf blotch disease of Eucalyptus in South Africa. Mycologia 88:441-458.
Smith H, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, Coutinho IA. (1996) Sphaeropsis sapinea and Botryosphaeria dothidea endophytic in Pinus spp. and Eucalyptus spp. in South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 62(2):86-88.
Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, Coutinho TA. (1996) A serious canker disease of Eucalyptus in South Africa caused by a new species of Coniothyrium. Mycopathologia 136(3):139-145.
Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, Boden D. (1996) Kirramyces destructans sp. nov., a serious leaf pathogen of Eucalyptus in Indonesia. South African Journal of Botany 62(6):325-327.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Kendrick WB. (1995) Foliicolous dematiaceous hyphomycetes from Syzygium cordatum. Canadian Journal of Botany 73(2):224-234.
Van Der Westhuizen K, Wingfield MJ, Yamaoka Y, Kemp GH, Crous PW. (1995) A new species of Ophiostoma with a Leptographium anamorph from Larch in Japan. Mycological Research 99(11):1334-1338.
Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, Peredo HL. (1995) A preliminary, annotated list of foliar pathogens of Eucalyptus spp. in Chile. South African Forestry Journal 173:53-57.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Alfenas AC, Da Silveira F. (1994) Cylindrocladium naviculatum sp. nov. and two new vesiculate Hyphomycete genera, Falcocladium and Vesiculomyces. Mycotaxon 50:441-458.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Kendrick WB. (1994) Kiononchaeta pini sp. nov. and Verrucophragmia splendens gen. nov. from litter in South Africa. Mycologia 86(3):447-450.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Lennox CL. (1994) A comparison of generic concepts in Calonectria and Nectria with anamorphs in Cylindrocladium and Cylindrocladiella. South African Journal of Science 90(8-9):485-488.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (1994) A monograph of Cylindrocladium, including anamorphs of Calonectria. Mycotaxon 51:341-435.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (1994) Sporendocladia fumosa and Lauriomyces bellulus sp. nov. from Castanea cupules in Switzerland. Sydowia 46:193-203.
Wingfield MJ, Harrington TC, Crous PW. (1994) Three new Leptographium species associated with conifer roots in the United States. Canadian Journal of Botany 72:227-238.
Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, Tzean SS. (1994) Leptographium elegans: A new species from Taiwan. Mycological Research 98(7):781-785.
Crous PW, Alfenas AC, Wingfield MJ. (1993) Calonectria scoparia and Calonectria morganii sp. nov., and variation among isolates of their Cylindrocladium anamorphs. Mycological Research 97(6):701-708.
Crous PW, Ferreira FA, Alfenas AC, Wingfield MJ. (1993) Mycosphaerella suberosa associated with corky leaf spots on Eucalyptus in Brazil. Mycologia 85(4):705-710.
Crous PW, Phillips AJL, Wingfield MJ. (1993) New records of Cylindrocladium and Cylindrocladiella spp. in South Africa. Plant Pathology 42(2):302-305.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Alfenas AC. (1993) Additions to Calonectria. Mycotaxon 46:217-234.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Alfenas AC. (1993) Cylindrocladium parasiticum sp. nov., a new name for C. crotalariae. Mycological Research 97(7):889-896.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Ferreira FA, Alfenas AC. (1993) Mycosphaerella parkii and Phyllosticta eucalyptorum, two new species from Eucalyptus leaves in Brazil. Mycological Research 97(5):582-584.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Nag Raj TR. (1993) Harknessia species occurring in South Africa. Mycologia 85(1):108-118.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (1993) A re-evaluation of Cylindrocladiella, and a comparison with morphologically similar genera. Mycological Research 97:433-448.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (1993) Additions to Mycosphaerella in the Fynbos biome. Mycotaxon 46:19-26.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (1993) IMI Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria, Set 116. 1151, Calonectria colhounii var. macroconidialis; 1152, Calonectria gracilis; 1153, Calonectria pteridis; 1154, Calonectria spathulata; 1155, Calonectria avesiculata; 1156, Cylindrocladium citri; 1157, Cylindrocladium hawksworthii; 1158, Cylindrocladium heptaseptatum; 1159, Nectria camelliae; 1160, Cylindrocladium parva. Mycopathologia 122(1):43-64.
Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, Swart WJ. (1993) Sporothrix eucalypti (sp.nov.), a shoot and leaf pathogen of Eucalyptus in South Africa. Mycopathologia 123(3):159-164.
Crous PW, Phillips AJL, Wingfield MJ. (1992) Effects of cultural conditions on vesicle and conidium morphology in species of Cylindrocladium and Cylindrocladiella. Mycologia 84(4):497-504.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (1992) Cylindrocladium leucothoes and C. hederae, synonyms of C. reteaudii. South African Journal of Botany 58(5):397-400.
Viljoen A, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW. (1992) Fungal pathogens in Pinus and Eucalyptus seedling nurseries in South Africa: a review. South African Forestry Journal 161:45-51.
Crous PW, Phillips AJL, Wingfield MJ. (1991) The genera Cylindrocladium and Cylindrocladiella in South Africa, with special reference to forest nurseries. South African Forestry Journal 157:69-85.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Park RF. (1991) Mycosphaerella nubilosa, a synonym of M. molleriana. Mycological Research 95(5):628-632.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. (1991) Mycosphaerella marasasii sp. nov. and its Pseudocercospora anamorph on leaves of Syzygium cordatum. Mycological Research 95(9):1108-1112.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Koch SH. (1990) New and interesting records of South African fungi. X. New records of Eucalyptus leaf fungi. South African Journal of Botany 56(5):583-586.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Swart WJ. (1990) Shoot and needle diseases of Pinus spp. in South Africa. South African Forestry Journal 154:60-66.
Crous PW, Knox-Davies PS, Wingfield MJ. (1989) A summary of fungal leaf pathogens of Eucalyptus and the diseases they cause in South Africa. South African Forestry Journal 149:9-16.
Crous PW, Knox-Davies PS, Wingfield MJ. (1989) A list of Eucalyptus leaf fungi and their potential importance to South African Forestry. South African Forestry Journal 149:17-29.
Crous PW, Knox-Davies PS, Wingfield MJ. (1989) Infection studies with Phaeoseptoria eucalypti and Coniothyrium ovatum on Eucalyptus spp. South African Forestry Journal 149:30-35.
Crous PW, Knox-Davies PS, Wingfield MJ. (1989) Newly-recorded foliage fungi of Eucalyptus spp. in South Africa. Phytophylactica 21:85-88.
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Marasas WFO, Sutton BC. (1989) Pseudocercospora eucalyptorum sp. nov. on Eucalyptus leaves. Mycological Research 93(3):394-398.
Crous PW, Knox-Davies PS, Wingfield MJ. (1988) Phaeoseptora eucalypti and Coniothyrium ovatum on Eucalyptus spp. in South Africa. Phytophylactica 20:337-340.