- Prof Wilhelm de Beer receives the SAIF Distinguished Forestry Award
- Mike Wingfield wins NSTF Award
- Dr Osmond Mlonyeni appointed as a trustee of the Mandela Rhodes Foundation
- Stephanie van Wyk becomes the first FABIan to present her prestige seminar online
- Professor Bernard Slippers awarded the prestigious Havenga prize for natural sciences
- World-leading work on bacteria, fungi and insects rewarded with prestigious FLAIR Fellowships in FABI
- FABI celebrates the achievements of its Spring graduates
- Big data, biotechnology and the future of tree health management at FABI
- Panel discusses the merits of ongoing monitoring in tree health research at the annual meeting of the TPCP and CPHB
- Reflections on the application of fundamental research to keep plantation trees healthy
- The Tree Protection Co-operative Programme: 31 years of serving the forestry industry
- Tree health in a changing world: Planning for the "new normal"
- FABI's first "virtual" symposium successfully connects academia-industry-government networks
- Stakeholders consider strategic partnerships post-Covid-19 at the first online meeting of the TPCP and CPHB
- Introductory Microsatellite Workshop hosted online during lockdown
- FABIans participate in virtual APS Plant Health 2020 meeting
- FABIans take part in the first virtual SASBI-SC student symposium
- A webinar on plant health in botanical gardens amid the Covid-19 pandemic
- FABI mycologists participate in the Annual MSA Meeting: Mycology in the Cloud
- FABIans' living heritage comes to life in "Picking the fruit of the heritage tree"
- Phyloge-knows-it crowned "brains" of FABI at first virtual quiz night
- FABIans uphold SPOOF tradition with an historic virtual meeting
- The first JoVE video shoot in Africa
- NSTF Award video interview
- A different way of communicating our research
- Scientists warn of increasing threats posed by invasive alien species
- FABI's blanket drive brings warmth to the community
- Donating reusable cloth face masks for the children at Steve Biko Hospital
- Two FABIans among 17 FameLab SA finalists
- Inspection of trees dying in the Hennops River Valley
- National maize cultivar evaluation trials seed packing at FABI
- FABIans participate in bark beetle mycobiome research network meeting
- FABI advances plant health research in Africa with the launch of two satellite laboratories
- Sampling the iconic and declining cedars in the Cedarberg mountains
- FABI launches its multi-disciplinary Grain Research Programme
- Grain Research Programme field trip to the Eastern Cape
- Getting a PSHB research project done before the lockdown
- FABI focusses on the United Nations 2020 International Year of Plant Health
- Two articles in Wood Southern Africa and Timber Times highlight the work done by PSHB Research Network
- FABI seminars go virtual for Covid-19 social distancing measures
- Ten interns welcomed into the CTHB
- FABIans look forward to outstanding science and exciting developments at 2020 opening and welcome breakfast
- FABIans feature at the French-SA Science and Innovation Days
- Biosafety SA and FABI host Women in Biotech panel discussion
- FABIans thank and wish Prof. Lubuma well on his retirement
- FABI opens its doors for undergraduate students to "meet the scientists"
- CTHB welcomes 20 students into its Mentorship Programme
- Fungi for Future project launches at a 3rd primary schools
- CTHB awards certificates to 13 undergraduate mentees
- University Vice-chancellor participates in a fungal citizen science project
- Autumn graduation honours for 68 FABIans at the University of Pretoria's first virtual graduation ceremony
- FABIan wins 3rd place in the South African Science Lens photographic competition
- A celebration of women in Science at the first TPCP-CTHB publication party in 2020
- FABIans talk science and earn two spots in FAME Lab SA
- FABI's "gentle giant" passes his PhD
- Joey Hulbert becomes the first FABIan to complete his PhD in 2020
- Quentin Guignard wins CTHB-The Conversation writing competition
- Two FABIans awarded the Best Presentation at the Zoology AGM
- Fifteen FABI PhDs for the year as Andi Wilson completes her PhD
- FABI academics end year on a high
- FABI Bionformatics tool, the Ripper, selected for the PeerJ Feature Collection
- Congratulations to Mohammad on successfully defending his PhD
- FABIans attend the Mycosafe South workshop
- FABI participates in the first annual meeting of the HOMED project
- FABIans present at the Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference
- FABI postdoc attends IUFRO Phytophthora Conference in Sardinia
- Getting a PSHB research project done before the lockdown
- Moth pheromone trial in Underberg, KZN
- Collaborative effort reveals diversity and distribution on Eucalypt insect pests across 14 African countries
- Emergency tree planting at FABI
- Brazilian forestry researchers visit FABI
- FABI launches Applied Chemical Ecology Satellite Lab
- Data jamboree at FABI
- Building collaborations in Uganda
- Tree planting goes on despite wet conditions
- PSHB is spreading in the Western Cape
- FABI hosts the Forest Invasive Species Network for Africa
- Researchers from 27 countries meet to discuss biological control of forest insect pests 2019
- FABI contributes to CIB workshop
- Two eminent scientists present a special seminar at FABI
- Ambrosia beetle expert presents a special seminar at FABI
- Rhizobial collection trip with Polish collaborators
- FABI students return from Penn State exchange visit
- FABI chemical ecology trials planned for 2019 and 2020
- FABI home to the Mike Wingfield Library
- FABI postdoc presents a seminar on the dangers of unregulated plant movement throughout history
- FABI considers dying trees and fungal biodiversity in Namaqualand
- Fourteen FABIans capped at the 2019 Spring Graduation Ceremony
- Michel becomes the latest FABIan to fulfill requirements for a PhD
- FABIans celebrate Arista Fourie's prestige seminar - the eighth in 2019
- FABI celebrates first publications by students
- FABIans celebrate another PhD in the bag at Chrizelle Beukes's prestige seminar
- Seven FABI researchers honoured at the UP 2019 Academic Achievers' Awards ceremony
- Benedicta Swalarsk-Parry beats 40 competitors to win Inqaba Biotec's mini pipetting contest
- Prof Martin Coetzee attends the Mycological Society of America (USA) Meeting 2019
- MPI Fungal Symposium 2019
- Significant FABI presence at ESSA Congress
- Modelling workshop hosted at FABI
- Gearing up for a pest and pathogen arms race
- Prof Mike Wingfield shares insights on running a successful tree health programme
- The power of partnerships, basic research and new technologies highlighted at the 30th Annual Meeting of the TPCP
- The CTHB celebrates 15 years of tree health research
- FABI flag flies high at the XXV IUFRO World Congress 2019
- Fungi for Future School Outreach launched
- FABI donates bicycles to Nwa-Vangani Primary School
- CTHB Outreach Team participates in another National Science Week
- CTHB at FABI hosts delegation from the University of Venda
- FABI features prominently at AgriCareerConnect
- FABIans take part in various activities during UP's Anti-discrimination and Social Justice Week
- FABIans enter the Magic Kingdom at SPOOF 2019
- Prof Robin Crewe draws FABIans into the intricacies of bee colonies
- West African Science Leadership Programme launched
- FABI PhD student speaks about his prize-winning science communication video and tree health matters in interview with VOC FM
- An "engaging plant scientists" initiative
- Thirteen students join CTHB Undergraduate Mentorship Programme in 2019
- FABIans herald 2019 at the Institute's welcome breakfast and first Monday Morning Meeting
- Leaders in the TPCP outline strategy for the months ahead
- FABIans strengthening collaboration between France and South Africa
- Chinese student delegation visits FABI
- Global leader in Antarctic Science and Biodiversity visits FABI
- International Day of Forests celebrated at Future Africa and FABI
- New UP Vice-Chancellor visits FABI
- Quentin Santana becomes the third FABIan to earn the title "Dr" in 2019
- FABIans celebrate two prestige seminars in as many days
- TPCP field extension services boosted by the appointment of Dr Trudy Paap
- Teratosphaeria research represented at the 30th Fungal Genetics Conference
- FABIans attend the Fungal Genetics meeting
- FABI students do well at SA Botany Congress
- FABIans attend Orchids Conference
- FABI shines at SASPP meeting
- FABI shines at SASBI/SAGS conference
- Exciting initial results towards the management of the pine emperor moth
- Guide on biological control of insect pests in forests published
- Mites and malformations close to home
- PSHB fungus tested for pathogenicity on commercial forest trees
- The beetles, the hawkmoths and the bees: Observation of baobab nocturnal visitation by potential pollinators
- FABIans flexed their green fingers at 2019's first tree planting session
- Functional dioecy in the African baobab
- Sex differentiation in Baobabs
- A tree health engagement in Florida
- Fieldwork to understand the emerging Ceratocystis threat to Eucalyptus in South Africa
- PSHB projects launched in forests of the Southern Cape
- Scouting for Eucalyptus pests on the Cape Peninsula
- Mammoth inoculation trial of pine seedlings
- FABIan participates in the first NRF-NSF funded beetle fungus workshop in Florida
- FABI and CABI hosts first PSHB workshop in Africa
- CTHB team visits UniVen
- ABI Professor attends workshop of microbial systematics
- Expanding an understanding of South Africa's mycodiversity
- Prof Andre Drenth explores tree health issues in the Western Cape
- Shot hole borer invasion places FABI in spotlight
- Key drivers of the CTHB's Mentorship and Outreach Programmes in 2018 speak about their inspiration and experiences
- FABI research work features on Carte Blanche
- Prof Mike Wingfield appointed Advisor to the UP Executive
- Andi Wilson awarded FWIS Doctoral Fellowship
- First publications celebrated
- Runlei Chang rounds off a baker's dozen of prestige seminars at FABI in 2018
- Professor Fanus Venter appointed Deputy Director of FABI
- FABI rewards excellence and looks to the future at 2018 Year-end function
- FABI postdoctoral fellow appointed to Innovation Hub Board
- FABIan participates in FAO event on forest invasive species
- FABI flies high at the International Mycological Congress
- FABIan attends Commonwealth Science Advisors Meeting
- Opportunities for trailblazing research discussed on the second day of the 29th annual meeting of the TPCP
- ICPP brings "wicked smaht" people to Boston: A FABI student's perspective
- Collaborators, researchers and core team members of the CTHB celebrate the programme's successes at its 14th annual meeting
- FABIans make significant impact at the International 50th anniversary of ICPP
- Tree health specialists converge on the University of Pretoria for the 29th annual meeting of the TPCP
- Fourteen FABIans capped at UP Spring Graduation
- Five FABI researchers receive top honours at UP's 2018 Academic Achievers Awards ceremony
- FABIan makes it to the South African FameLab finals
- CTHB Outreach Team participates in Career Week 2018
- FABIans recognised by the Southern African Institute of Forestry
- FABI excellence shines through at UP's Autumn Graduations
- Osmond Mlonyeni becomes the first candidate at FABI to defend his PhD thesis publically
- Melissa Simpson presents the seventh prestige seminar at FABI in 2018
- FABI celebrates eighth PhD degree success
- Celebrating 20 years of NSTF Awards
- Two FABI researchers receive prestigious awards at the International Mycological Congress
- Ten out of ten for FABI as Gaby Carstensen successfully defends her PhD thesis
- The South African Women in Science Awards 2018 recognise the contribution of two FABIans
- Prof Brenda Wingfield awarded fellowship of the American Phytopathological Society
- FABIans receive prestigious awards at the International Mycological Congress
- FABIans take in spectacle of aloes in full bloom
- FABIans get a sneak peek of some of South Africa's brightest young scientists
- FABI initiative featured in Science magazine
- FABIans join the CTHB Outreach Team for Science Week at the Deutsche Internationale Schule in Pretoria
- CTHB Outreach Team returns to NSW 2018
- The CTHB celebrates flagship mentorship and outreach programmes at its annual lunch
- MRYE takes career guidance and motivation to learners in three provinces
- New GC-MS sysytem in FABI to boost chemical ecology
- FABIan attends an Insect Genetic Technologies Course in the USA
- FABIans participate in ICPP forest pathology fieldtrip
- FABIan on North American field trip to collect samples
- FABI and UP sign agreements with two major agricultural industry bodies
- The end of an era when reprints of scientific articles dominated research
- Visiting entomologist introduces FABIans to invasive exotic insect pests in the UK at a special seminar
- Eucalypt insect pest survey in Ghana and Sierra Leone
- Tree health experts inspect PSHB infestations in Johannesburg suburbs
- FABI team surveys Johannesburg gardens for PSHB infestation
- The impact of the Polyphagous Shothole Borer in SA explained in a public seminar at FABI
- Renowned French biologist casts spotlight on biodiversity at a special seminar in FABI
- The Conversation Editors visit FABI
- TPCP and the CTHB plan for the year ahead
- FABI starts 2018 on a high note
- FABI delegates attend SASM 2018
- Fabulous FABI 20th anniversary symposium
- FABIans attend Wild Orchid Conference
- FABI gears up for its 20th anniversary symposium
- Ambrosia beetle working group formed at FABI
- FABI postdoctoral fellow conducts International Plant Sentinel Network workshops
- Botryosphaeriaceae associated with Coniodictyum chevalieri on Ziziphus mucronata at Buzzard Mountain Farm
- Fungal species isolated from asymptomatic and symptomatic Berchemia discolor branches
- Hunting fungi in the Kruger National Park
- Sex continuum of baobabs
- Species overlap of the Botryosphaeriaceae on some tree species of the Anacardiaceae
- FABI's year of giving back
- The Science Superheroes of from Radford House Primary visit FABI
- Thirteen undergraduate students welcomed into the 2018 CTHB Mentorship Programme
- FABI celebrates first PhD for 2018
- Second PhD in one week
- Third PhD degree for 2018 completed in FABI
- Fourth FABI PhD success for 2018
- FABIans celebrate two prestige seminars in one week
- FABI celebrates two Associate Professor promotions
- FABI Director included in the Web of Science Most Highly Cited Researcher list
- FABIan through to FameLab South Africa finals
- FABIans celebrate another year of research excellence at 2017 year-end gala dinner and awards ceremony
- Prof Bernard Slippers appointed as the new Director of FABI
- Cape Citizen Science releases video about youth engagement in 2017
- A "sweet" tribute to three FABIans leaving the Institute
- Plant pathologists from UK and Singapore visit FABI
- Advanced Phylogenetics Workshop presented at FABI
- Assessing the security implications of genome editing technology
- FABI hosts Fungal Genome Annotation and Comparison Workshop
- FABIans attend an insect mass-rearing workshop
- Two FABIans attend the 7th International Barcode of Life Conference
- Insect pests of Eucalyptus in Rwanda
- Italian forest pathologist visits FABI
- Strong FABI delegation attends Southern African Society of Plant Pathology Congress
- 21 FABI students and postdocs take part in Speed Poster presentations at SASPP Congress
- FABI at the SASPP Congress: Day 2
- Two FABIans win major awards at SASPP
- TPCP/CTHB team members outline strategy for 2017
- FABIans gear up for 2017 at the first MMM and welcome breakfast
- The 28th annual TPCP symposium draws near
- Renovated Tooke memorial unveiled
- First FABI PhD awarded for 2017
- TPCP celebrates students' first publications
- FABIan receives Mathre Education Endowment award from the American Phytopathological Society
- FABI Director meets Minister of Forestry in Baden, Wurtthemberg, and sees ash dieback
- CTHB mentorship students welcomed to FABI
- FABI postdoctoral fellow hunting biocontrol agents Down Under
- FABI scores a second publication century in 2016
- FABIans attend international Phytophthora meeting
- FABIans celebrate the third prestige seminar of the year
- Four students bag cash prizes for original poster designs
- French collaborator visits FABI
- Growing collaborations between FABI and Japanese Forest and Forest Products Research Institute
- Isolation and culturing of the smut fungus Coniodictyum chevalieri
- Population genetic studies in Protea associated Sporothrix species
- Macadamia protection programme launched at FABI
- Prof Mary Barbercheck presents a special seminar at FABI
- The only one: One African baobab species
- World leading mycologist from Patagonia visits FABI
- Rhizobium researchers visit FABI
- Tuks showcases international tree health research at the annual TPCP symposium
- FABI researcher elected as a fellow of the Next Einstein Forum
- FABI fungal genome first with a MinION
- An eggcellent Easter tea party to beat all others
- FABI puts UP on the mycological world map
- FABI flag flies high at SASSB Congress
- Andrea Wilson bags another award and makes FABI proud
- FABI hosts expert on insect genomes
- FABI director receives leadership award
- FABI students poster poster commended at SAASTA Young Science Communicators competition
- Jolanda Roux receives Havenga Prize
- FABIans attend the 2017 combined congress of the Entomological and Zoological Societies of Southern Africa
- FABIans break a record at 2017 TPCP/CTHB tree planting
- FABIans elected to provincial branch of the SAIF
- Mike Wingfield conferred the China Friendship Award
- Autumn graduation honours for FABI
- Centres of Excellence Directors Forum and Community Outreach
- CTHB Outreach Team participates in Career Guidance Week in Mpumalanga
- Lots of wild and outrageous science at SPOOF 2017
- More accolades for FABI researchers at UP 2017 Academic Achievers Awards
- Professor Mike Wingfield receives the Chinese government Friendship Award
- Research on indigenous tree health highlighted at 2017 annual meeting of the CTHB
- Sarawak Forestry group visits FABI
- The CTHB Outreach Team brings science fever to Mpumalanga
- The Department of Plant and Soil Sciences hosts Grade 11 learners from Woodhill College
- Undergraduate students visit FABI Biocontrol Centre
- FABI celebrates James Mehl's prestige seminar
- FABI has a presence at National Science Week in Khayelitsha
- FABI PhD student flies the UP and South African flags high
- FABI volleyball team face rivals at UP Spring Day tournament
- FABIan attends 2017 SAMAC research symposium
- FABIan engages youth from Philippi in research at Cape Point
- FABIan participates in nomenclature section of the International Botanical Congress
- FABIans attend International Symposium on Biological Control
- FABIans contribute to the sustainability of a diverse forestry sector at the 7th Forestry Science Symposium
- FABIans host farewell braai for Drs Stuart Fraser and Birhan Abate
- FABIans shine in CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2017
- FABIans welcome spring in a kaleidoscope of colour
- FABI publishes a record number of papers in 2015!
- FABIans attend joint SAAB and SASSB conference
- TPCP/CTHB team at FABI strategises for 2016
- FABIans help to clean up the campus
- FABIans inspired at first Monday Morning Meeting of 2016
- FABI embarks on a water collection drive in response to drought
- FABI supports Operation Hydrate
- FABI Professor appointed as the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) South African Ambassador
- Sixth annual ACGT Proteomics Workshop
- First fungal genomes from the fynbos
- The role of provisioning services in households’ response to vulnerability in the dry forests and woodlands of southern Africa with a focus on climate variability and change
- Variability amongst ‘Candidatus Liberibacter Africanus’ populations of citrus in South Africa
- Woody vegetation dynamics in African savanna communal lands
- CTHB Mentorship Programme kicks off for eleventh year
- Future plant doctors represent CTHB in UP with Science Winter Week
- Africa Science Leadership Programme: Second Round of Success
- Canadian Professor presents special seminar at FABI
- Colombian ambassador attends FABI prestige seminar
- Connecting the dots at FABI
- Dr Peter Thrall delivers special seminar
- Ceratocystis genome jamboree
- FABI excellence celebrated at UP’s Academic Achievers’ Awards function
- FABI shines at autumn graduation
- Prof Mike Wingfield receives prestigious award for leadership by a US university
- Six FABIans graduate
- FABI celebrates fourth prestige seminar of 2016
- Dr ShuaiFei Chen awarded funding by the Chinese National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars
- Professor Brenda Wingfield receives the Harry Oppenheimer Memorial Fellowship Award
- FABI celebrates sixth PhD in 2016
- TPCP Publication Celebration
- The 27th annual TPCP-CTHB Symposium draws near!
- 2016 International Fusarium Laboratory Workshop to be hosted by FABI
- FABI Professor joins International Network for Government Science Advice Workshop
- Building capacity in Africa: FABI hosts a workshop on the Biological Control of Eucalyptus insect pests
- Riding the Storm: Insights on Global Tree Health Issues the Focus of the 27th Annual TPCP Symposium
- TPCP CTHB annual meeting kicks off with symposium on indigenous tree health
- FABI researchers elected to the executive of the South African Genetics Society
- A major new global research initiative
- Centres of Excellences directors meet in Durban
- FABI Professor presents at IBWS
- FABIans attend International Entomological Congress in Orlando, USA
- Robert Bosch Stiftung funds the attendance of two FABIans at ESOF16
- FABIans urged to bring cheer and warmth this winter by contributing to the FABI Blanket Drive
- CTHB Mentorship Programme kicks off for eleventh year
- Future plant doctors represent CTHB in UP with Science Winter Week
- FABIans judge at the 2016 Northern Gauteng Senior Science Fair
- Science trumps magic at 2016 National Science Week!
- The CTHB Tree Disease Treasure Hunt
- FABIans blanket contributions to homeless people in Tshwane
- Real scientists in FABI start young
- FABIans provide guidance to learners at Junior Tukkie/PMA Agri-Food Career Fair
- Grade 12 learners job shadows at FABI
- SAPPI delegation visits FABI
- FABIans gear up for the annual FABI Blanket Drive
- MRYE members travel to four provinces to motivate learners at rural schools
- Species of Botryosphaeriaceae associated with Sclerocarya birrea trees in Tshikundamalema
- A special issue on biological invasions of insects includes seven FABI papers
- Fusarium laboratoty workshop hosted by FABI
- Argentinian tree growers visit FABI
- Mycology workshop in FABI a great success
- New bacterium discovered by FABI research team named after Kirstenbosch
- Exploring the Northern Woods
- Mycologists know how to have fun
- Bioinformatician from Denmark presents three-day workshop at FABI
- FABI hosts phylogenetics workshop
- FABI lecturer’s dedication to his students’ education makes the news
- FABI Professor chairs committee to make up lecture halls Wi-fi zones
- FABI restores biocontrol monument
- FABI students join ScienceisGlobal Twitter campaign
- FABIan joins NRF-DST delegation to Oman
- Linking ground-based monitoring and remote sensing techniques to assess local- and regional-scale phenology across southern Africa’s broad-leaved savannas
- Humans and elephants alter vegetation structure in savanna woodlands
- FABIans celebrate warmer and brighter days to come
- FABIans help to clean up the campus
- FABIans inspired at first Monday Morning Meeting of 2016
- FABIans visit the Biocontrol Facility
- FISNA meeting hosted by FABI
- Fusarium experts from Pennsylvania State University presents a special seminar
- Fusarium workshop drums up a storm
- NFC delegation visits FABI
- Prof Everett Hansen visits FABI
- Prof. Slippers leads postgraduate research seminar for students and supervisors
- Renowned plant pathologist presents a special visual seminar at FABI
- Science Olympiads battle it out at FAME Club seminar
- Superheroes and murderous plants come to life at SPOOF 2016
- The 2016 Social Club hosts its first FABI monthly tea
- The sod turned for Future Africa
- TPCP/CTHB team at FABI strategises for 2016
- USA and CTHB researchers visit scientists and students at the University of Venda
- Visiting collaborators host special seminars on Chinese tree health
- Visiting US student sparks debate on GMO research
- Attending an international congress: Perspectives from a FABI Postdoc
- FABIans celebrate PhD degree with Mesfin Gossa and his family
- Curator of the New York Botanical Garden visits FABI
- UK forest pathologists attend FABI workshop
- FABI researcher participates in National Geographic Wild Bird Trust project in Angola
- Sirex research in South Africa and Japan in the spotlight at a FABI mini-symposium
- FABI presents Advanced Phylogenetics Workshop
- FABI celebrates excellence at 2016 year-end function
- Students in the CTHB take part in the annual CTHB Roadshow
- Mycological musing at Melbourne Botanical Garden
- Exploring fungal biodiversity in eastern Australia
- FABIans plant thousands of eucalyptus cuttings
- FABI celebrates 18th anniversary at the annual year-end gala dinner and awards ceremony
- FABIans visit Shizuoka University, Japan
- Canadian fungal molecular biologist presents special seminar at FABI
- Construction of a new semi-quarantine tunnel starts at the FABI Biocontrol Centre
- Plant pathologist from Washington State University presents a special seminar at FABI
- FABIans ‘floored’ at the first FAME Club seminars
- Memorandum of Understanding established between FABI and CERC
- Macadamia growers visit FABI
- CTHB marks a decade of mentorship programmes
- Canadian Forest Service scientists helps grow capacity in chemical ecology at FABI
- FABI tree health team visits colleagues at the China Eucalyptus Research Centre (CERC)
- FABI collaborates with researchers of Natural Resources Canada
- Two more biocontrol agents arrive at the FABI Biocontrol Centre
- Six Fabians participate in the 20th Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference
- FABIan attends EMBO Conference in Spain
- FABI delegation attends International Tree Invasion Workshop
- 22nd Advanced Phylogenetics Workshop in FABI
- Plant science experts gather at UP for 2nd Annual Dupont Plant Breeding Symposium Africa
- FABIans sizzle at Scibraai Data Quest
- Two prestige seminar celebrations at FABI
- FABI celebrates ninth PhD degree pass for 2015
- TPCP researchers release biocontrol agent for the red gum lerp psyllid
- FABI participates in the South African Emergency Plant Pest Response Plan
- FABIans attend 48th Congress of the Brazilian Phytopathology Society
- FABI academics hit the airwaves
- FABIans participate in the National Science Week
- IUFRO President joins forestry students for the 2015 IFSA International Symposium in Manila
- FABI Postdoc attends Botany 2015 meeting in USA
- SAIF acknowledges members contributions to forestry at AGM in FABI
- FABI joins 110th anniversary of the SA National Collection of Fungi
- Celebrating the outrageous at SPOOF 2015
- FABIans make an impact at ICFR symposium
- FABI student attends the Linday Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany
- Grade 9 learners doing work shadowing at FABI
- UP with Science participants in the CTHB present a research project
- FABIans attend the 16th Annual Fusarium Laboratory Workshop in Kansas
- FABI welcomes DTI delegation
- Three FABIans attend the FEMS Microbiology congress in the Netherlands
- FABI contributes 278 blankets to TuksFM Woolly Winter campaign
- International guests of the TPCP visit local forestry companies and research institutions
- Annual Symposia of the DST/NRF CTHB and the TPCP
- FABI director attends UNFF11 in New York
- Nine FABIans graduate at Spring Graduation Ceremony
- Charting the mycology path towards IMC Puerto Rico 2018
- IUFRO President Opens IFSA Workshop
- FABI Presents a World Café Session on Forest Health at the World Forestry Congress in Durban
- Youth Features Prominently at the WFC2015
- MRYE Article
- Determining the possible evolutionary pathway of Candidatus liberibacter africanus
- Promoting camel thorn growth and health
- Dispersal patterns of Protea
- When Science jumps out of textbook pages
- How does phosphate nutrition affect metabolism?
- FABIan awarded one of four SARChI chairs to be hosted at UP
- Ophiostoma splendens and Honeymoon
- Phylogenetic workshops facilitated by FABI team members at the University of Venda
- Dakalo spends time in the USA
- CTHB students visit ICIPE
- A visit to the ARC
- IUFRO assembles African forestry research leaders at WFC2015
- FABI student conducts outreach at Arbor Week Expo
- FABIans present research at Workshop on Genetics of Tree Parasite Interactions in France
- Invasion Biologist Visits FABI
- Nature publishing group visits UP to explore exciting opportunities for promoting science in Africa
- UP with Science introduces school children to hidden world of plant disease
- A global strategy needed for forest health and biosecurity
- FABIans act as judges at Northern Gauteng Senior Expo for Young Scientists
- MRYE Managerial Report 2015
- CTHB/TPCP staff and students continue to shine
- Prof Brenda Wingfield receives the Christiaan Hendrik Persoon medal
- FABI student wins the 2015 Grace Waterhouse Fellowship for research in the UK
- FABI fun at the TPCP/CTHB Team Building Event
- 10th Anniversary of the Centre of Excellence Programme
- CTHB celebrates 10 years of mentorship at FABI
- CTHB director and deputy director visit Stellenbosch team members
- Meet and greet kicks off 2015 mentorship program
- A focus on insect invasions
- Encouraging results in FABI TPCP Biocontrol Programme
- Fanfare in the Fynbos V&F
- Two Centres of Excellence join forces in research on La Reunion Island
- Graft transmission and symptomology of liberibacters from selected indigenous south african members of the Rutaceae
- Plant - mite mutualism in Coffea arabica: a comparison of mite diversity between coffee plantation and natural forest
- Of bugs, briers and bad hairdays: an overview of the indigenous tree health project in Venda
- Survey of insect pests and their natural enemies on some indigenous trees in Tshikundamalema, Limpopo Province
- Protea-associated Ophiostomatoid fungi in focus
- SASBi-SAGS 2014 at Kwalata Ranch
- The 14th International Congress of Acarology – Japan
- The 2nd International Conference on Advances in Plant Science (ICAPS)
- XIVth International Congress of Mycology and Eukaryotic Microbiology
- First phylogenomics workshop at FABI
- A busy year for the CMW culture collection
- AIDS research leaders visit FABI
- Back to school with FABI
- FABIans make an impact at the SASPP congress
- FABIans present talks at ICFR Field Day
- FABI launches partnership with CBS
- International research team on termite ecology and evolution visits FABI
- Population genetics guest lecture
- Recent Sirex collaborations
- Congratulations to FABIans for amazing achievements in the 2nd semester of 2014
- FABI represented nobly at the 24th IUFRO World Congress
- 13th International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria
- FABIans at the 10th Internatonal Mycological Congress
- FABI at the New Age Business Briefing with the Minister of Science and Technology
- FABI leaders achieve a double A at the 2014 NRF Awards Ceremony
- Prof Brenda Wingfield wins NSTF Award
- FABI leaders shine at the UP Academic Achievers Awards
- Unusual adaptations for P nutrition
- Investigating soil microbial interactions of Portulacaria afra
- Malformations, malformations ... everywhere
- Grade 11 UP with Science programme 2014
- Grade 10 UP with Science day 2014
- My MRYE experiences
- National Science Week 2014
- Strengthening collaborations with UniVen
- FABI teamwork: Almost 1500 genes annotated in 5 hours
- FABI SPOOF 2014: The Circus Carnival
- Bark and ambrosia beetle academy May 2014
- Congratulations to CTHB/TPCP Students and Staff for achievements and awards during the first half of 2014
- 'Candidatus Liberibacter africanus' relatives amongst native Rutaceous hosts of Trioza erytreae in South Africa
- FABI and CTHB going the extra mile for science education: ACCESS HPW schools workshop
- Cross infection of latent pathogens among four native South African tree species
- Exchanged hitchhikers: The introduction of red turpentine beetles to China led to a major change in their fungal associates
- A FABIan's experience at Science Slam
- How does bark stripping for medicinal use impact on native trees?
- Infidelity revealed in insect-fungal mutualism after invasion
- Phytophthora diversity and hybrids from the Crocodile River in Gauteng
- An overview of the Botryosphaeriaceae
- Regulation of Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) metabolism via Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase (PEPC) in P-deficient nodules of Virgilia divaricata
- South African rhizobia are unique and so are the origin of their abilities
- Seed beetles in Acacia pods
- Sex determinants in Leptographium procerum and Leptographium profanum
- Prof Jolanda Roux receives IUFRO Scientific Award
- Prof Brenda Wingfield received A-rating from NRF
- Student conference in Conservation Science, theme: Biodiversity in Africa - Present State, Challenges and Prospects on its Conservation
- Congratulations to FABI students and staff for achievements and awards during the second half of 2013
- What benefits do early-leafing trees gain over facultative-leafers in an African savanna?
- Provisioning services in the Mopane Woodlands of Northern Venda
- Exchanges between a native and an invasive legume in the Cape Floristic Region
- FABI SPOOF 2013: "Friday the 13th"
- FABI welcomes other visitors during 2013
- FABIans attend a major forestry conference in Costa Rica
- Insights and knowledge gained from the International Symposium on the Biology and Ecology of Gall Inducing Arthropods and Related Endophytes
- 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology
- Ribosomal RNA Unit Evolution
- Farewell to Lydia Twala
- Tools to investigate an extraordinary Protea-Fungus-Mite Relationship
- Changes in MRYE and bid for additional sponsorship
- SCI(ENCE) – Kick Power of FABI @ National Science Week
- Taxi! Hitch a ride to Protea Valley?
- The CTHB Mentorship Programme
- Toyota Enviro Outreach
- Mighty bacteria in a Civilised World - UP with Science
- Visit of Prof Mario Rajchenberg to FABI
- XVII Congress of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa
- FABI Director elected as next IUFRO President
- Nutrient Dynamics: Linking herbivory and plant functional traits
- Preserving tree health-CFA newsletter
- Two UP professors elected to International Society for Plant Pathology
- Prof Wingfield elected to ASSAF council
- International Conference on Advances in Plant Sciences
- The 48th Conference of the South African Society for Plant Pathology
- Botryosphaeriaceae associated with Acacia karroo in South Africa
- Team building 2013
- Congratulations to students and staff in 2012 and 2013
- Diseased Euphorbia trees in South Africa harbours unexplored fungal and insect biodiversity
- Diversity in Eucalyptus susceptibility to the gall-forming wasp Leptocybe invasa
- DST/NRF Centres of Excellence Director's forum 2012
- Forest and Ornamental Plant and Phytosanitary Working Group
- Southern African Society for Systematic Biology 10th meeting
- The 38th Annual Conference of the South African Association of Botanists
- Ophiostomatoid fungi and their insect vectors on Eucalypt trees in Australia and South Africa
- Resolving species in the Grosmannia serpens complex
- UP shines at 48th SASPP congress
- The 6th International Legume Conference
- ASSAf announces prestigious award to Young Scientist
- COP17: SAIF Newsletter
- FABI student meets US first lady
- Honorary doctorate for forestry expert
- IUFRO division 7 joint meeting of forest pathology and entomology research groups
- Sustainable utilization of Baobab in Venda
- Tukkies tree health expert rewarded for life's work
- UP researcher meets queen of England
- 2011 Centre of Excellence day at FABI
- Analysis of indigenous members of the citrus-family (Rutacea) for bacteria of the "Candidatus liberibacter" genus
- Another accolade for the TPCP, the CTHB and the SA forestry industry
- Career orientation program at FABI
- Community project initiative at FABI 2009-2011
- Congratulations to CTHB/TPCP students and staff in 2011
- CTHB member plays a leading role in the Global Young Academy and the South African Young Academy of Science (SAYAS)
- CTHB mentorship programme 2011
- Discovery of three new fungal species from dying Baobab trees in South Africa and Madagascar
- FABI at the 2011 National Science Week
- FABI work in native pine forests in Guatemala
- Fun with fungi and fun with kids
- Large scale DIE-OFF of an iconic South African tree - Euphorbia ingens
- MRYE's bid to be recognized as an official community engagement project of the University of Pretoria
- Natural forests and woodlands symposium
- Notorious tree-killing fungus unravelled
- Pest hunting in Zululand
- Phylogenetic workshops 2010-2011
- Pythium-related mortality recorded in an emblematic fynbos biome genus
- Research visit to Poland
- Strong presence of TPCP / CTHB students and staff at National Entomology Congress
- Team building 2011
- The effect of frost/freeze events on Mopane trees
- The opening of a world-class biocontrol centre for forest pests at FABI
- TPCP/CTHB diagnostic clinic 2010
- Understanding pest and pathogen threats to pine under expanding global cultivation
- UP scientists unravel hidden plant pathogenic fungi
- Wood-borers on Acacia: a community perspective
- 2nd International "Erwinia" workshop
- Building tree protection linkages with Mozambique: Report on a survey undertaken from 3-17 July 2010
- Changes to the MRYE programme in 2010 and successes for MRYE leaders and the team
- FABI and CTHB spread science fever at National Science Week
- Fun at Fusarium circinatum genome annotation jamboree
- Ganoderma in South Africa
- Gene to 'ome: scientific excellence at the Genetics congress
- Honours for FABIANS
- IUFRO 2010
- SPOOF 2010
- Successful FABI graduates
- The 9th International Mycological Congres (IMC 9)
- Uniting research labs across FABI
- 10th Anniversary conference of the Southern African Society for Biosystematic Biology
- A gathering of graduandi
- A review of the DST/NRF centre of excellence in tree health biotechnology (CTHB)
- Annual meeting of the Mycological Society of America
- Climate change and mutualism
- Death among an unrecognized South African jewel, Euphorbia ingens
- Decline and death of iconic Northern Cape camel thorn trees investigated
- FABI exhibits at the South African Research Chairs initiative (SARCHi) awards ceremony
- Faculty's "Wingfields" soar yet again
- Feature article: Diversity and evolution of Fusarium species in the Gibberella fujikoroi complex
- Global climate dialogue
- International union of forestry research organisations (IUFRO) management meets in South Africa
- Oorsaak gesoek van kameeldoring vrektes
- Phoma sorghina, onyalai and indigenous trees: where is the link?
- SASSP Congress 2009
- St Albans visits FABI
- Summary of Professor Majozi's lecture: Research is what I am doing when I don't know what I am doing
- Team building day 2009
- The SPAR women's challenge
- Tragedy strikes the MRYE team
- UP with Science outreach successful
- 2008 Team building day
- Achievements and milestones
- Conferences attended by CTHB/TPCP students and staff between October 2007 and January 2008
- CTHB/TPCP diagnostic clinic 2007
- FABI celebrates ten years of excellence
- FABI features at the 2007/8 NSTF awards ceremony
- FABIans attend ICPP in Torino, Italy, August 2008
- FABIans receive awards
- Forest entomology in South Africa showcased at FABI
- Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)'s 10th anniversary celebrations
- Mpepu Rural Youth Encouragement (MRYE) outreach initiative
- My nine-year stay at FABI
- Phylogenetics methods made easier: Phylogenetic workshops under CTHB
- South African genetics society 2008 congress
- SPOOF 20080's
- The DST/NRF Centre of Excellence in Tree Health Biotechnology (CTHB) attracts two MSc students to work at the University of Pretoria
- The Royal Society visits FABI at the University of Pretoria
- University of Pretoria presents chancellor's medal award
- UP with science group at FABI win "Gold"
- Visit of a French exchange student to FABI
- We welcome Honours students to FABI
- A taste of Hungary
- Back to our Pangean origins: An investigation of baobab diseases in Madagascar
- Baobab health survey in Botswana and Namibia
- Chasing Sirex in the Czech Republic
- DST/NRF Centre of Excellence in Tree Health Biotechnology (CTHB) mentorship programme
- Dying clove trees infected by a novel fungus
- FABIans attend the 15th International Conference on Nitrogen fixation
- Field research and extension at FABI in 2006
- Figuring life's jigsaw puzzle
- Flavours from indigenous fungi
- Fungal species on baobabs in Western Australia
- Fungi and CHIPS
- Fusarium laboratory workshop
- Keeping Jacaranda trees healthy
- Lunch with the NRF and the MRYE students
- Meeting of the board of the DST/NRF centre of excellence in Tree Health Biotechnology (CTHB) in 2007
- Michorrhiza mycology email list server - A contribution to tree health biotechnology in South Africa
- Mitochondrial genomes of selected Fusarium species
- Mpepu Rural Youth Encouragement (MRYE) outreach initiative 2006 - 2007
- Ophiostoma quercus in South Africa
- Participation in the 75th meeting of the Mycological Society of America
- SASOL SciFest 2007
- Services of CTHB and TPCP
- TPCP and CTHB women win awards
- Treehealthnet
- Using DNA sequence data to characterise fungal pathogens of trees
- Visit of a Chinese delegation to FABI
- Visit of Pedro Crous
- What do Koalas and fungi have in common in Pretoria?
- Annual TPCP/CTHB research meeting in 2006
- Congratulations
- CTHB/TPCP team building day
- Diagnostic clinic 2006
- Exciting projects in the field of diseases of native trees
- Expanding frontiers on one of the world's largest sand islands
- FABI social club activities
- FABI wins THRIP excellence award
- Fungi @ FABI
- Fusarium species associated with waterberry (Syzygium cordatum) floral malformation
- Important visitor to FABI
- Indian delegation visits FABI
- Launch of the National Science Week 2006
- Mentorship programme 2006
- Mpepu Rural Youth Encouragement (MRYE) outreach initiative
- Norway-South Africa research project
- Phylogenetic workshops in 2006
- "SPOOF" 2006
- The 8th International Mycological Congress (IMC8)
- The CTHB offers opportunities for students to do their experiential training
- Welcome to the TPCP/CTHB